Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1200: Brother guard

"Everyone, be careful!" Seeing this, Da Langbin, the first deputy leader to join Longmen, immediately reminded.

He knows that entering the formation this time, I'm afraid it will be more violent, but he can't see his brothers who are fighting everywhere fall and die. These people followed him from birth to death, and were ambushed by people in the Soul Hunting Palace. Hate in his heart.

He is holding a sword in his hand, watching and listening to all directions.

He is very clear about the current situation. Only by delaying, when Chu Qianye wakes up, the formation should be able to be cracked, and only then will they be able to leave this formation.

The current situation is that the people of the Soul Hunting Palace are waiting for opportunities in the surrounding corners, and the power of the attacking formation is extremely terrifying. A negligence and carelessness is very likely to be attacked and killed by this formation, and then fall.

Now they are enemies on both sides!

Da Langbin knows the current situation very well, so he is very solemn, staring at the surroundings, always paying attention to the surrounding movement.


The power of horror came violently again, and a figure appeared, and it was the person who shot his brother before.

With the first time, how can you succeed the second time?

Brothers are united, never leave!

From this day to the end of the world, we will always be remembered. We are a lucky few. We are brothers who are dependent on each other. You and I are bathed in blood together. You are my brother.

No one can step on your head!

The war knife in Da Langbin's palm burst out in vain with a brilliant light, while the astonishing power swelled around him, forming an aura of tyrannical strength, and continued to surge wildly around.

"The big waves are slashing!"

Da Langbin was furious, and the mysterious soldier in his palm burst out with a bright light.

The strong man in the Soul Hunting Palace was secretly surprised in his heart and suddenly raised his head. When he saw the blood-red glow in Da Langbin's eyes, he was secretly surprised.

Da Langbin's eyes are too terrifying, full of endless hatred.

The profound energy in Da Langbin's body was like thunder, surging out frantically, and the power of the stars also came out vast.

He has now stepped into the fourth stage of the celestial realm, and there is no problem dealing with ordinary people. Unless he encounters a noble person or a strong person above the fifth stage of the celestial realm, it may be somewhat difficult.


The mysterious soldiers collided fiercely, and the strong man in the Soul Hunting Palace was immediately slashed out by Da Langbin, his chest cracked, and blood stained his clothes.

He was secretly surprised, and quickly retreated, Jieyin left the formation.

Da Langbin didn't pursue it either, because he now knows very well that their current situation is already in the formation. If he pursues easily, the other soul hunters will attack them. He is the deputy commander. , Can't just leave, he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and it is his task to protect the brothers of Longmen. He doesn't want to disappoint the sect master, anyone, or anyone around him.

Because the word brother is not a spoken word, but a responsibility, a burden, a promise, a guardianship!

Da Langbin stared around.

"Om!", "Om!"

A few breaths surging out, and there are many people from the Soul Hunting Palace next to them, all of whom are powerful masters, each wearing a black robe, holding a thick chain of arm, and the black mist surging out , Filled with monstrous murderous aura.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as these figures appeared, they immediately shot, and the mysterious soldier in the palm of his hand burst out with brilliant light, as well as tyrannical and domineering power.

On the Longmen side, the two of them fell all at once and fell into a pool of blood, with no life left.

"Ah, you all have to die!" Da Langbin was furious, the sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and the tyrannical sword aura rushed forward, wherever it went, the void shook and cracked violently. collapse!

Everyone looked at this scene, and their faces suddenly changed drastically.

Da Langbin's sword is not life-threatening at all. Crazy power surged from his body, and then condensed within the sword, bursting out a terrible breath of power.

The terrifying power of this kind of power made one's pupils suddenly shrunk.

This is brotherhood!

This is an angry knife!

This is a guardian knife!

All the power was instantly condensed in the saber, and immediately like thunder, it rushed towards the area directly in front. Everywhere it reached, a large void was cracked and collapsed, and everyone's eyes couldn't help it. Suddenly contracted.

"What a terrible knife!"

Looking at this scene in front of them, the hearts of all the people in Longmen were stunned.

As for the powerhouse of the Soul Hunting Palace, although they were surprised in their hearts, they did not react slowly. They retreated quickly, and the mysterious soldiers in their palms lifted up and blocked their chests.



The terrible impact broke out in vain, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

Da Langbin's knife made it difficult for them to breathe, and some people were immediately cut off by vomiting blood and retreated. Others stepped back on the soles of their feet and finally stabilized their bodies.

They all raised their heads in amazement, staring at Da Langbin, feeling very surprised.

The fourth-order martial artist of the celestial realm, can unexpectedly burst out such a terrible combat power?

They didn't know that it was because they were pressing harder and harder, hurting the elite of Longmen, and Da Langbin burst out with an angry blow. The power is naturally immeasurable.

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At this time, Guan Qiantong coldly snorted, his figure appeared in front of Da Langbin, a cold snorted like thunder, forming a thousand layers of huge waves, and the thick iron chain in his palm immediately burst out into a cloud of black The fog rushed straight towards Dalangbin, bursting out a terrible breath of power, and violent vibrations.

Da Langbin was secretly surprised, because the black mist appeared too fast and too quickly, he had no time to use his martial arts, so he quickly raised his palm and blocked his front.


Black mist smashed the war knife in Da Langbin's palm.

A terrible force soon smashed him out. The astonishing power contained terrible power. It was shocked to smash Da Langbin beyond seven feet, and the blood on his chest stained his robe.

At this moment, his hair danced lightly, his clothes fluttered, and the blood dragon became more brilliant red.

Da Langbin held the sword in his hand, raised his head and looked at Guan Qiantong.

At this time, Guan Qiantong looked at Da Langbin with a cold expression.

"The seventh stage of the celestial realm!"

Feeling Guan Qiantong's strength, Da Langbin took a deep breath.

It has to be said that there is a huge gap between his strength and Guan Qiantong, and his ability to block the opponent's blow is already very good.

"Kill these people."

Guan Qiantong said indifferently, the powerful people behind the Soul Hunting Palace shot again.

"Stop it!"

Da Langbin's complexion sank, his soles were a little bit, and he returned to the team again.


Looking at Da Langbin, Guan Qiantong coldly snorted, making a sudden move with his palm, and the thick chain of his arm suddenly surging out of the black mist. With a shake of his palm, the chain suddenly rushed towards Da Langbin.

Wherever he went, the void collapsed, and a crack of a hundred feet was formed in an instant!

Da Langbin was secretly surprised.

The sword in his palm burst out again with a dazzling light.


Sparks are everywhere!

However, Da Langbin was smashed away severely, his chest was cracked, and blood stained his robe.



The dragon gate crowd, and ten people died in a blink of an eye.

Da Langbin's heart was bleeding, he was holding his chest, his face pale.

"Sect Master, I tried my best." Da Langbin raised his head and looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was.

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