Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1167: Ninth floor space

Chu Qianye knew that the other party was not asleep.

He glanced at the door of space, then stopped hesitating, raised his foot and walked towards the door of space. When he stepped into the door, he felt a huge suction force, and he had not yet awakened. When he came over, the figure had already entered that space.

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This should be the first level, the old man said that Peerless Void Flame is on the ninth level, so he still needs to continue walking down until the ninth level to be able to witness the true face of the Peerless Void Flame.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye no longer hesitated.


The second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer,...

Chu Qianye never stopped, but every time the next tower was lowered, the entire space became larger, and the surging heat wave became more and more terrifying.

When he was on the fifth floor, Chu Qianye stepped on the soles of his feet, and a terrible flame instantly boiled, and the power seemed to burn him completely.

In the front four-story tower space, Chu Qianye didn't need to use the mysterious fire body, but this time it was different. He had to call out his own alchemy fire to protect the body.

Feeling the terrifying flame aura, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly flashed with solemnity.

"It seems that it is getting closer."

Chu Qianye ignored it, and Xuanhuo covered his body.

The sixth space!

When Chu Qianye stepped in, the flames boiled, that layer of space, the flames boiled, and the burning feeling was extremely terrifying. The void was faintly shattered and opened, but the space door in the middle possessed it. The guardian of the enchantment, the profound fire that comes in the tide can't get close to it at all,

The energy between heaven and earth continues to surge in.


The violent energy slammed down, and that astonishing force burst out frantically, and the void was twisted and shattered everywhere.

Seeing the posture in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown. He had a weird thought in his heart. I'm afraid this peerless virtual flame has also evolved. It is still quite difficult to conquer.

The Peerless Void Flame of the previous life was about tenth on the Profound Fire List. Now that more than two thousand years have passed, he really doesn’t believe it is only the tenth Profound Fire of the Profound Fire List. After so long, this peerless Void Flame is definitely already Advanced, the level of evolution is definitely not comparable to the current Profound Fire.

He boldly figured out that this Peerless Void Flame was already ranked sixth on the Profound Fire Ranking, even more terrifying than sixth.

This kind of profound fire is indeed worthy of his action. I hope this refining and conquering can improve his strength.

"Go in."

Chu Qianye lifted his foot and walked towards the seventh level, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


The temperature of the seventh layer of space became even more terrifying. The astonishing temperature surged in all directions, and the void was distorted and shattered wherever it was, and then instantly collapsed and collapsed.

Feeling this terrifying breath of power, Chu Qianye's expression suddenly changed slightly.

There are two more floors!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

As he imagined, the temperature of the seventh floor space has risen a lot, and the space of this floor of the tower is surrounded by mysterious fires. Even though he has the protection of the Holy Flame of All Souls, he can still feel it. Burning to a terrible temperature, the feeling was like burning his skin to pieces.

"It seems that this one has the power of the fifth profound fire."

Feeling the vastness of this power, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath, his eyes flashed with a sharp light, this time the vast energy made his eyes flicker.

The power of the profound fire this time has obviously skyrocketed a lot.

Eighth floor!

When Chu Qianye entered the eighth-story tower, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This breath of strength was terrifying, full of domineering and tyrannical breath of strength, and that suffocating feeling made Chu Qianye feel the power of this peerless virtual flame.

"The sixth power of the Profound Fire Ranking!"

Feeling the power of this profound fire, Chu Qianye's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

This gap in strength is very shocking.

Chu Qianye ran the technique, refining and absorbing the profound fire that came from all directions.

He stared straight ahead and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Looking at the mighty breath of power from all directions, everyone couldn't help but breathe slightly.

The power of this profound fire is completely beyond the range that ordinary people can bear.

The power of this mysterious fire is very tyrannical and domineering!

"It's such a terrible Profound Fire, even my Profound Fire Protector was burnt twisted."

Chu Qianye watched as her profound fire defense was burnt and twisted, her pupils suddenly contracted, and her breath trembled suddenly.

The horror of this power surprised him.

Then, the ninth floor of the tower, with the original fire of the peerless Void Flame, isn't it more terrifying than it is now? !

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a breath.

This difference in strength is very daunting.

If it is the fifth power of the Profound Fire List, it is really a bit troublesome. He originally thought it was only the sixth or seventh power. He didn't expect that the power of the flame now is so terrible, and its original fire is even more terrifying.

‘Oh, it seems that it takes some effort. ’

Chu Qianye looked towards the door of space.

He didn't hesitate, his soles stepped out, and he swept towards the door of space, stepping into the door of space in the blink of an eye.

The moment he stepped into the door of space, Chu Qianye only felt that there was a pair of eyes in the dark that were looking at him, it was a sense of prying.

Chu Qianye was secretly horrified in his heart, this prying should not have come from a certain powerhouse from Danta.

He had perceived this space, and there was no aura of living people at all.

In other words, the person spying on him is most likely...

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye's brow furrowed deeper.

The experience of Wan Ling Sheng Yan let him know the extraordinary of these profound fires and understand that they have high IQ.

"It's terrible."

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and he felt that he was being killed by this profound fire again.


When he had this thought, he only felt the space tremble, and then he felt a vast flame, roaring fiercely, and the majestic power slammed into it, wherever he reached, The void was twisted.

This feeling is terrible.

Chu Qianye raised his head, and saw that the space he was in was a world of rolling magma, and the space was obviously enchanted. Even though these terrifying powers were vast, they still could not escape from this space by burning them. .

This is a terrible space barrier!


The violent energy came in vain, the breath of amazing power swept out frantically, forming a breath of terrible power. ,

And this world was suddenly enveloped by a majestic energy.

The practice was swiftly running, and the profound fire in his body rolled out of his body in disbelief, and the violent energy continued to sweep out, and wherever he reached, the void was twisted and shattered.

Chu Qianye expanded his perception, and there was an astonishing power fluctuation in the space.

He raised his head and looked in that direction. When he saw the vast power fluctuations clearly, he couldn't help taking a breath.

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