Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1166: Enter the tower to make fire

After all, this is the Danhui. Although he is the emissary of the Dan Emperor, he still can't presumptuously. If he doesn't put the Danta people in his eyes, it would not be good if this matter was passed to the Dan Emperor.

In addition, if you act in front of so many people, others will think that you are a stingy person, such as unable to lose and so on.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Fang Ge never made a move.

Chu Qianye looked at the short sword and Danding floating in front of him, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

To be honest, he was still a little moved. After all, this was a famous Ding Ding. It still had a good position and influence on the Profound Qi Continent, so this Ding had a good identity and position for him.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Qianye put the Danding and the short knife into the Qiankun ring.

"Thank you, Muchen Pill Emperor."

After Chu Qianye put things into the Qiankun Ring, he quickly bowed his hands and said.

Seeing this, the other three people suddenly sighed inwardly.

The conditions given by Emperor Muchen were indeed much richer than them. If you were to be yourself, I'm afraid you have to choose.

Linxi showed a faint smile.

Chu Qianye made such a choice, which has great significance to him.

"Then, the three qualifications for entering the Danta refining and conquering are Chu Qianye, Guan Qianshou, and Yao Linxue." The Danta law enforcement elder announced again: "This Danta meeting is over, please everyone Back down and wait under the mountain. Everyone will watch the refining and subduing the mysterious fire by themselves."

Everyone was secretly surprised.

It seems that this Dan meeting is really over.

Everyone was talking too much, leaving the Danhui one after another, waiting for the first floor outside the Danta.

Some people left after getting the things, but most people chose to stay to see the three people refine and conquer the peerless Void Flame, and see who could obtain this profound fire.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, refining and conquering the peerless Void Flame, which is not big to him, but it is not small.

First of all, he has good experience. Secondly, he has the ability to refining and conquer. Secondly, he now possesses the Holy Flame of All Souls and Bone Spirit Cold Fire. It should not be a problem to deal with this peerless Void Flame. In addition, he also has the ability to conquer. Fantastic materials, so it is not very difficult to really refine and conquer the mysterious fire, he is very confident to refine and conquer this peerless illusion.

Leaving from the Danhui scene, came to the first floor of the Danta.

He doesn’t know which level of the tower is this peerless Void Flame, but in any case, he has to enter the Dan Pagoda to refine and conquer this mysterious fire. Only in this way can he improve his strength as soon as possible and interact with the people in the Soul Hunting Palace. contend.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

Soon, under the guidance of the law enforcement elder, Chu Qianye became the first person to step into the Dan Pagoda.

"Qianye, Peerless Void Flame is in the deep 30,000-square-foot abyss of Danta. It is a **** cage built by Danta. You must be careful when you enter the cage this time, otherwise you will easily capsize in the gutter." Danta's law enforcement The elder godly voice said.

"Thank you senior."

Chu Qianye hurriedly responded. He took a deep breath and walked towards the first floor of the Dan Pagoda. He lifted his foot and walked resolutely.

This kind of high-intensity connection is very shocking. Chu Qianye hasn't rested at all from refining alchemy until now, and he has been rushing to refine and conquer the profound fire without stopping. It is simply too much for ordinary people. Fortunately, Chu Qianye is definitely not. What a mortal, this consumption doesn't matter to him, so he chose to enter the **** cage of Nadanta non-stop to conquer the refining peerless Void Flame.

The crowd of Longmen watched Chu Qianye resolutely choose to go there, with a touch of worry in their eyes. For them, Chu Qianye was the soul of Longmen. If he had something wrong or missed, then Longmen might never recover.

Therefore, when Chu Qianye left and stepped into the Dan Pagoda, the Longmen crowd still clenched their fists a little nervously, praying in secret, hoping that Chu Qianye would be fine.

Chu Qianye didn't stop, he lifted his steps, strode to the star, and walked towards the Dan Pagoda directly in front.

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The figure disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"With such a high-intensity consumption, this kid still wants to refining and conquer the peerless virtual flame, and he will lose a layer of skin if he does not die!" Gu Wanhe sneered.

"Haha, the first three of your Pill Alchemy Guild and Medicine League Lian Pill Association can't get in, what qualifications do you have to speak out?" Liang Shisan smiled lightly.

This sentence made the faces of Gu Wanhe and others slightly changed and gloomy. Regarding Liang Shisan's retort, they had no chance to fight back. After all, this is indeed an indisputable fact.

The current alchemy guild, the alchemy guild, and the alchemists of the Medicine League all missed the first three opportunities. They didn't even have the qualifications to enter the pill pagoda refining and conquer the peerless vain flames, and indeed they did not have the qualifications to resign wildly here.

"Hmph, don't be proud of you. Feng Shui turns around. After all, your Danta alchemist will not be able to enter the top three. Moreover, we only lost this time. It is much better than your Danta's annual loss." Wu Danfeng said lightly. .

"When our Medicine League and Alchemy Guild competed for the top three, it was an away game, and the alchemists on your home court were not qualified for the top three. What qualifications do you have to say?"

Liang Shisan shrugged his shoulders and vomited softly: "You all said that Feng Shui took turns. So, our Danta won the top spot, but your Medicine League and Alchemy Guild missed the top three."

Liang Shisan's words once again made the faces of the Pill King and other alchemists of the Medicine League and the Alchemy Guild gloom.

Regarding this situation, they were quite angry in their hearts. The Dan of this session would make Danta these guys exhale once.


Both the Medicine League and the Alchemy Guild snorted.

At this time, Yao Linxue looked at the direction of the Danta's disappearance, her bright eyes flickered. I don't know why, at the moment when she saw Chu Qianye disappear, she felt that she had no chance to enter the Danta. Qianshou has no chance.

Peerless Xuyan, I'm afraid it will fall into Chu Qianye's hands.

She looked at the direction where Chu Qianye disappeared, and she thought to herself.

Guan Qianshou's eyes flashed with a sharp light, he looked in the direction where Chu Qianye had left, and tried to enter the Danta with soul perception, but he was bounced away by an invisible force.

He was surprised secretly in his heart, it seemed that Dan Tower had already been laid down by someone, and it was by no means that easy to break into.

His face changed slightly.

Taking a deep breath, he retracted the perception into his body, and cut off the situation of testing the Danta with the soul perception, he could only sit cross-legged and seize the time to recover his strength.

He is the second person to enter the Dan Pagoda. If Chu Qianye fails and is unable to refine and conquer the peerless Void Flame, then he has a chance, so restoring his strength is the most important thing for him.

Guan Qianshou closed his eyes, swallowed the pill, quickly absorbed and refined, closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

And at this time, the moment Chu Qianye stepped into the Dan Pagoda, a terrible heat wave surged in. In the huge first-story Dan Pagoda, a door of space extended towards the position below. Go, the surroundings are covered with high-level **** patterns, suppressing the space door that extends below.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He clearly knew in his heart that the place where this space gate extended should be the space where the peerless Void Flame was stored.

"Entering the door of space, you will enter the next tower. The ninth floor is the space where the peerless Void Flame is confined. You need to be cautious after entering."

Suddenly, for a while in space, an old man with a face like wrinkled bark appeared. There was no aura fluctuation on his body. He looked like a mortal, but Chu Qianye knew clearly that the old man in front of him should be The strength of the Saint Realm.

"Okay, thank you senior."

Seeing the other party giving directions to herself, Chu Qianye hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted.

The old man nodded lightly, closed his eyes, as if he was taking a nap, and ignored Chu Qianye.

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