Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1276: Refreshing person

This giant mouth bitter beast is really endless.

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, his heart moved, and he quickly took out a newly bought war sword. This is a Hongwu profound soldier. It cost him two hundred million merit points. There are also eight ways engraved by the refiner on it. God pattern.

Two defenses, two agility gains, and all others are power gains.

With such an increase in mysterious soldiers, it is also very satisfying to use.

The war sword gleamed, and Chu Qianye immediately pierced a few swords.

The sword is like thunder, and the mighty four directions.


All the sword energy that came from violent plunder was blocked by him.

The fierce force slammed and slammed so hard, but the liquid that came from the raid was blocked by him and was knocked out, and Chu Qianye's body quickly retreated to the rear.

"Chiff chick."

Those liquids stagnated one after another, and then fell on the place where Chu Qianye had stood before, and suddenly corroded a deep pit on the ground with blue smoke.

If these liquids just sprayed on him suddenly, I'm afraid he will lose a layer of skin if he doesn't die!

This beast is indeed so powerful. If it weren't for my intention to hide my strength, I would have killed you with a single sword.

Regarding Chu Qianye's skill, several figures in the distance saw this scene with a surprised expression on their faces. They didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so powerful. This method completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

"This guy stretched out his hand so sensitively." When everyone saw Chu Qianye's hand stretched out, they couldn't help but speak.

"Brother, he only has the strength of the fourth-order celestial realm?" The beautiful woman looked at Chu Qianye and said blankly.

Chu Qianye deliberately hid his strength, so he displayed his supernatural powers, no one knew his true strength at all, so he thought he was only the strength of the fourth-order celestial realm.

Chu Qianye deliberately suppressed martial arts cultivation, he didn't want to attract too much attention.

The man holding a feather fan stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickering.

To be fair, if he were replaced by him, he would definitely not have the skill of Chu Qianye. Whether it was Chu Qianye’s reaction ability or sword strokes, it was considered superior, not the low-level one. Martial arts and exercises.

Therefore, Chu Qianye had this kind of strength, and he was surprised and surprised.

‘When did Tianyu Dynasty appear such a powerful warrior? What kind of disciple is this person? Is it possible to be a casual practitioner? ’

He looked at Chu Qianye and couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Senior Brother Xiao Long?"

The beautiful woman standing aside, seeing that the man holding the feather fan did not answer, she suddenly asked in confusion.

Only then did the man realize his gaffe.

"His swordsmanship is elegant and his posture is good. Even if he can't kill the Giant Mouth Beast, I'm afraid the Giant Mouth Beast can't help him." The man said.

"Then Senior Brother Xiao Long, what do you think of his strength? He should be able to join our Xiyue Tower." The beautiful woman asked.

The man holding the feather fan was secretly surprised. He didn't expect his junior sister to invite this person to join Xiyue Tower.

He groaned: "Actually speaking, there is no big problem, but you have to get the consent of the elders and instructors. If he can pass the examination of our Xiyue Tower, others will naturally have nothing to say. "

"Senior Brother Xiao Long, let's recommend him, such a powerful genius, if he can join us in Xiyue Tower, would it be good for our overall strength improvement, isn't it?" The beautiful woman laughed.

Xiao Long smiled secretly in his heart, he naturally hoped that Chu Qianye could join them in Xiyue Tower, but logically speaking, he can be recommended, but whether he can be joined or not has to go through an assessment.

And what does Xiyuelou say, because there are some people who are too arrogant, those guys shouldn't be too willing to see them recommend powerful geniuses to join.

So, this is actually a big problem. Unless Chu Qianye's aptitude is average, then maybe those guys won't be too embarrassed, but Chu Qianye's aptitude is so good, those guys will definitely stop it.

But in order not to hurt his younger sister's heart, Xiao Long didn't say anything to death.

"Perhaps, it will depend on his personal good luck at that time. If he can pass the assessment, there shouldn't be much problem in entering our Xiyue Building." Xiao Long said.

"Okay." The woman smiled.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was standing nine feet away, holding a war sword, looking at the void directly in front of him with no fear on his face.


Seeing his own attack failed again, the Giant Mouth Beast suddenly burst into a roar.

"Brother, you seem to need help."

Just when Chu Qianye was considering whether to break out, a voice suddenly resounded, followed by a suave man standing beside him with a feather fan in his hand, smiling lightly.

Looking at the man in front of him, Chu Qianye was suddenly surprised, because he had already seen a building covered with fairy mist on the sleeves of the man. If he expected it well, the man in front of him should be from Xiyue Tower.

Unexpectedly, in this kind of place, I could meet the people of Xiyue Tower.

Feeling that the other party didn't have any malice, Chu Qianye said, "Hehe, this Giant Mouth Devourer is quite strong. If you can kill this man, the good stuff will be yours."

Chu Qianye already felt the strength of the men around him.

Three-star Venerable, this kind of strength is already very good, and Chu Qianye felt that the man in front of him seemed to be at the bottleneck. If this time it broke out completely, his strength could soar to the level of a four-star Venerable. .

The strength of the Four-Star Venerable is more than enough to kill this giant mouth beast.

Xiao Long looked startled and nodded gently.

He knew that he had taken advantage, and with Chu Qianye's strength, he could still kill the Giant Mouth Beast, as long as he was careful, and then seized the opportunity to kill the Giant Mouth Beast.

Therefore, when he heard Chu Qianye's suggestion, he couldn't help but stunned, and then shook his head gently.

Xiao Long couldn't do such things that take a small advantage.

"This brother, how about this, I shot this giant mouth beast, we will share the spoils, what do you think?" Xiao Long proposed.

Hearing Xiao Long's suggestion, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly brightened, and she couldn't help but feel good about the beautiful man holding a feather fan in front of him.

In this Profound Qi Continent where the earth swallows blood and bones, there are not many people like him.

Regarding cultivation resources, who would have too many?

The disease is not too much, but too few.

So seeing someone who doesn't take advantage of it, this person's character is still good.

Well, this person is good.

Three gods, the first friend, it's you.

"Okay!" Chu Qianye said: "The two of us joined forces to kill this beast. I will draw its attention, and you will take the opportunity to shoot."

When the words were over, the figure of Chu Qianye had been swept out.

Xiao Long stared at Chu Qianye so refreshed.


"Interesting!" he said heartily.

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