The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Ah, I know, but that cow was so tempting."

36E Succubus was still sighing.

Me? Cow?

Son Gohan stood up on the roof.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a space channel on this planet, he would have destroyed the entire planet.

Keeping such a demon planet would really bring disaster to the world.

What? This is the Dark Demon Realm? That's fine.

Please increase your efforts to cause trouble.

Just don't mess with me.

He stretched his muscles and prepared to leave.

But by chance, he was discovered by a succubus.

Suddenly, the whole succubus nest became lively.

"Hehe, so it's there. You are so disobedient, come down quickly, let your sister love you well~"

"Come down, or I'll spank you."

"It's so high, how did you climb up? You have great physical strength."

"Come down, come down, there are several big sisters waiting to play games with you."

The succubi were so excited that they drooled and chattered non-stop.

What made Son Gohan speechless was that the cows in the cages looked at him with jealous eyes.

Son Gohan grinned.

"Okay, okay, I'll come down and play with you."

He said and jumped off the roof.

The succubi were horrified when they saw him jumping from such a high place.

What if the cows were injured?

But what they never expected was that Son Gohan actually landed steadily, without any injury.

This made the succubi even more excited.

Such a strong, strong, tall and handsome cow.


The milk produced must be of high quality.

The breathing of the succubi also became rapid.

Their eyes turned into pink hearts, and they rushed towards Son Gohan one after another.

Hungry tigers pounce on food!

Some succubus even mosaiced while running?


A muffled sound came.

The head of the fastest succubus was thrown high.

The headless body, the hot blood sprayed out like a fountain.


Many succubi were drenched and screamed in fear.

They didn't even think that the cow would resist.

So much so that they didn't react for a while.

"You, how dare you?" One of the 36E succubus sisters said in shock and anger.

She wiped the blood on her face and took several steps back.

"Tsk, why wouldn't I dare?"

Son Gohan sneered and waved again.

Her head was also blown open.

Suddenly, the smell of blood filled the small space.

"Don't even think about escaping." Son Gohan said, and glared again, and a large group of succubus exploded and turned into blood mist.

One by one, the succubus sisters fled everywhere.

In this way, Son Gohan looked more like a demon.

The restlessness here attracted the attention of other places.

A succubus ran out of the nursery.

She bumped into the succubus who was running away.

"What's going on? What are you running for?" She stopped the succubus who was running away and asked.

"Run, run, there is a crazy cow chasing us."

The succubus who ran out of the nursery was confused: ? ? ?

Cows? Hunting down succubi?

What kind of outrageous statement is this?

But before she could come to her senses, a beam of energy broke through the air and pierced her body, killing her.

The dense energy beams continued to pour down, harvesting the lives of succubi one by one.

In just a few breaths, all the succubi on the planet fell in a pool of blood.

On this day, blood flowed like a river.

Son Gohan tore the iron net that locked the cows.

Looking at the skinny male demons, he said, "Okay, you can leave here, and there will be no more succubi to exploit you."

But what Son Gohan didn't expect was that the cows roared at him.

"What are you doing? Who told you to meddle in other people's business?"

"We are living well here."

"You damn beast, bastard!"

"Woo woo~ Sister, the sisters are all dead~"

Some cows cried bitterly.

Son Gohan was so angry that he laughed.

Some slavery is ingrained in their bones and cannot be changed.

Then we have to respect their fate.

"Then you can die with them."

Son Gohan smiled

With a wave of his hand, all the cows turned into mist and blew away in the wind.

The corpses of the succubus turned into light particles.

In just a moment, the planet where the succubus nested became a backward demon planet without intelligent creatures.

Son Gohan didn't even look at it again, and teleported away from the planet.

After traveling to several planets, two days had passed.

(Note: I don't know how to calculate the time in the Dark Demon Realm. Son Gohan's timekeeping mainly relies on the super-strong standby mobile phone brought from the earth.)

On this day, Son Gohan came to a demon planet with a weird atmosphere.

It's weird because there are a large number of demons on this planet, but they are all sleeping.

All the demons on the entire planet are sleeping, which is obviously very abnormal.

As soon as he stepped on this demon planet, Son Gohan became a little drowsy.

He shook his head, took out a bottle of water from the space and washed his face, and then he regained consciousness.

"Damn it, it can actually affect my mental state? What kind of hell is this place?"

Son Gohan immediately grabbed a sleeping demon and poured a bottle of water on his face.

But this guy just didn't wake up.

Son Gohan slapped him several times before finally waking him up.

The awakened demon opened his eyes in a daze and looked at Son Gohan with great dissatisfaction.

He muttered, "What are you doing? I'm eating, and you woke me up? I'm starving."

Eating in sleep?

Son Gohan slapped him several more times and said, "Are you awake now? Tell me, what's going on? Eating in a dream?"

"Oh, don't hit me now that I'm awake. I'll tell you, isn't it okay?"

After the explanation of this demon, Son Gohan finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the planet he was on was called "Nightmare Planet".

The demons living on this planet are born with a natural ability called "entering dreams".

They can mess up in other people's dreams, create fear for others, and then harvest fear.

What they call food is the fear of the dreamer.

In their view, it is the most delicious thing in the world.

They create fear, eat fear, and live on fear.

And the people and demons who are dreamed of by them will naturally be listless after waking up.

Their vitality has been sucked away.

What an interesting ability.

Son Gohan's eyes lit up when he heard it...

So he asked curiously: "Can you lock the object of the dream? Can this ability be learned?"

The monster looked at him like a monster, shrank his neck and said: "Are you from another planet?"

This guy has a long reaction arc, and he only discovered this now.

Son Gohan raised his palm as if he was going to slap him.

He shrank his neck and laughed dryly: "Ah, don't hit me, don't hit me, I said, this ability can't be taught, we are all born with it. If you want to learn, maybe you can stay here and try to sleep?"

"Then what? Can you lock the object in the dream?" Son Gohan asked.

"It should be possible? But our dreams are all random."


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