At this time, Xia Pingyang looked at Chu Qianye with a surprised look. He never expected that Chu Qianye would know the name of his swordsmanship.

The name is not bad!

what happened?

He looked at Chu Qianye, trying to figure out what was going on.

In fact, he was naturally very clear about the swordsmanship that Xia Pingyang had practiced, because when he was wandering around, he had seen a sword repairer named Jinglong created it, and seeing it used it, he was slightly impressed.

"How do you know that I played the "Frightening Dragon Sword Classic"?" He looked at Chu Qianye in surprise, with a look of surprise on his face.

Knowing the name of the sword skill he cultivated, the entire Tianyu Dynasty really couldn't find a few people, how did Chu Qianye know?

Chu Qianye laughed and said nothing.

Of course he wouldn't tell this guy about such things.

Well, the time should be almost too, it's time to get a soul possessed.

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

A thought flashed through his mind quickly.

Then Chu Qianye's soul power surged out.


A bright light suddenly appeared on the statue of Emperor Beixuan.

"Look, above the head of the **** emperor idol!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised and suddenly raised their heads and looked at the statue of the Emperor Beixuan...

At this time, a colorful halo appeared on the head of the **** emperor Beixuan, as if it were a wheel, emitting a supreme divine light, looming and colorful on the top of his head.

At this time, the **** emperor Beixuan's idol exuded very dazzling light, and possessed a subtle power aura.

"Ah, this is a miracle! God Emperor Beixuan is wandering about this, everyone, hurry up and kneel down!"

u, ●w

When everyone saw this scene, an expression of excitement suddenly appeared on their faces.

When Chu Qianye looked at the scene in front of him, his face suddenly became speechless.

Xia Pingyang, the pavilion master and deputy pavilion master of the Zhenlong Pavilion, as well as the disciple and Ke Qing of the Xiyue Tower, all knelt down and worshiped.

Is that just a little trick?


The light shone, and a ray of light rushed towards the top of his head immediately, wherever it went, the light seemed to be shocking, and the power was shaking the sky.

"Damn it, this kid doesn't kneel down!" Pavilion Master Tie said with a gloomy expression.

The owner of the True Dragon Pavilion frowned.

The others were speechless.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the light rushed toward him.


The light immediately sank into Chu Qianye's head.

In fact, this is the power of faith, and he just used some tricks to extract it into his body.

After he fell, these powers of faith had nowhere to go, and finally condensed on this idol. Now he is reincarnated in reincarnation. These powers of faith have no connection with him, so they cannot be taken into his own.

Now he just happened to be in the temple to collect this power of faith.

The power of faith is of great benefit to improving his strength, especially when he impacts the master in the future, these will strengthen his divine body.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye in shock.

This group of light did not enter Chu Qianye's body, what was it like?

"I am the North Profound God Emperor." Chu Qianye spit out lightly, the power of the soul surged out, and the great breath was like a surging tide, everyone was surprised and looked at Chu Qianye.

"This is one of the hundreds of millions of souls that I wandered about. I wandered here today. I saw someone showing sword skills, so I didn't invite you to watch it. Swordsmanship is really unsightly." Road:

"This swordsmanship is extraordinary. I will use his body to show you what swordsmanship is."

Chu Qianye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the sword, and I will teach you what is the real "Sword of Thrilling Dragon"."

Chu Qianye immediately swept his palm, and his Nine Suns Purple Sword rushed over and fell into Chu Qianye's palm, and his eyes flashed awe-inspiringly.

Xia Pingyang looked surprised, just now Chu Qianye took the sword, he could not resist.


At this moment, Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation base was completely released.

From the fifth stage of the celestial realm, all the way to the five-star Venerable!

Great coercion came out.

Everyone was secretly surprised, and felt that the Emperor Beixuan was possessed by the soul, and immediately did not dare to show the atmosphere.

"Get up all."'North Profound God Emperor' said lightly:

"This kid is right. I really don't like raw sacrifices. I like to eat spirit fruits. My weapon is not a dog leash."

Everyone was secretly frightened and looked at Chu Qianye uncertainly.

At this time, Chu Qianye was the **** Emperor Beixuan in the ancient myth?

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, they were secretly surprised and a little elusive. They looked at Chu Qianye cautiously, with an expression of anxiety on their faces.

At this time, Chu Qianye knew that although he pretended to be possessed by the soul, he was used to be more cautious in some behaviors, especially the tone of speech, it was definitely impossible to be too profound and continental!

He is now the Emperor Beixuan who controls the God Realm. He is aloof. He is not bound by everything in the world, and he can't speak too weakly.

Chu Qianye pulled out the Nine Sun Purple Sword.

Chu Qianye gently held the hilt of the sword, and with a light movement of his wrist, a sword flower surged out in vain.

"Hey, I haven't used a sword for a long time, it's all rusty." He said lightly: "For tens of thousands of years, I have been used to dog chains. The Heaven Punishment Sword is ice-sealed in its sheath, and I rarely use the sword."

The owner of the True Dragon Pavilion was secretly surprised.

They all believed it to be true, thinking that Chu Qianye was possessed by God Emperor Beixuan.

In fact, Chu Qianye didn't need these methods at all, because he was the Northern Profound God Emperor, but he was not the same person in his past and present life.

Get acquainted with Jiuyang Zijian.

Chu Qianye turned his head to look at Xia Pingyang, faintly vomiting: "I'm optimistic, I only use it once."

When the voice was over, the whole sentiment changed.

The eyes became fierce, and the sword breathed thunder in the body, surging out frantically.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was like a war sword in his palm, full of unyielding taste, and his sharp edge was also shown at this moment!

Therefore, people's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

This is just before the sword skill is used, but the momentum is first and foremost, awe-inspiring!

"The first style is astonishing as a dragon!"

"The second type, Qi is like a dragon!"

"The third style, Wanlong returns to the sea!"

When Chu Qianye walked in the courtyard, every time he took a step, the Nine Sun Purple Sword in his palm immediately burst out with a bright sword light, which seemed seamless.

Every sword skill is perfect!

Every sword skill is flawless!

Perfect sword skills, sword power like a dragon, sword spirit like a rainbow...

Sword skill possesses the power to return to innocence and simplicity.

At this moment, the human sword is one, this is the kendo that everyone pursues.

Extraordinary Kendo!

This kind of sword skill can only be possessed by real masters, and only when swordsmanship reaches the extraordinary can there be such a momentum and such power!

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