The battle is about to begin!

Son Gohan is itching to fight, and Xiangpa wants to teach Son Gohan a lesson


A strong purple wave of air rose up.

Xiangpa had fought with Son Gohan before, so he didn't dare to be careless. He instantly activated the destructive energy and entered the battle mode.

Looking at Xiangpa with purple waves around him, Son Gohan also grinned.

The aura on his body also changed dramatically.

The beast form superimposed the self-extreme realm!!!


Two rising waves of air caused the surrounding space to continuously distort.

""Hahaha, come on, let me see how much progress you have made."

Xiangpa laughed.

The last time he fought with Son Gohan, he did not use destructive energy.

But he will not hold back now.

Because he also knows that the Son Gohan in front of him is no longer the same, and has become much stronger.

He is no longer qualified to show mercy.

"Lord Champa, please teach me." Son Gohan also laughed.


The two rushed towards each other at high speed.

Two purple-black lights collided violently.


A loud noise came.

Both of them were shaken away by the force and flew out.

The power of the God of Destruction is extraordinary. Under the energy explosion, the destruction is amazing. In just the first round, the space was annihilated.

Son Gohan and Champa were punched by each other at the same time, and their blood surged.

""Hmph!" Xiangpa snorted coldly, and a strong breath pressed on Son Gohan.

Son Gohan felt the space around him shrinking. His breathing became rapid.

The blood in his veins was rushing, his heartbeat was pounding, and a hint of red appeared on the surface of his skin.

The momentum was oppressive!

But this could not bother Son Gohan now.

"With a loud"Ha", Son Gohan suddenly stretched out his hands, and the huge pressure was instantly torn apart.

""Bang, bang!"

Xiangpa's chest made a muffled sound, and his body retreated repeatedly.

This was the backlash of his momentum.

""Damn it!" The furious Xiangpa urged his strength, raised his breath to the peak, and punched Son Gohan.

The fist with purple flames broke through the space and instantly hit Son Gohan.

But Son Gohan put his hands on his forehead, and an invisible energy barrier opened.

Xiangpa's fist rumbled on the energy barrier, but it was unable to break Son Gohan's defense for a while.

Instead, the recoil force made his fist numb and sore.


Xiangpa decided to use his trump card.

He pressed one hand against the energy barrier and spat out two words coldly.

As he exhaled, the energy barrier began to melt and disappear quickly.

Seeing this, Son Gohan shouted, and his breath suddenly burst out, and his whole body was covered with silver and purple aura.

He decided to turn defense into offense.


Instant movement unfolded in an instant.

Son Gohan suddenly appeared in front of Xiangpa.

Xiangpa's eyes widened and he hadn't reacted yet.

Son Gohan's powerful fist had already hit his lower abdomen.

The surging air wave broke out from Xiangpa's back, rolling up a terrible energy storm.


Feeling a cramp in his lower abdomen, Xiangpa's whole body was paralyzed, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood foam.

"Ahhh~" Xiangpa let out a long roar, clenched his fists, and forced out the energy in his body that did not belong to him.

Then he soared into the sky, looking down at Son Gohan, with flames of anger dancing in his eyes.

Son Gohan looked up at him and smiled,"Don't be careless, Lord Xiangpa!"

"Bastard!"The furious Xiangpa raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, cursed, and waved his hands repeatedly, shooting energy balls at Son Gohan.

Son Gohan's figure flashed quickly, shuttled through the energy balls, and approached Xiangpa again.

Xiangpa was secretly surprised.

The current Son Gohan gave him a heavy pressure, and he felt like he was facing Beerus.

This was simply unbelievable.

Isn't this kid growing too fast?

Seeing Son Gohan approaching, Xiangpa punched out


The two fists collided.

The terrifying energy spread in all directions with them as the center.

Planets were quickly annihilated in the energy storm.

Boom, boom, boom!

The two collided in the universe.

Many planets exploded, and the pressure was given to Fuwa.

A moment later, Xiangpa stood in the void with his hands on his hips, panting.

But on the other hand, Son Gohan's momentum was at its peak, and his physical strength was not lost at all.

This made Xiangpa speechless.

He could see it.

Son Gohan's strength has surpassed him now.

Although he is only an intern God of Destruction, his strength has already ranked among the ranks of true Gods of Destruction.

Xiangpa asked himself that his strength is not at the top among the Gods of Destruction, but he is definitely not at the bottom.

Today's Son Gohan has surpassed his strength.

It's really outrageous.

Bardos, who had been watching the battle, raised his hand and waved the scepter.

A green recovery halo enveloped Xiangpa.

Xiangpa quickly recovered as before.

Son Gohan smiled and asked:"Lord Xiangpa, do you want to continue?"

Xiangpa glanced at him and said unhappily:"Continue bullshit"

"Oh, oh, Lord Xiangpa is so rude."Bados covered his mouth and laughed.

"Ah, I am too embarrassed to see anyone. I can't even beat Son Gohan." Champa couldn't help but hold his forehead.

He didn't take Bardos' words to heart at all.

Instead, he was bothered by his loss to Son Gohan.

After all, he was the real God of Destruction and he had to save some face.

Bardos' eyes rolled and said,"Lord Champa, so you can't continue to be lazy. Cheer up and work out. Look at how fat you are."

Although Champa kept talking about working out after the battle with the God of Destruction, he didn't actually put it into practice.

He still ate when he should and slept when he should, and forgot about it after three minutes of enthusiasm.

So taking this opportunity, Bardos wanted to give him a lesson.

"Well, training is really annoying." Champa was dejected.

Bardos continued,"But Lord Champa, if you don't train and continue to be lazy, you won't be able to defeat Mr. Gohan today, and after a while you won't be able to defeat Broly, and there are Jiren, Son Goku and others behind you.……"

"Maybe tens of thousands of years later, even Hitt will surpass you. Then, will you still have the dignity to live?"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow~" Xiangpa said weakly, his hands hanging on both sides of his body.

Although his physical strength was restored by the recovery aura.

But the mental fatigue still exists.

Son Gohan patted Xiangpa on the shoulder and said:"Lord Xiangpa, I don't want your treasures anymore. Starting tomorrow, after work, I will practice with you."

Xiangpa silently glanced at Son Gohan and said:"Hey, I'll give you the treasures~"

"Yeah, it’s a deal then. Haha……"Son Gohan was happy. What about the surprise?

Bardos said quietly,"I think Mr. Gohan's suggestion is very good. Starting tomorrow, Mr. Xiangpa will practice with Mr. Gohan.""

"Ah? Let’s not do it~" Xiangpa wailed.

"It's decided. Now let's go to Earth to eat."Bados said

"This is good, this is good."Hearing that he was going to eat, Xiangpa, who was feeling exhausted, finally perked up.


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