Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1199: Looking for an eye

"Hehe, the hall master asked me to deal with you, but I didn't expect you to be really unwilling to give up, you are still here." The deputy hall master of the Hunting Soul Palace, staring at Chu Qianye, lightly vomited:

"Also, you have absorbed the essence and blood of two monsters, and now you have merged with three types of profound fires. Your body is really good. It just so happens that I plan to cultivate a clone. Your body is good, so I reluctantly accepted it. ."

Chu Qianye looked at each other without a target, his face was neither sad nor happy.

He has no good feelings about the Soul Hunting Palace, not against someone, but all the Soul Hunting Palaces.

Chu Qianye's gaze finally fell on Guan Qiantong's body.

It was this guy who took away the nanny. It is estimated that the nanny has suffered and suffered, this bastard!

"This time, no matter who comes, they can't save you." Chu Qianye stared at Guan Qiantong and said lightly.

"Hehe, your sister is in our hands. As long as you make a small move, then I will make her suffer from the pain of those ten thousand riders. No, it should be fun." Guan Qiantong said lightly.

Chu Qianye couldn't help shaking the palm of his sleeve.

He hates being threatened by others, but Chu Nuan is in the hands of the Soul Hunting Palace. This is indeed an indisputable fact, and he must face this matter.

However, today, no matter what, he will not let such a thing happen, and today he will completely rescue the nuns, and the Soul Hunting Palace, he must personally trample it and kill all these people in front of him!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"With this formation, it is still uncertain whether you can break the formation. Just like this, you still want to threaten me. It seems that you still haven't figured out the situation." Guan Qiantong looked at Chu Qianye and said lightly.

Chu Qianye frowned.

This formation is really weird. It is a little weird than the big formation laid down by the Holy Flame of All Souls. I have clearly felt it, but I don’t know where the formation eyes are and what the formation is. All of this is quite weird, completely Can't see through.

It's strange, this is not possible, it should be possible to feel it logically.

Chu Qianye perceives the spread, and carefully searches for the formation and the formation eyes, but everything is like a thick fog, covering him in front of him, hindering his perception.


The deputy head of the Soul Hunting Palace suddenly said with a palm of his hand, and the scene in front of them changed for a while, and then they entered another strange space. In this space, everything was so chaotic, and the beasts were rampant. , The breath of strength is extremely domineering and tyrannical.


Suddenly, there were deafening waves of thunder from the heavens and the earth, and the scene changed in an instant.


The power of thunder surged out frantically, while the surrounding fierce beasts roared, frantically plundering at Chu Qianye and others, and they were already in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Is this true or false?"

An elite of Longmen, his face slightly changed, looked at the roaring Thunder Fierce Beast, and asked in surprise.

In fact, others want to ask the same.

For the breath of power in front of them, they did not wake up after a long time.

"What a terrible breath of power."

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Feeling the surging and majestic power of this breath, everyone's expressions could not help but change drastically.

"This is not a real beast, but the attack is real." Chu Qianye said in a deep voice, "Everyone be careful!"

The formation is ever-changing, staying true to its clan.

These fierce beasts are so large that they cannot be raised in the Soul Hunting Palace. If so, there is only one possibility. These huge fierce beasts are very likely to be derived from the illusion array, in fact they are all formations. The attack.

Attack formation?

Chu Qianye spread his perception, and the surrounding fierce beasts roared towards them, followed by a powerful attack, and everyone in Longmen took action to deal with it.


Sacrificing the Profound Soldier, slaying these fierce beasts fiercely, after the sword was added, the light flashed, and the fierce beast fell in a cry of sorrow, but there was no blood!

In this scene, everyone understood that these fierce beasts were not real fierce beasts, but just derivatives of the formation.

However, what makes the scalp numb the most is that these fierce beasts rushed toward them endlessly, with a completely unstoppable rhythm, and more and more, more and more fierce.

This fierce beast in the sky seems to have no end. If this continues to be delayed, it will be quite detrimental to these people at that time.

Chu Qianye frowned. If this continues, the formation will only need to continuously provide energy, but the people trapped in the formation will continue to fight these fierce beasts, and will continue to consume them. It's even more dangerous in the back.

In this case, the more so, the more dangerous it will become.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the formation base or the formation eye as soon as possible, as long as one of them is broken, the fierce beasts in front of them will completely disappear, and they will no longer be consumed.

"You help me procrastinate."

Chu Qianye divinely said.

Everyone was shocked and understood the situation before them, knowing that if they were unable to break the formation, the situation would become more and more dangerous, so breaking the formation was the best solution.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes, and his mind was aware of the surrounding situation. Now Guan Qiantong and Dulong must still be in the formation, maybe they are right beside him, waiting for an opportunity to deal with him.

In his perception, this formation is really perfect, so perfect that he can't find any way to crack it. This feeling is quite weird, even if he has a thousand powers, he can't show it at all. Feeling abnormally aggrieved.

"Calm down, calm down, the more perfect and impeccable, the more obvious its weakness." Chu Qianye took a deep breath and thought to himself.

The more perfect the formation is impeccable, it is difficult to find at first, but afterwards, as long as you calm down, you can find it, and once you find its weakness, you can crack it all at once. This crack is not just a small area, but a complete one. Destroy it completely!

After taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye's heart finally calmed down, and the surrounding air seemed to become quiet.

As Chu Qianye's heart calmed down, the surrounding air also calmed down. Those who rushed towards him were just fierce beasts condensed from energy bodies, and energy poured in from all directions, eliminating them. The possibility of focusing on a certain corner.

In other words, this formation eye is very likely to be in all directions, and there is no less than one. Since there may be several, this formation is really the first time he has met, and it may belong to the ancient formation.

"These formations are really not that easy to crack."

Chu Qianye secretly thought, continuing to perceive the surrounding formation situation.


A force surged out, and several figures appeared.


An elite of the Dragon Gate fell, and a huge blood hole appeared on his chest.

Everyone's face changed drastically!

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