Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1073: Kill all enemies with one sword!

"Now I don't want to talk nonsense, hand over the Gao Lihong brothers and sisters, or I will flatten your Wu clan." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "Otherwise, I will cut off his flesh with one knife until he is dead. "

When he finished speaking, he took out a sharp trail, and Chu Qianye slapped Wu Qiling's face with a slap, opened his mouth, and put in a pill. The profound energy was like a dragon, and it moved toward him as fast as lightning. Enter within the body.

Under the surging of this profound energy, Wu Qiling suddenly felt the pill melt and open.

This is the Locking Element Pill to prevent Wu Qiling from exploding. As long as he swallows this pill, the speed of the profound energy will become slow. If he wants to explode, Chu Qianye can detect and react in time.

Seeing Chu Qianye's actions, all the powerhouses of the Wu clan changed drastically.

Chu Qianye's move had already stopped the idea of ​​self-destruction.

In other words, Wu Qiling now has no initiative to die.

"Hehe, the strong are killed, the weak are deceived. I like your words." Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and then slapped his palm, shattering the clothes on his body.

A sharp knife slashed at him, and blood spurted like a column.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

"Bastard!" The sorcerer's face sank and said furiously.

"Hehe, it seems that you should be this person's father." Chu Qianye said lightly, "You should have heard my request. Within half an hour, if I didn't see Gao Lihong brother and sister, then I Today, you will step on your Wu Clan. During this time, I will cut him every half a minute. It depends on your sincerity."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Obviously, Chu Qianye's slaughter and brutal methods were too frightening.

Everyone in the Wu Clan looked suspicious, and they all looked at the wizard.

This is the son of a sorcerer, and this matter has a lot to do with him.

Wu Du and the others followed. They saw this scene as soon as they arrived, and their faces were surprised, and the Supreme Elder Wu Tu looked at Chu Qianye, and finally understood why he was shivering.

The black-clothed youth in front of him has a more cruel temperament, possessing the mentality of becoming a hero.

If you can find the brother and sister, perhaps the crisis of the Witch Clan can be solved.

"Second brother, you should know that my Wu clan can rise and stand on this profound energy continent without falling. What is it?" Wu Du said lightly: "Don't cause emotional fluctuations because of blood relations. My son was before my eyes. I die without blinking my eyes, you should know what to do."

The sorcerer was dumbfounded when he heard the words, he was not fierce enough, so when he heard Wu Du telling himself this, his face clearly showed a surprised expression, and he did not wake up for a long time.

"There are some things that should be given up." Wu Du said: "Like the road we are on, we will die sooner or later, but our Wu clan will get stronger and stronger!"

There was a struggling expression on the wizard's face.

"Father, kill this kid, leave me alone!" Wu Qiling said.


When the words were over, the knife in Chu Qianye's hand slashed his body with blood, but his face was expressionless, completely unaffected by fluctuations.


Chu Qianye cut three times in a row this time.

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"If you are not afraid of pain, you can continue talking. Next time you are talking, I will cut ten times." Chu Qianye said slowly.

Hearing this, Wu Qiling's tiger's body trembled, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

Chu Qianye's small knife is different. There was no pain at the beginning of this knife, but when the incision was exposed to the air, the more painful it became as the incision was exposed to the air. This kind of sensation made his scalp numb.

"Everyone, do it." The sorcerer said painfully for a while.

The powerhouses behind him shot one after another, everyone was a martial arts cultivation base in the celestial realm.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently, and the Divine Shadow Sword standing on the ground seemed to feel Chu Qianye's tyrannical fighting spirit, and suddenly trembled violently, and that kind of power surged out frantically.


Feeling the intent to fight in Chu Qianye's body, the Divine Shadow Sword suddenly trembled, and a terrible killing intent formed between heaven and earth.

Everyone was horrified. This powerful fighting intent was like the power of blood and anger, which completely enveloped the sky, and the fluctuation of this power and breath was chilling.

"What a terrible breath of power."

Everyone looked at the black-clothed youth in shock.

At this moment, the black-clothed youth stood tall as a mountain, as if unaware of the arrival of people like them.

"Well, in that case, don't blame me."

Chu Qianye sighed quietly, and slapped Wu Qiling's head with his palm, completely dead.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Boy, my sorcerer will never die with you!" the sorcerer said coldly.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

After he killed Wu Qiling, the soles of his feet slammed into the air, and the Divine Shadow Sword floated above his head, emitting a brilliant light.

"Hey, heaven is going to perish my Wu Clan." Wu Tu sighed quietly.

At this moment, Chu Qianye stared at the phantom that was rushing right in front of him, taking a step on the sole of his foot, and his fist slammed out.


As far as the fist reached, the void twisted.


The first one to be attacked was a third-order celestial powerhouse.

The seemingly strong martial arts cultivation base was beaten by Chu Qianye with a punch, completely dead, and there was no chance to fight back!

Everyone was secretly afraid.

Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation was only at the second-order celestial realm, but his combat power was not at all an ordinary celestial strong.

After killing one person, Chu Qianye didn't stop. He took another step on the sole of his foot, and his figure teleported behind another warrior, where he punched it again.


Another celestial realm powerhouse has fallen!

The strong men of the Wu clan saw this scene with a fearful expression on their faces.

How tyrannical it is.

"No, this kid is not an ordinary Celestial Realm martial artist, let's do it together!"

Soon everyone woke up.

All the powerhouses of the celestial realm of the Wu clan knew what kind of person they were facing at this moment.


Everyone took out the profound soldiers one after another and launched an attack at the same time. The vast profound energy and the power of the stars in the body surged out at the same time.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"The sword is coming!"

The Divine Shadow Sword suspended above the head suddenly burst out with a crisp whistle, and a powerful murderous intent surging out from here.


The divine sword in the shadow erupted with a monstrous breath, resembling the divine river of nine heavens, with its strength crisscrossing the world.

A sword aura burst out with brilliant rays of light, erupting from Chu Qianye's right hand, sweeping away from right to left!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Countless shadows fell from the sky in an instant, and blood filled the world like fog.

The four celestial realm powerhouses fell immediately!

The power of a sword is so terrible!

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