Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1072: Cruel world

Chu Qianye stood on a rock at this moment, closed his eyes cross-legged and calmly, without the slightest aura fluctuation, it seemed like a mortal.

At this moment, the sorcerer brought the strong of the sorcerer to the mountain gate of the sorcerer.

Chu Qianye's eyes opened abruptly, shooting a sharp glow.

"finally come…"

He got up and walked towards the mountain gate step by step.

"It's your kid who wants to find our Wu clan dignitaries?" The sorcerer looked at Chu Qianye and said with a grin: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Chu Qianye looked at each other with an expression of neither sad nor happy on his face.

"I know." He nodded faintly: "Important."


His words seemed meaningless, but it fell into the ears of the sorcerers, like a big joke.

"Boy, do you dare to come to our Wu Clan for a second-tier Celestial Realm? You take yourself too seriously." Wu Qiling stared at Chu Qianye and sneered: "You don't need our Wu Clan's. If the strongest strikes, I can deal with you!"

After the words were over, the soles of the feet took a fierce step, and a terrifying aura broke out on his body, and his aura rose steadily.

Celestial Realm——.

First order, second order, third order, fourth order!

Hurricane all the way forward, only stopped staying at Tier 4.

"Boy, I can hang you with my strength!" Wu Qiling stared at Chu Qianye and snorted coldly.


"Master Qi Ling is worthy of being the most talented warrior of our Wu Clan. I didn't expect that in this short year, he would have broken through again. When I saw him last time, he was only at the third stage of the Celestial Realm. Stepping into the fourth stage of the celestial realm again, it seems that entering the sage is just around the corner.

"That is, Qiling is the son of the wizard elder, and he personally teaches martial arts and exercises, as well as that powerful magical power. For him, the increase in strength is actually very small."

"I want to see him make a move."

"This time you can feast your eyes. The last time I killed the Huo Clan, I saw him make a shot. Even the half was afraid of three points in front of him. One punch hit a Huo Clan half. Regarding the strong, one can imagine how strong the next battle will be."

The people around him talked a lot, but Chu Qianye stood with his hands behind him, completely not paying attention to the cruel words Wu Qiling said. His eyes were as light as water and his complexion was as usual.

"Hand over brother and sister Gao Lihong, and forgive you for not dying, otherwise I will take your blood and sacrifice my sword today!" Chu Qianye said lightly.

His voice was as light as water, but full of unquestionable.

Everyone in the Wu Clan looked stunned. These words were too arrogant. They were more domineering and tyrannical than Wu Qiling. It was an attitude of recklessness. Stepping on the Wu Clan gate today is a posture of wanting people.

"Hehe, what are you talking about are the brothers and sisters of the seventh-rank alchemist?" Wu Qiling grinned and said, "Hehe, that girl is very beautiful, I almost raped her. It's a pity, it's still a little bit worse, otherwise it would be really cool. Up."

When Chu Qianye heard the words, a flash of extreme cold flashed across those eyes that were as light as water, and he stared at Wu Qiling.

But he quickly woke up. It was just a matter of fact. In this case, it shouldn’t be a big problem. However, with his understanding of Gao Lihong, he should be seriously injured in order to protect his sister. where.

No matter where the person is, the Witches must know that, after all, they had the last contact with Gao Lihong, even if they escaped, they should have a position.

As long as the Wu Clan is destroyed, Gao Lihong should be able to find him.

Either the Witch Clan told him the whereabouts of Gao Lihong, or he stepped on the Witch Clan and let Gao Lihong come to find himself, these were the two fastest methods.

No matter what the method is, it is indispensable to add short blades.

"Gao Lihong is my brother, and his sister is my sister." Chu Qianye took a step on the sole of his foot and said in a cold voice, "Since you have such an idea, then it's very hard to keep you."

"Haha, I seem to have heard Tianda's joke. Even your second-order scum in the celestial realm wants to kill me? Do you think I was scared?" Wu Qiling sneered, "The Profound Qi Continent is a world where the weak and the strong. Since the Huo Clan is unwilling to submit to my Wu Clan, he can only kill it. After the Huo Clan is destroyed, everything will be the treasure of our Wu Clan, including women. I can’t wait for that girl to be strong, and I will double repair it with her. Tian San Ye, let her taste the taste of servility. Oh no, the word servility should be reversed!"

Chu Qianye's eyes were blood red, and he could feel the humiliation that Gao Lihong and his sister had suffered.

"court death!"

Chu Qianye snorted coldly.

"Haha, looking for death? Just the strength of your kid, do you deserve to say this?" Wu Qiling sneered, and the soles of his feet took a step forward and his sleeves flew.

"The strong are killed, the weak are deceived!"

He stared at Chu Qianye and said with a grinning smile: "Today I will let you know how cold this world is!"

After speaking, Wu Qiling stepped out of the mountain gate with the soles of his feet.

A fierce murderous intent burst out suddenly in Chu Qianye's eyes.

With a mouth open, a supreme killer sword aura suddenly rushed out of his mouth. The sword aura was dazzling and dazzling, and the speed was even more powerful. Before everyone woke up, that Containing terrible sword energy, he went straight to Wu Qiling and violently plundered.


Sword Qi pierced his shoulders, his face turned pale, and he spits out a mouthful of blood, he raised his head and stared at Chu Qianye firmly.

"You, how could you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Qianye teleported to him, picked it up with one hand, stepped back ten feet away, and stepped it under his feet with an expressionless foot.

Chu Qianye stared at the other person condescendingly, vomiting lightly:

"You are right, this is indeed a very cold world, the strong are killed and the weak are bullied."

Everyone looked at this scene with horror. They didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so terrifying. This killer move was as fast as a dragon.

"Sword breath!"

Everyone in the Witch tribe saw this scene, and their faces showed surprise.

The sorcerer stared at Chu Qianye furiously, his eyes almost bursting out of flames.

The reason why he didn't stop his son was because he felt that Chu Qianye was just a martial arts cultivation of the second-order celestial realm. With the strength of his son's fourth-order celestial realm, there shouldn’t be a big problem. With such a thunderous spirit, he teleported while exhaling sword aura, as if he had already expected his son's injury.

Wu Qiling did not react either. He was injured by Chu Qianye’s sword breathing. He woke up and was singly carried by Chu Qianye. Just as he was about to fight back, Chu Qianye had already stepped on him and just landed on him. On the position of his chest, the violent power aura surged, making his body stiff.

There is no doubt that if he wants to resist, Chu Qianye's foot is very likely to have a blood hole, so he can only look at Chu Qianye angrily, but does not dare to resist.

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