Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1353: Stepping into Long Yunzong!

The two left Xiyue Tower.

Zhou Ruolan knew too much about Long Yunzong, so she quickly found the place of Long Yunzong's mountain gate.

Fang Zuichen and the others were killed by himself, and Long Yunzong didn't seem to investigate it. This is really funny. Wouldn't Long Yunzong put the blame on Xiyue Tower?

This makes no sense.

Chu Qianye immediately told Zhou Ruolan of his doubts.

"Haha, you don't know anything, senior." Zhou Ruolan said: "Long Yunzong is too overbearing. Their disciples die from time to time. It's normal to have casualties every day. The few talents you killed have been in the past less than four days. At the time, they are still busy checking other people. It is estimated that they will be able to find out on the fifth and sixth day. After all, Longyunzong’s is still very large. There are already 150,000 or 600,000 disciples alone. How can you find people whose identities are not important?"

Uh, it seems to make some sense.

Regardless, anyway, I came here today to try the newly realized supernatural powers. Because of the existence of reduced form supernatural powers, Chu Qianye named this supernatural power self-time-shortened supernatural power.

When I came to Long Yunzong this time, one was to try the power of this time-lapse supernatural power, and the other was to get rid of the vassal power of the Tianxuan Sect.

Therefore, these are just small episodes. He just asked casually curiously. He didn't expect that the Dragon Cloud Sect was so huge. Although it was only a second-rate sect, it was a God-Splitting God, and it seemed not surprising that it had such a background. .

It is hard to imagine that Long Yun Sect, a second-rate sect, has a huge number of 150,000 to 60 thousand disciples, so there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Tianxuan Sect of this sect?

Fortunately, it's just a disciple. If they are all cows, then they have to reach the dominance state and have the possibility of revenge.

"This is Longyunzong. Let's start from here. The disciples of Longyunzong will take action to stop us. Therefore, if we make a move, we must be decisive. There should be no chance to inform the elder of Longyunzong, otherwise we can't kill too much. There are many, and it’s better to kill the inner sect. The outer disciple can’t threaten us.” Zhou Ruolan said: “The outer disciple’s clothes are only clouds but not dragons, and inner disciples have dragons and clouds.”

This is a very good distinction. There is a dragon to judge whether it is an inner door.

"Okay, let's go." Chu Qianye nodded and said, then stepped out towards the distance.

Seeing Chu Qianye leaving behind, Zhou Ruolan was secretly surprised.

"Senior Bei Xuan has only really cultivated for two years, and the strength I now possess is a level that I can't achieve in hundreds of years of cultivation. This talent is really terrifying."

The aura exuding from Chu Qianye made Zhou Ruolan extremely horrified, because he knew very well that Chu Qianye's combat power was not just the martial arts aura exuding from his appearance, but far beyond this level, and even more. High level.

Although only the strength of the Seven-Star Venerable, it is comparable to a powerful person in the Saint Realm. Such strength and cultivation talent feel terrifying after thinking about it. In other words, she can't reach this level at all, so she sees When Chu Qianye flashed out, he felt faintly terrible in his heart, because Chu Qianye's body was silent and soundless, and that feeling was terrifying, as if there was a breeze blowing around him.

Chu Qianye stepped out on the soles of his feet, and soon met the first group of people who were patrolling disciples of Long Yunzong. Seeing Chu Qianye and Zhou Ruolan wearing weird clothes and not wearing tokens, they all saw that they were outsiders.

"Who, this is Long Yunzong, leave quickly! Otherwise..."

The disciple of Long Yunzong in the patrol group just wanted to finish speaking completely, but in the next moment, they moved their heads, their whole body was completely dead, and there was no vitality in their bodies, and they disappeared in this world. Completely fall.

Chu Qianye ignored it, and dropped the Universe Ring and Meritorious Stone into the Universe Ring.

Seeing Chu Qianye's so familiar and fluent movements, Zhou Ruolan was suddenly surprised. She didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so fluent and flowing, without the slightest stagnation. She deserves to be the Emperor Beixuan, and her father Zhou Tian mentioned it the most. It was Chu Qianye's past life, with such an impressive demeanor, and her father would not dare to show the slightest disrespect to Chu Qianye even if he became a **** king.

: Genuine = First: ZWGm

And she came to Profound Qi Continent, also because of her father's request.

Kill one person in ten steps, never stay for a thousand miles.

Chu Qianye and Zhou Ruolan were fast, and wherever they went, those who died were out of the Universe Ring and Meritorious Stone, and even their bodies were moved into the Universe Ring to prevent them from being known.

"This is the distribution map of Longyunzong that I got from a disciple of the core of Longyunzong. I don't know if Longyunzong has changed a lot over the years. If it is not too big, we will follow this path. , You should be able to find the important elders and head teachers of Long Yunzong soon. However, the Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master of Long Yunzong may be more difficult to approach, so don't have too much hope." Zhou Ruolan said.

When the words fell, a scroll was suspended in front of him.

Chu Qianye swept his eyes. There were many places and various halls on the map, but there was no apparent place where the elders and head teachers lived.

However, Chu Qianye saw the numbers that were later marked with ink. They were densely packed. It seemed that there were more than forty dots in total. These dots formed a momentum of the stars and the moon. The top layer belonged to the residence of the deputy sovereign and the sovereign, and It also drew the place where the formation and the enchantment might exist.

Chu Qianye now finally understands why Zhou Ruolan said that, the place where the deputy and the sect master lived is indeed quite inaccessible.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and it might really take a lot of effort to kill the Sect Master.

"First get rid of the characters on these more than forty marks." Chu Qianye said lightly, and then returned the map to Zhou Ruolan. He had completely remembered this map, and he had a living map in his mind.

Zhou Ruolan nodded gently.

"Go and meet this elder Ren first." Chu Qianye's figure rushed out straight ahead, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Ruolan hurriedly followed. They entered the Longyun Sect and had to fight and make a quick decision. Otherwise, if they were slowed down by the strong of Longyun Sect, they would be made dumplings, so don't hesitate!

Standing in a courtyard, Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

He felt a looming breath forming.

This old man is in the courtyard!

Being good, being wonderful, being croaking, being head falling off!

There was a formation, Chu Qianye didn't care at all, this kind of small method was not a threat to him at all, and he untied the formation at will.

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