Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1201: Procrastination

"Boom! Boom!"

At this time, because Da Langbin was knocked out, Longmen Shouzhong was caught in a storm of attack, and the strong of the formation and the Soul Hunting Palace shot at the same time. Such a storm of attack and killing was still quite terrifying.

Everyone's breathing couldn't help but feel a kind of suffocation.

Wu Cu's face changed slightly.

If this procrastination continues, not only the Dragon Gate will be swept away, but even the Wu Clan will be completely wiped out. At that time, no one will be separated.

Feeling the surging of this power, Wu Tu couldn't sit still anymore.

"Lang Bin, you come to guard the sect master, I will deal with these people!"

Wu Cu spoke to Da Langbin beside him.

Da Langbin took out a pill and swallowed it. Even though he felt that his physical strength was overdrawn, he knew very well that he no longer had the strength to deal with other people, and now only Wu Tu has enough strength to deal with these people. .

But in his heart he knew very well that there were two great venerables around, and their strength was very terrifying. Originally, Wu Tu was protecting Chu Qianye's magic and waiting for him to break through this formation, but now he can't wait any longer. If you don't take action, the dragon gate will all be destroyed.

Therefore, he had to take action, and once Wu Cu took a move to deal with other people, the other two statues were very likely to take action against Chu Qianye.

Suddenly, Da Langbin felt that he shouldered this huge task.

There is no room for him to choose now.

Therefore, he can only nod slightly.

After swallowing the pill again, he had no choice but to run the exercises and recover quickly.

And he was holding a sword, and his perception spread out to prevent special circumstances.

"Just enough."

Wu Tu spit out lightly, and when the voice was over, the martial arts aura on his body burst out, forming a breath of amazing strength to oppress.

Guan Qiantong's face changed slightly.

Under the Lord are all ants!

Although he only felt the martial arts aura released by Wu Chu, he felt invincible. This is because Wu Chu has been in the deity for many years, not just the first time, and the combat power he possesses will be very powerful and terrifying. .

Once he fights with the Wu Clan, the power gap will be revealed. Whether he is at the seventh stage of the celestial realm or the ninth stage, he still has no respect and cannot comprehend the true power of martial arts. There will never be arrogant capital in front of me.

Wu Cu stepped out of his feet, slowly raised his palms, and immediately patted it. The warriors in the Soul Hunting Palace felt the terrible power in an instant, and the surrounding space seemed to be under control.

"Wu Cu, haven't seen you for many years, you are still so anxious."

The deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace slowly revealed his figure, releasing his martial arts aura, and forming a rivalry with Wu Cu.

"Six-Star Venerable!"


Feeling the strength of the other party, Wu Cu's expression could not help but change slightly.

He knew very well in his heart that the strength gap between himself and the opponent was too great, and he was not suitable for fighting.

He is only a five-star Venerable now, and there is a one-star gap between him and the other party. Don’t underestimate the gap between this star. If it really breaks out, the gap will be very large, and it’s not even a little bit that can be made up. of.

"Kanxi, you are still as domineering as always." Wu Cu stared at the deputy head of the Hunting Soul Palace and said coldly.

Few people know the name Kansai, and most of the current warriors don't know this name, only the older generation.

"Hehe, there is no overbearing, you should have been incorporated by my Soul Hunting Hall at the beginning, so your current strength is at least the Six-Star Venerable, you may even surpass me. Unfortunately, you are still too stubborn. Don't you feel embarrassed to follow a junior, don't you feel aggrieved?" Deputy Hall Master Guan Xi stared at Wu Tu and asked coldly.

Wu Cu shook his head lightly.

"The strength of the Profound Qi Continent is respected, and it has nothing to do with age. His strength is above me. What's wrong with him? And if my Wu Clan is included by your Soul Hunting Palace, won't I be infamy? The witch clan is said to be in trouble with your soul hunting palace, which I can't bear." Wu Tu said lightly.

"Hehe, then you are very wrong. Who cares about your morality and morality in this world? It doesn't exist. As long as your Wu clan develops well, who won't look up to you then?" Kansai said lightly: " Unfortunately, you are still too stubborn after all."

"Well, with this formation today, I will kill you, and then take your supernatural powers from you, the foresight ability of the Witch Clan, if I get it, then I will make a lot of money."

Wu Cu's face suddenly became very ugly.

This formation is really difficult to break, the original martial arts cultivation base is better than him, plus the formation, Kansai is almost invincible.

He now has no other way but to help Chu Qianye delay it. If he can crack this formation, the subsequent things will be much easier.

Kansai took a step on the soles of his feet, and a dazzling light burst out of his body, followed by a tyrannical aura of strength, surging crazily in the world.

Wu Cu's face changed slightly.

The strength of this Kansai has skyrocketed a lot. When he fought Kansai last time, he still felt that he was on par with each other, but now that he met this guy again, he didn't expect his strength to increase so much!


Kansai's figure swept out, and the horrible power made the void twisted.

Wu Chu took a deep breath, he did not dare to neglect, the martial arts power in his body surged out of his body.

For this reason, he knew in his heart that he was no longer qualified to retain his strength and he had to do his best.


The two figures flashed, and then they slapped their palms.


The horror and tyrannical force immediately shattered the void, forming a crack in the space of hundreds of meters!

Everyone nearby looked up in surprise.

At this time, those cracks appeared, and then closed again because of the formation, and the two of them retreated violently.

However, Wu Tu's retreat distance is longer, the strength of the strength, at a glance, he will judge him!

The people in Longmen were secretly surprised, but they didn't expect Wu Tu to be their opponents, which shows how terrifying the strength of the deputy head of the Soul Hunting Palace is.

"Hehe, your strength seems to have regressed a lot." Kansai spit out lightly: "Oh no, it should be said that my strength has improved a lot, but you are still standing still."

Wu Cu's face sank.

Although Kansai's words were harsh and mean, what he said was true. His strength really stood still, while Kansai's strength was soaring.

Because of Chu Qianye's shot last time, his strength was indeed weakened a lot. Although he was recovering during this period, he could barely stabilize the martial arts.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's body exuded a faint light, his eyelids seemed to tremble, and there were vague signs of waking up!

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