Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1266: Breakthrough in strength

Chu Qianye was immersed in a space.

Here is the dream he created.

The wood carvings he carved are like the old sword man.

Silver hair on one end.

Old man Jian hasn't seen him for two years, he hunched back, rickets, and his appearance is no longer as free and easy as he used to be.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qianye felt sad.

Old Man Jian is such a good master, he was murdered.

Chu Qianye clenched his fists, his eyes flickered.

"Boy, Master is just reincarnation in another identity, you don't have to be sad, the way of heaven has its own reincarnation, you have to practice well and improve your strength."'Old Man Sword' smiled.

However, this was only a dream created by Chu Qianye, so the'old man sword' was only part of his emotions, and he did this only for self-comfort.

"You don't have to blame yourself." "Old Sword" said: "These last two styles are shown to you as a teacher. You can master as much as you can. Haha, cultivation requires a lot of talent, no matter how I do. Teach you, if you don’t have enough talent, it’s all in vain."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The'old man sword' held the war sword in his hand, his eyes were staring straight ahead.

Leisurely, the breath surging around the body.

"Boy, you can be optimistic!" said'Old Man Sword'.

When the words were over, Chu Qianye's mind suddenly appeared in the last two forms of "The Nine Tribulations of Thunder".

The eighth type: the sword moves the gods!

Formed in Chu Qianye's mind, and the "Old Man Jian" stepped out of his feet.

The war sword in the palm slashed out suddenly, and a sword slashed out, forming eight sword beams, straight into the sky, the world shattered and collapsed in an instant, and the entire continent was shattered under its sword aura. !

With this sword, the cultivation method mentioned by the "Sword Old Man" is very difficult, but if it is cultivated, one sword is enough to destroy a continent city!

A Zhoucheng is composed of countless dynasties. One sword destroys the Zhoucheng. One can imagine how terrifying such a force is.

I thought that when the old sword man created this sword skill, he should have longed for it, but he did not expect that he did not step into this eighth style, and it has become a posthumous work.

As for the ninth formula: Sword Broken Continent is unimaginable.

Yijian is extremely domineering, and it is bound to destroy the entire continent. Even the ruler may not have such power. Unexpectedly, the old man Jian had such ambitions.

It's a pity that Jian Batian didn't realize the last two forms in the end, and it became a regret in his heart forever.

"Master, don't worry, I will learn the last two styles, let it shine and make the Sixteen Wildernesses famous!" Chu Qianye said with a flash of light in his eyes, holding his palm.

The eighth style is just one sword!

Chu Qianye looked at the sword light in front of him, his eyes flickered, while he was sitting cross-legged in the dreamland he created, his eyes closed tightly, and he began to sink into a mysterious state.

Around his body, Xuanqi's martial arts aura continued to diffuse out.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and calmed down, and his mind kept flashing the old man's sword moves. The light in his eyes flickered, his palms quickly formed marks, and the surrounding power aura continued to surge.

With the passage of time, Chu Qianye felt more and more powerful auras constantly surging everywhere.

"The sword moves the gods!"

The cultivation method of this sword skill emerged in Chu Qianye's mind.

"Thunder Movement Nine Tribulations Sword Art" all appear in the form of Thunder, but it is strange that the first few tricks can be practiced without too much help from Thunder.

The eighth and ninth forms require thunder, and they also need extremely strong thunder power.

Between heaven and earth, there are many forms of thunder, such as Dan Lei, Jie Lei, Sky Lei, ... all of them, there are almost too many to mention.

And this eighth formula is to start from the thunder, practice with thunder’s power, and constantly refine the sword skills, so that it reaches the point of perfection, and even mastering the power of the sword skill through this kind of thunder is really terrifying, if Without absolute strength, I dare not practice with the power of Thunder.

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"This eighth formula has to absorb so much power of thunder." Chu Qianye frowned and murmured secretly.

In his mind, the power of thunder and thunder types involved in the eighth type of cultivation method are scary. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would really not believe it was true.

"It seems that these thunders can only be found gradually. I don't know if there are such thunders in the Four Continents and Five Domains. Only by controlling the power of these thunders can I fully understand the eighth formula."

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

However, the power of this eighth type of sword technique is obviously a lot more powerful than the previous "Sword Technique of Nine Tribulations of Thunder". The power of this kind of sword is because the cultivator is practicing within the power of different thunder, so the body Although they have obtained different powers of thunder, this kind of power of thunder will certainly appear in the eighth form.

Therefore, the greater the variety of Thunder, the more difficult it is to practice, but the more powerful it will be.

Therefore, what power is gained at any price.

If you want to become stronger, you have to pay a higher price than others!

After comprehending the cultivation method, the dream created by Chu Qianye also shattered, and Chu Qianye also woke up from that state.

He stared at the wooden sculpture in his hand, with a surprised expression on his face.

The state he entered before was completely uncontrolled, but a subconscious action.

Maybe I miss Old Man Jian too much.

Chu Qianye looked at the wooden sculpture in his hand and shook his head gently.

However, just as he was about to put things into the Universe Ring, an invisible breath of power shocked his mind.

The breath of power erupting in the body was terrifying, it was a real shock of power.

"this is……"

Chu Qianye carefully looked at the wooden sculpture in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

Only then did he feel the difference in himself.

Budo cultivation?

This is not the case. He is still the strength of the Five-Star Venerable, but the martial arts controlled in his body is a feeling that he can use the power of heaven.

There is a powerful force at your fingertips!

Feeling the breath of power that can be controlled in the body, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed suddenly.

Now he actually mastered the ability to draw on the power of the heavens, although it was only a tiny bit, but this kind of assistance was a good beginning.

Chu Qianye looked at the wooden sculpture in his hand, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Master, thank you, and secretly give me luck. Don't worry, the disciple will definitely not insult the "Thunder Movement Nine Tribulations Sword Art". I will carry forward the latter two styles and make it more famous than Huang Quantian !" Chu Qianye said with a palm.

I don't know if I can really hear what Chu Qianye said. The breath on the wood carving body disappeared without a trace because of what Chu Qianye said.

Chu Qianye put the woodcarving into the Qiankun Ring.

"Try to control the power of Heaven's Dao." Chu Qianye shook his palm and said with a look of expectation in his eyes.

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