Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1302: The Lord Summoned

Xia Pingyang stared at Chu Qianye blankly. It was hard for him to imagine that such a young man would have such a terrifying sword breath.

The sword stops, the shadow stops, everything is calm again...

The sword intent is still memorable, especially the previous charm, which still makes people have an invincible illusion.

"Sure enough, it hasn't been used for tens of thousands of years after all."'North Profound God Emperor' laughed at himself, and then returned the Nine Sun Purple Sword.

The sword fell sonorously, and the voice echoed.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Qianye's sword was perfect without the slightest flaw.

However, in the eyes of the Emperor Beixuan, this sword skill is so unsightly, there is an illusion of indescribable elegance.

Chu Qianye stood with his hands behind.

"Although it only displays less than 20% of the sword intent, it should be seven or eight points better than the essence of the "Frightening Dragon Sword Classic". It is much better than you! What kind of swordsmanship do you cultivate? There is no connection at the tail, the swordsmanship is terrible!"

Everyone was secretly surprised. Chu Qianye was right when he said that the same sword canon was used, but Xia Pingyang was obviously pale and weak, and looked very clumsy.

And Chu Qianye's sword intent was full of charm and mysteriousness. Everyone was deeply trapped in his sword intent, and it took a long time to get over.

Xia Pingyang was unable to refute.

How can this be refuted? This is the Emperor Beixuan.

"Thank you, Emperor Beixuan for your advice!" Xia Pingyang said.

Chu Qianye used his magical powers, all the martial arts aura disappeared, and he returned to the fifth-order martial arts cultivation base of the celestial pole realm, while he looked around blankly.

"Uh, what happened?" Chu Qianye asked in a puzzled manner, looking at her surroundings'vacantly'.

Everyone was stunned.

Sure enough, it is the Emperor Beixuan, who has just possessed one of the billions of souls, and his martial arts cultivation has reached the five-star master? Moreover, such a terrifying combat power erupted, which is simply too late to react.

Pavilion Master Tie was surprised.

God Emperor Beixuan has been here?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye one after another, with a shocked expression on their faces.

Just now, you shocked everyone with your unique sword skills. You didn't even know?

Well, it's right to think about it, after all, you were possessed by the Emperor Beixuan.

"A miracle!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and exclaimed.

Chu Qianye was happy in his heart.

The miracle you think is actually a movement made by myself.

The matter of Chu Qianye's destruction of the idol was finally over.

"Tie Deputy Pavilion Master, you must make good use of this matter to expand my True Dragon Pavilion, and even my Xiyue Tower." The pavilion owner of True Dragon Pavilion said: "In addition, the statue of Emperor Beixuan, please be sure to renovate it. If you change into the Heaven Punishment Sword, you can find records in ancient history books, and you will not be able to make sacrifices in the future."

"Okay Pavilion Master, I will do it now." Deputy Pavilion Master Tie said quickly.

"Oh, yes, the previous kid, he is good at swordsmanship. I will find the host and ask him to give him more training resources. During this time, I will not be in the True Dragon Pavilion. You must coordinate with each other. Except for those forbidden areas, other forbidden areas can be opened to it. Do you understand what I mean?" said the pavilion owner of Zhenlong Pavilion.

Deputy Chief Tie and Deputy Chief Lin nodded one after another.

The sacrificial celebration soon ended, and the disciples of the disciples and Ke Qing left quickly.

Chu Qianye also felt that he was boring here, and then returned to his courtyard.

Not long after he came back, a figure landed in the courtyard.

"Mr. Chu, my Deputy Pavilion Master of Xuanyue Pavilion would like to invite you."

The incoming person is a beautiful woman with a faint charm on her body, her bright eyes twinkling, and a look of curiosity in her eyes when she looks at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye naturally recognized this woman, and he also saw her among those women during the examination that day.

"Dare to ask which deputy pavilion master?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Pavilion Master Zhou."

"It's my master," she added.

Chu Qianye understood her heart and nodded lightly.

He frowned subconsciously.

Previously, Xiao Linyan and Xiao Long said to him that these people from Xuanyue Pavilion practiced very evil methods. This time they visited and asked themselves to come over. What happened?

He sighed faintly in his heart, then nodded gently.

"Lead the way ahead." Chu Qianye said lightly with her hands on her back.

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, the woman nodded lightly, and then made a move with the palm of her hand. Between the void, a giant phantom landed. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a crane in the cloud.

This is a very ferocious beast, extremely fast.

"Let's go," the woman said, and then she flickered and got on the back of Yunzhonghe, and Chu Qianye also jumped onto the cloudhe.


A crisp bird's song sounded, and then the crane in the cloud flew forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and the next moment it landed on a mountain, surrounded by various palaces, suspended in mid-air, seemingly Row upon row.

Chu Qianye looked at the surrounding temples, secretly surprised.

These temples actually formed a matrix, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It seems that Xiyue Tower is indeed a master, thinking that this is only the strength of the second-rate sect, but with such strength, it is indeed not comparable to the Four Continents and Five Regions.


Cranes swooped down in the clouds and landed on a huge mountain.

Below is a huge flat square, surrounded by halls.

The woman took the lead to leave Yunzhonghe, followed by Chu Qianye.

For a moment, the cloud crane flew away towards the void, and the effort disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master Chu, please follow me." The woman said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The two walked forward one after another. People came and went along the way. What surprised Chu Qianye most was that they were basically all women, and occasionally men just left in a hurry. It seemed that these women were tigresses. Same, dare not stay at all.

Chu Qianye smiled secretly in her heart, wondering whether it was a blessing or a curse to come here this time.

But if it is a blessing or a curse, it seems that I can't hide it.

There is no other way but to continue to follow behind the woman.

He was quite inexplicable, and he didn't know what Ruolan was looking for this week. It was this woman who had allowed him to successfully test.

This woman is also calling him now.

¤ Most x new; Chapter I

This woman, what does she want to do?

Although it was only two or three days in Xiyue Tower, he had already roughly figured out the distribution of the sect of Xiyue Tower.

These deputy pavilion masters and pavilion masters are almost all within a huge sphere of influence. The four pavilions are close together, but they have extremely obvious power divisions, which has been reflected on the map.

No words were spoken along the way, nor did the woman speak.

When approaching a palace, the woman suddenly stopped.

"Mr. Chu, my master is waiting for you inside. You can only rely on yourself for the next road. I will not send it." The woman said, "You have been walking down this road, behind the palace. This is where you want to go."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

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