Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1275: Giant Mouth Eater

Soon Chu Qianye left the outer area.

He stared straight ahead, knowing that he was about to step into a dangerous place, so his face suddenly showed a solemn expression. He knew very well in his heart that he must be able to do the next thing. In the outer area, many fierce beasts have been The human was solved, but the core area was not solved. The fierce beast here was even more powerful.

Chu Qianye unfolded his soul perception.

Super soul perception, within a hundred miles, you can control everything...

All the breath of power is in his perception.

The fierce beast in front continued to roar and roar, and the voice shook the valley, and the breath of amazing power continued to surge.

Chu Qianye avoided the fierce beast several times.

However, along with his movement, the strength of the fierce beast became more and more tyrannical and denser, surrounded by fierce beasts, bursting out terrifying power.


Right in front, there was a fierce roar of fierce beasts, that amazing power was extremely terrifying, and the void was shattered wherever it went.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, he raised his head, looked towards the void directly in front, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

A huge beast stood in front of him, staring at him.

"Chiff chick."

An extremely dirty liquid came out of his mouth, wherever it dripped, the branches were strongly corroded, and a huge hole appeared on the ground.

"Giant Mouth Eater!"

Seeing the giant in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help but said in surprise.

The giant mouth beast possesses extremely cruel aggressiveness, and the liquid sprayed from its mouth is extremely corrosive. If it is contaminated by the liquid, it will lose a layer of skin if it is not dead.

Moreover, the Giant Mouth Devouring Beast is extremely intelligent, and can basically judge human moves and predict the direction of the attack extremely accurately. If you encounter such a difficult beast, you will basically be unable to escape.

"Mom, this is a giant beast!"

Just as Chu Qianye stared at the giant beast in front of him, several voices suddenly rang behind him.

Chu Qianye didn't turn his head back, but stared at the Giant Mouth Beast in front of him.

He knew very well that in order to stun the beast, he had to be calm and calm, otherwise he would be attacked if he was distracted.

The more calm and calm, the less the Giant Mouth Devourer dared to act rashly.

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"This kid is so bold."

"It's weird, how come I can't feel any breath in him."

"This kid is probably a scavenger. I want to try my luck and see if I can meet any spiritual flesh. I drag it back and sell it for some money."


The warriors behind, looking at Chu Qianye's figure, whispered.

These people, uniformly dressed, each warrior wears a white robe, revealing a faint breath of strength.

The leader was a suave man with a hand-footed feather fan, who seemed to have a status and status, and everyone looked forward to him.

And standing beside him was a young and beautiful woman, dressed in white, with a long sword on her back and her hair like a cloud.

Everyone's robes, their cuffs are a building shrouded in fairy mist, carefully distinguished, there are three words "Xiyuelou" on the cuffs.

"Brother, shall we go around now?"

The suave man shook his head slightly.

"Let's take a look first." The man said.

Hearing the man's words, the others stopped talking, staring straight ahead, and seemed to want to see how Chu Qianye resolved this crisis and retreated the giant beast.

"Brother, do you think this person can kill this giant mouth beast?" The woman standing beside the leading man asked in a pleasant voice.

The man holding a feather fan shook his head slightly.

"If you don't enter the deity, you basically can't kill this giant beast. The warriors below the celestial level will probably be killed on the spot." The man said: "this giant beast is an ancient beast, don't It seems that it only has the strength of the seventh-order celestial realm, but if it breaks out completely, ordinary venerables may not be its opponent."

"Ah, is it so powerful?" the beautiful woman said in surprise, covering her mouth.

The man holding the feather fan nodded slightly.

This Giant Mouth Devourer is naturally very powerful. This is not because of his exaggeration, but as a person who has come over, he knows how powerful the Giant Mouth Devourer is. He has had the luck to encounter it once and fought for hundreds of rounds. Frozen did not kill the Giant Mouth Devourer, and in the end it was his master who killed it.


The Giant Mouth Devouring Beast that confronted Chu Qianye seemed to have been unable to bear his temper, and suddenly rushed towards Chu Qianye. It looked like a behemoth, but it moved like a rabbit, very sensitive.

In the blink of an eye, the effort has swept to Chu Qianye's front.

The giant claw slammed towards Chu Qianye, a breath of power that was overwhelming, and immediately rushed towards his face, bursting out a breath of tyrannical strength.

Scattered rocks!

Chu Qianye retreated sharply to the rear, and the splashed stone, Chu Qianye stepped on the stone, and a huge force drove him back nine feet away.

"Hey, this guy seems to be very powerful, he has a lot of fighting experience, and he can use the stone just now." The beautiful woman said in surprise.

Although the man holding the feather fan did not speak, there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Chu Qianye frowned.

There is someone behind him, he wants to make a move, and he can't do it without reservation. After all, he is afraid that after his moves and skills are revealed, he will be known, and he will surely reach the ears of Wushi and Tianxuanmen.

Therefore, Chu Qianye could only subtly resolve the attack of this giant mouth beast.

If he changed to the previous one, he would have to use extraordinary swordsmanship, but now it seems that it is not enough, so he can only bear it, and then find the right opportunity to shoot.

Seeing the attack failed, the Giant Mouth Devourer suddenly roared, rushing towards Chu Qianye's figure again, and then shot again.

The huge figure swept over the sky and the earth, as if to cover Chu Qianye, and the giant claw stretched out again, and then slapped it at Chu Qianye.

Wherever the giant claws reached, the void suddenly shattered, the wind screamed, the branches broke, and then fell to the ground rustlingly.

Chu Qianye frowned.

This Giant Mouth Devourer has a fierce attack. If he doesn't find any good opportunities, follow the stone like this, the Giant Mouth Devourer's giant claws are likely to shoot him into minced meat.

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, he was thinking about how to find the right opportunity to start.

His figure flickered, Ling Tianshen stepped away, and continued to swept backwards.

And as soon as he landed on the ground, the Giant Mouth Beast slammed its mouth, spitting out at him like a flying arrow, wherever he reached, the void suddenly shattered, and the terrifying liquid corroded. The emptiness of the past was broken and opened.

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