Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1236: Major decision

All the efforts made today are to better enhance the overall strength of Longmen. Only these merit points can maximize the strength, and only these things can enlighten Dao and be respected.

Of course, he has already discussed with the Five Domain Clan that if the martial artist reaches the Celestial Realm, everyone will have a chance to contact the Four Spirits Supreme Treasures, and use them to enlighten the Dao.

For this reason, Tongbaohang will circulate heaven, material and earth treasures to the Five Domain Clan for free in the future, and every Longmen powerhouse will give one hundred drops of profound strength liquid to the Five Domain Clan every time he contacts the Si Ling Zhibao. .

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. After all, martial arts are respected. Without the help of other things, one cannot do it solely on their own strength.

"Everyone, I have to make a huge decision today." Chu Qianye said.

Hearing that Chu Qianye had to make a decision, everyone's eyes flashed solemnly.

They followed Chu Qianye for so long. They had never seen Chu Qianye take seriously a few times. The first time was when he created the Dragon Gate, and the second time was when he returned to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty to kill Scarlet Cloud Sect. It's now.

"After the joint efforts of everyone in the past two days, our merit points have now accumulated a total of 6 billion. After deducting our previous costs, we have a total of 3.8 billion in surplus." Chu Qianye said lightly, "Tian Qi is still doing the final statistics, but there should be no problem with the data from you."


When they heard this, everyone's breathing became heavier. They knew that the point was coming.

"This is far from enough for us to attack the first-class sect forces." Chu Qianye said: "The first-class sect requires at least 10 billion merit points to be enough. At present, we only have six billion, and there is still more. There are other places where merit points are needed. The merit points that may be used next are major decisions that I may make next."

The decision is coming!

All the members of Longmen looked at Chu Qianye in unison.

"I intend to use all of these merit points on you. Every member who has broken through and reached the celestial realm will condense all these merit points in the future. Everyone will absorb the merit water and reach the fifth stage of the celestial realm. After that, I began to enter the five realms, contact the four spiritual treasures, and enlighten the Dao into the sage!" Chu Qianye said: "Under the sage, all are ants. Without entering the sage, I dare not say that you have the strength to protect yourself. Each of you should We must be respected first, and only by respecting can we attack the first-class forces."

When everyone heard this sentence, a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes.

This is indeed an important decision, which is closely related to each of them.

"Everyone who enters the Five Realms once and contacts the Four Spirits, the treasures and enlightenment, we must give a hundred drops of profound strength liquid, so I hope everyone will cherish this great opportunity and strive for one-time enlightenment and enlightenment. Each of you, if you are ready, You can find me at any time." Chu Qianye said: "Long Jin, you continue to let them investigate to see where else in the Profound Qi Continent has strong profound energy, and then arrange the Spirit Attraction Formation."

After Chu Qianye finished speaking, he took out a Qiankun ring.

"This is the material needed for the formation of the spirit-inducing formation."

When the words were over, Qiankun Jie swept towards Longjin.

Long Jin took the Qiankun Ring and nodded gently.

"The rest of you will continue to be responsible for Tongbaoxing. These two days we insisted that after the sale of the profound energy liquid, it should be able to reach 20 billion merit points, and then all of you will condense the water for your cultivation." Chu Qianye said.

"Qiu Yu, prepare on your side. We will start the auction tomorrow. We have been preparing for so long. The auction is fully operational. There must be 20 billion merit points in three to five days, but I hope everyone understands one. In truth, this is only an external force after all. If you want to really improve your strength, you must combine combat. You can practice, you can learn from the people around you, or other methods are OK. In short, you can't rely on these merits to improve, otherwise Dao heart is not stable, it is difficult to be respected."

Chu Qianye said: "The most important thing is that we have a lot of people in Longmen. I am afraid that these meritorious works are somewhat stretched. I can only let you break through first. The elites of Longmen will wait another ten and a half months."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"Everyone works hard to cultivate. The Dao heart must be stable and not easily shaken. Only in this way can we enlighten the Dao and become venerated." Chu Qianye said: "The Soul Hunting Palace is now in a dormant period. We must make good use of this time period to improve our Strength, the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although we have removed part of the hall of the Soul Hunting Palace, it is a potential threat after all. Now everyone has to improve their strength. I hope there will be at least ten people in half a month. Being respected, only in this way can we create a deterrent to others, and our dragon gate can survive in this world where the strong are respected."

"Everyone, go first. In the two days I will condense the merit points into merit water, and then you will receive merit water from me, and cultivate in this space." Chu Qianye said.

There was a glimmer of joy in everyone's eyes.

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They all knew the proportion of time in this secret space, and being able to cultivate in this place was a huge gift for them.

"Thank you boss!"

"Thank you, the master!"


Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, and solemnly said, "I should be thankful to you. Under such pressure, I can still fight with me in all directions. I am very touched by this persistence."

When the words were over, everyone else nodded.

Then everyone left.

Chu Qianye also took a deep breath.

This matter delayed him for a few days, and his martial arts cultivation level did not have time to practice. It was time to continue practicing. He was the sect master of the Dragon Gate. He needed strength at all times and needed him at all times.

Therefore, he has no reason not to be strong.

Li Ling needs him, his mother needs him, Longmen needs him!

"Wushi, Tianxuan Gate, Soul Hunting Palace!"

A gleam of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes, and there was a very strong premonition in his heart that in the near future, he might encounter a huge storm, whether it was from Wushi or from Tianxuanmen. Or the Hunting Soul Palace, he deeply understands that in this world where the power is respected, only the fist is the right to speak and is the kingly way!

Therefore, improving strength is the key!

At the Profound Sky Gate, there are more than two hundred nobles, dozens of saints, this is the real Big Mac!

Damn Takeshi, an invisible enemy, too powerful!

Must improve as soon as possible!

"The four-star bottleneck, I don't know if I can fully step into it this time!" Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

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