Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1265: Martial arts

Chu Qianye stared blankly at the wood and short blade in his hand.

"Old man Jian, whether it's Wushi or some Tianxuan sect, the disciples will definitely make them pay a heavy price, and they will definitely!" Chu Qianye shook the palm of his hand suddenly, and he said softly.

After he finished speaking, he stared at the wood in his hand, and the short blade began to move gently, and the image of the old man Jian clearly emerged in his mind.

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Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and then he began to move the short blade, and began to carve the doll.

A little bit of sawdust fell on the ground, and Chu Qianye's longing and sad tears fell along with it.

"Old man Jian, you taught me the thunderous Nine Tribulations sword technique, and now I have only learned the previous seven styles." Chu Qianye said, "Tui'er is really ashamed of you. You’ve learned the two styles completely, and you're the murderer who forced you to explode!"

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

The short blade in his hand continued to move, and the sawdust quickly fell to the ground. With the passage of time, the sawdust became more and more complicated, and the shape on the wood gradually took shape.

The image of an old man, his body tall and straight like a mountain, just like the blade in his hand, full of the taste of being unyielding and unyielding.

Chu Qianye's soul poured little by little on the wood carving, and the wood carving seemed to have gradually acquired spirituality in his hands, shining with a faint light.

Chu Qianye didn't care about this, he still wanted to carve out his nostalgia for Old Man Jian, and that was all.

However, Chu Qianye didn't know that in this state, he unexpectedly entered a very mysterious state unknowingly, and his body was full of martial arts power.

This power, stupefied, formed an air layer around his body, surrounding him within three feet of a distance, like a cocoon, and he was a cocoon waiting to be transformed.

Zhang Tianqi beside, she stared at Chu Qianye blankly, with a surprised expression on her face. The aura around Chu Qianye's body changed, exuding a rather mysterious aura and light. If you don't look closely, it will be true. You can't see any artistic conception.

However, Zhang Tianqi was staring at Chu Qianye at this time, so the aura exuding from Chu Qianye's body was naturally clear to her, and she felt a faint aura of power surrounding Chu Qianye's body.

"this is……"

Zhang Tianqi's face showed a dazed look.

She seemed to think of something terrible.

"This is the breath of heaven!"

It took a long time for Zhang Tianqi to confirm what the aura surrounding Chu Qianye's body was. There was a stunned look on her face, and she didn't wake up after seeing it for a long time.

The aura of heaven is a sign that can only be seen when enlightening the Tao into the Zun, or enlightening the Tao to transform the sage.

If Chu Qianye succeeded in enlightening Dao this time, then he might break the venerable and enter the holy, and this strength would be quite terrifying to him, after all, this is the strength of the holy realm!

Zhang Tianqi looked at Chu Qianye's figure, her bright eyes twinkling.

In the extremely sad situation, Chu Qianye was able to enter such a delicate mood. What a rare mood, this is a mood that many people dream of, and Chu Qianye encountered it in such a sad situation.

This is the chance!

Now Chu Qianye has actually entered the state he usually wants to pursue.

Zhang Tianqi hurriedly gave a voice to everyone in Longmen, including others in Tongbaoxing, not to approach this room without permission.

With such a rare opportunity, she didn't want someone to rush in recklessly and interrupt such a rare opportunity. After all, this kind of breakthrough state does not happen all the time.

Once you enter this state, you have to cherish it.

"Apprentice, these last two styles are very important. If you don't have domineering sword aura, don't practice lightly. At least you must reach the Great Perfection position before you can practice. Remember, remember..."

Chu Qianye held the wood carving, and the voice of the old sword man resounded in his ears in a trance.

"I don't have the ambition of my life, with the sword in my hand, I will defeat the world. Use the sword to prove the sky and the world, and the other side is void."


The breath in the body suddenly rushed out like a dragon.

With a smile, the wind and thunder are shaking, and the sea is cold with anger; one hand breaks the sky, one sword dances forever!

The sword aura was like a **** or demon, and when it swept out, it violently split the void, forming a huge black sword glow of twenty feet.


With a breath of effort, the sword qi suddenly burst into a loud noise, and the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, and the void shattered and collapsed wherever it went.

After the old man Jian's voice reverberated, he remembered the kendo he had previously understood in his mind.

After the extraordinary swordsmanship is enshrined.

This sanctification is not the other sanctification.

Sainthood is the highest realm known for sword repair, and the other Sainthood is a breakthrough in martial arts cultivation.

Therefore, the two are not the same.

Sword cultivation into the sage, the strength skyrocketed, that is the improvement of the understanding of the sword, and the martial arts cultivation, this is the increase of the martial arts strength.

Although they belong to two different powers, if both are a kind of strength, whether it is martial arts cultivation level or the realm of sword cultivation, these are all kinds of strength.

Looking at the void in front of him, Chu Qianye didn't know how to remember what the old man said, and also remembered the scene when he had comprehended kendo.

It seems that my kendo inheritance does not seem to be fully controlled, otherwise, how could such an unsolved puzzle appear?

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and entered a rather mysterious state.

He kept recalling previous scenes in his mind.

He didn't know that he had entered the best state of enlightenment.

"life and death?"

Thundering Nine Tribulations, what is it?

I don't know, Chu Qianye thinks about it now, he still ignores the words that Old Man Jian said too much.

The old man Jian specially emphasized that if his sword aura has not reached a very domineering state, it is not appropriate to start practicing the latter two styles. Although I don't know how powerful it is, Chu Qianye quite understands in her heart that these latter two styles are definitely very strong. Tyrannical, once the combat power broke out, it would be quite terrifying.

Sword old man's original swordsmanship, I am afraid that there is a heart of martial arts in it.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Any martial arts and exercises have the martial arts insight of their creators. If you can comprehend the other's martial arts insights through the exercises and martial arts of others, then this improvement is bound to increase the power quickly.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye began to close his eyes, and couldn't help but think of the last two forms of the "Thunder Movement Nine Tribulations Sword Art" taught by Old Man Jian.

Seeing Chu Qianye closing his eyes, Zhang Tianqi's eyes flickered.

Chu Qianye’s opportunity came very suddenly and unexpectedly this time. I don’t know if he can grasp this opportunity, realize the truth, and raise his strength to another realm...

An expression of expectation appeared on Zhang Tianqi's face.

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