Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1235: Takeshi's strategy

This is terrible.

"You mentioned eight places before, but in fact, there should be nine of the Four Continents Wilderness plus Five Territories. The place you didn't mention is Xizhou City." Heimian asked lightly.

There was a cold sweat on the forehead of the warrior.

He didn't expect the Black Face God to be so delicate in his mind. He originally wanted to say it, but he didn't expect that the other party would eventually notice something wrong.

"Well, it didn't include Xizhou City." The man didn't dare to look at the eyes of the black face god, he said: "Xizhou City credited one billion merit points yesterday."

One billion merit points, one day? !

Everyone just thinks that the world is spinning, such a record is too enchanting.

"Are you sure?!" Heimianshen shot a sharp glow in his eyes.

"That's right." The person said: "Later, I asked people to investigate, and it turned out that it was because of their pure profound strength liquid. Later, it was passed on from ten to ten. This matter was known to many people. Everyone If you are willing to spend some merit to buy, you should also be aware that our Wushi Xuanli Liquid has always been in a state of empty inventory and cannot be mass-produced, so..."

Although he didn't finish his sentence, his implication was already obvious.

Hei Mian Shen's face suddenly sank and became quite ugly.

Why is the xuanli liquid sold in the Wu market so expensive? Because of the inventory problem, their profound strength liquid is very small, and the so-called scarcity is more expensive, so they only sell more than 4 million merit points. Even so, there is still nothing in stock, which caused this phenomenon.

But now it’s different. The Xuanli Liquid is not the only one of their Wushi family, nor is it a monopoly of rare things. Tongbaohang has more profound liquids, and the rate of credit is very terrible, selling one billion a day. Merit point, their Xizhou Cheng Wushi may not be able to achieve such a record in a month, but Tongbaohang reached this level in only one day. How proud and enviable this is!

"Everyone, what's your plan?" Heimian asked lightly, looking around.

Everyone didn’t dare to say anything. No one wanted to take a head at this time. After all, taking heads at this time is quite irrational. If the black-faced **** is worried, then it’s done. Originally, they just wanted to stay in Martial City and take a look. Whether he can eat and wait to die, I didn't expect that this time, the black face **** would take care of things, which is very frightening.

"Hehe, don't you dare to say it?" Black Face asked indifferently: "Dare to say or are you afraid?"

"I'm telling you, everyone must say a strategy!" Heimianshen said coldly: "No matter what the strategy is, as long as it is a good strategy, I will consider recommending you to it as appropriate. Xizhou City is just a small place, three days away. This is the big world, do you want to eat and die in this small place?"

"So, my sincerity is very full, and you have to come up with good strategies for me, otherwise you won't even have the qualifications to eat and wait to die!" The Black Face God finally gave a confession and said coldly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone's faces were pale.

They all understood that the Black Face God had to make up his mind.

‘It seems that I can only think of strategies. ’

A thought flashed through everyone's mind.

"You go first." The black face **** turned his head and said lightly, looking at the intelligence responsible.

+R genuine first j issue Q0*

Hearing these words, the person in charge of intelligence felt 10,000 grassy horses flying by in his heart.

Be targeted!

He secretly felt bitter in his heart, but he knew very well that if he didn't say that it was definitely the rhythm of being thrown out, it would be too embarrassing and embarrassing!

Others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they are not in the early days, the dead dao friend will not die the poor dao, and they have more time to consider.

"I think we can consider receiving Xuanli Liquid from them and reselling it. This way, on the one hand, we can stabilize our reputation, increase our inventory, and let more warriors have confidence in us, on the other hand, it can weaken Tongbaohang, etc. When we receive their profound strength liquid, they will inevitably lose money, and then our inventory will rise, fame and fortune." said the warrior in charge of intelligence.

The black face flickered in his eyes.

"This is a good strategy. There is a vacant position on the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness, which is also responsible for the intelligence. I think you are competent enough. When things are done here, I will advise you to go to the top." Hei The face said lightly.

Hearing these words, the warrior suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

Heaven Splitting God Wilderness is much better than these Four Continents Great Wilderness and Five Territories. There are many opportunities like this. They may not be able to go after they have been here for ten or twenty years.

The people around cast their expressions of envy and jealousy.

Sometimes it was the first shot, but sometimes it was the first person to eat crabs.

Therefore, this kind of thing is a double-edged sword, with both good and bad sides.

"Don't envy you. If you can come up with a better strategy, I will also suggest to the top to transfer you from here and go to the Three Heavens." Heimianshen said indifferently, "Go on, next moment."


At the same time, Chu Qianye also received news from Long Blade.

Wu Shi transferred the old man away and changed someone to deal with him.

This person is called Black Face God, which should not be his real name.

Chu Qianye placed the scroll on his forehead, the power of the two souls surged out, and then closed his eyes and started to digest the news about the Black Face God.

It took a long time for Chu Qianye to open his eyes, and a glint flashed across his eyes.

"Sure enough, it's ruthless."

After a long while, Chu Qianye spit out softly.

This black-faced **** is indeed a difficult opponent to deal with. It is the high-level subordinate. In order to set up the vacant old man, he deliberately finds fault and transferred the old house away from the Great Wilderness of Xizhou.

"In order to deal with me, you are really unscrupulous." Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with a hint of light, and he was obviously surprised by the high-level martial arts.

"No matter what it is, your Wushi is not my Tongbaoxing's opponent!" Chu Qianye's eyes flashed a touch of brilliance.

"Let all Tongbaoxing's main and deputies come to see me." Chu Qianye turned her head and said while looking at the martial artist who was still on standby.

Those people nodded one after another, and then Jieyin left the secret space.

Since arranging these people, Longmen's information exchanges and usual meetings have obviously become a lot easier, and the level of confidentiality has also increased a lot.

First Zhao Sange, Yang Donglai, Wang Yiling and Qin Hu came in.

Then came Zhang Tianqi, Liu Baqing, Xie Xiaoyong, Qiu Wei and Bai Qiuye.

Later, Long Jin and these people all entered the secret space.

All the core members of Longmen have entered the secret space!

Now it is not only going to counterattack Wushi, but Longmen will also attack the first-class sect, ready to enter the Three Heavens God Desolation!

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