The boy was lying on the table, and the other boy was lying.

Fearing that this guy was telling a lie, Son Gohan put his hand on his head.

The next moment, scenes of the demon flashed through his mind.

Well, very good, he didn't lie.

Son Gohan patted his shoulder and smiled, "Very good, you are very honest, then continue to have your sweet dreams."

The demon wanted to say that I dare not sleep here, I have to go home to sleep. As a result, in the blink of an eye, he appeared in his own bed.

And Son Gohan had disappeared.

The demon rubbed his eyes and touched his burning face.

If it weren't for the pain on his face, he would have thought that he was dreamed of by someone else.

"Forget it, never mind, just keep sleeping."

He fell asleep as soon as he said that.

That's the good thing about young people, they can fall asleep as soon as they lie down.

On the other side, Son Gohan found a safe place to lie down, tried to sleep, and tried to see if he could go to someone else's dream.

Soon, his eyelids became very heavy.

He fell asleep.

In his dream, he returned to his previous life.

Then suddenly one day, Frieza suddenly came out of the cracks in time and space, and blew up the earth with a flick of his finger.

Son Gohan woke up suddenly.

Gah! He was dreamed of by someone else?

Keep sleeping.

Fell asleep again quickly.

And this time, he found himself turned into Frieza.

Then, Son Goku, who was about to be killed by him, suddenly turned into a Super Saiyan and killed him.

It was miserable, his body was cut into pieces.

Son Gohan woke up again, sweating all over.

Oh my god...

What's going on?

There's no good result?

I just don't believe this.

He adjusted his state, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and continued to lie down.

Soon he went to dream again.

Who did he become this time?

Oh, this time he became Son Goku.

Son Gohan certainly didn't know he was dreaming in his dream.

He was Son Goku.

The timeline was three years after defeating Frieza.

The androids appeared.

As Son Goku, he naturally had to go to fight and stop the two demons from slaughtering.

But my goodness, when he was fighting with No. 17, a viral heart disease suddenly broke out.

The severe pain in his chest made him feel so painful that he couldn't even fly.

Then, he was blown to ashes by an energy ball from Android No. 17.


Son Gohan sat up again panting.

He was speechless. What was going on?

But after thinking about it carefully, there was actually a strange connection?

Good guy, continue to sleep and see what's going on.

Son Gohan continued to lie down.

Soon he fell asleep again.

So who is it this time?

Son Gohan opened his eyes and saw a beautiful blonde woman at first sight.

She said: "No. 17, you are so childish. I think it's best to kill them all in one go. It's really boring to kill them slowly."

No. 17?

Oh, I am No. 17 now.

This blonde woman is my sister No. 18.

We are destroying the city now and enjoying killing people.

Son Gohan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Hahaha, childish? I don't know who it is? The last time I lost the video game, I destroyed the whole city."

"Humph!" The beautiful blonde sister turned her head to the side, looking very proud.

Son Gohan always felt that something was wrong...

After a while!

Suddenly, two figures flew quickly in the distance.

With a "bang", his sister was kicked away by the man with a broken arm.

Son Gohan was stunned again: ? ? ?

Why do I feel that this one-armed guy looks familiar?

Ah, damn, isn't this me? Fuck!

But am I not No. 17?

Am I No. 17 or Son Gohan?

Son Gohan felt that he was a little schizophrenic.

He couldn't tell the difference. He couldn't tell the difference at all.

The one-armed Son Gohan suddenly shouted: "No. 17, No. 18, today is the day you two die!"

Son Gohan looked at his hands and felt numb.

I'll kill myself.

Soon, he was no match for the one-armed Son Gohan and Trunks, and was beaten to ashes again.

"Huff, huh, huh..."

Son Gohan woke up again.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and was silent for a moment.

This dream is actually coherent...

Whoever is killed will become whoever he is?

Then, what is my nightmare?

Uh, that's not right, I want to learn how to invade other people's dreams


Now he is being played by others?

However, he is a little curious about what will happen next.

Dreaming of himself?

Then what? What will happen?

Son Gohan sat for a while, the sweat on his body was almost dry, and he lay down again.

Entering a dream!

And this time, he really became himself.

Really became Son Gohan.

Son Gohan looked around and found that he was standing in a blood-red world.

There were bright stars under his feet, and the stars were flowing on his body. He had the terrifying ability to smash the universe with his fists.

So who is his opponent this time?

Son Gohan raised his head, his eyes penetrated the galaxy and fell on the black shadow covering more than a dozen universes.

"What is this?" Son Gohan was horrified!

This time, he woke up before he was killed.

But the degree of fear in his heart was much greater than the previous times combined.

What kind of figure is that?

It was a dark patch, and he could hold several universes just by raising his hand.

He just glanced at it, and there were galaxies annihilated.

This time, his opponent in the dream was such an existence!

So who is he?

Even if Son Gohan is a fool, he can probably dismantle half of it.

It is most likely the Lord of the Dark Demon Realm, the Dark Overlord.

That is a powerful person at the level of the Omni-King.

But it is hard to say, it may also be the 12-winged Dark Seraph.

Anyway, Son Gohan does not believe that any powerful person at the level of the God of Destruction can cause him such a terrible psychological shadow.

"Will I be killed? After being killed, will I become him?" Son Gohan thought secretly.

He decided to fall asleep again to see how it will develop next.

Although it was a dream, it was such a strange dream, and Son Gohan also wanted to figure out what was going on.

But something even more bizarre happened.

Although Son Gohan fell into a deep sleep.

But he did not dream again.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and found that he had slept a full sleep like this?

Son Gohan was numb.

Moreover, he couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried.

There was no other way, so he simply found a river, washed off the sticky sweat, and then sat by the river, taking out food from the space and feasting on it.

Son Gohan decided to stay on this planet for a few days first, and try to sleep tomorrow to see if he would continue to dream.

Of course, Son Gohan has been sensing the breath of Beerus, Grajillian and others, but still to no avail.

His three companions seemed to have disappeared, and could not sense any breath.

After eating and drinking, Son Gohan sat cross-legged on the grass on the river bank, meditating and practicing, and tempering his mental strength.

Now, he is the only one awake in the entire "Nightmare Star", and the other demons are all dreaming.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the entire "Nightmare Star" is like a red eyeball.


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