Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1354: Inexplicable gas

As the formation was unlocked, Elder Ren who was cultivating in the courtyard suddenly shot two cold glows in his eyes, and looked towards Chu Qianye and Zhou Ruolan's direction.


The figure of a middle-aged man appeared in front of Chu Qianye and Zhou Ruolan.

"Who, dare to break into my cultivation place privately!"

Chu Qianye shook his head faintly, he didn't even care, his figure teleported, and he appeared in front of the middle-aged man, his sword was like snow, and he fell silent.

"The first one," Chu Qianye said lightly: "If you are to blame, you are in the wrong camp."

Chu Qianye said lightly.

Chu Qianye's action was clean and tidy, never talking nonsense, as if he would kill when he saw people, without any hesitation at all.

At this time, Chu Qianye's eyes had become a little blood red. He knew very well what it was like to kill. He entered the Tao with this, and he should use it as the Tao.

Chu Qianye seemed to have a very strange feeling. He had a vague sense of comprehension, but this feeling was difficult to grasp completely, so it was a fleeting feeling. The effort disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he didn't wait at all. He felt it carefully.

He shook his head slightly, it was too late to feel this feeling, he had no choice but to give up a bitter smile.

The figure continued to swept forward, flickering towards a distant position, and soon appeared in the second position, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with a hint of brilliance.

Chu Qianye was even faster this time, and his figure swept to the courtyard. As soon as the elder wanted to scold him, Chu Qianye had already appeared in front of him, and his life was determined by a sword.

The strength of these elders basically belonged to the level of three or four-star venerables, and they were not feared at all. They were equivalent to the strength of the Profound Sky Clan disciple, not even as good as their strength.

However, Chu Qianye understood that these belonged to the newly promoted elders, so their strength must be not too strong. They belonged to the fresh blood of Long Yunzong, which has now been beheaded by him. I am afraid that those of Long Yunzong will see it. He is going to vomit blood.

It was easy for him to kill these people, but when he reached the eighth person, it finally became difficult. The opponent is the strength of the Seven-Star Venerable, and he has the same martial arts cultivation level as himself, and it is obviously impossible for him to kill him in person. .

"who are you?"

The elder Long Yunzong who was attacked stared at Chu Qianye angrily, showing a vigilant look. What he cared more about was Zhou Ruolan standing behind Chu Qianye.

"you are……"

The elder seemed to think of something.

As the deputy pavilion master of the old opponent, Zhou Ruolan’s identity obviously cannot be concealed from the other party. He immediately saw Zhou Ruolan’s identity. He looked surprised and didn’t figure out why Zhou Ruolan shot him against them. Long Yunzong shot.

Does this represent an individual or Xiyue Tower?

Long Yunzong and Xiyuelou have fought a lot over the years, but there has been no large-scale battle. Obviously Zhou Ruolan's visit this time surprised him.

"I'll help you block this place." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then didn't say much. The soles of his feet slammed, and his figure rushed out ahead of him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared before his eyes. When he waited for the next moment, he had already appeared in front of the figure.

This time, he didn't hide, and the extraordinary swordsmanship opened.


The terrifying force collided fiercely, and the elder clutched his chest, his face was shocked.

"Extraordinary Kendo!"

But it was Chu Qianye's more icy and terrifying killing intent.


Another sword slashed out, and this time the sword aura was even more terrifying, roaring fiercely like a storm.


Finally, a sword aura submerged into his body, he clutched his chest, and the fifth person of the extraordinary swordsman appeared in the Sixteen Great Wilds, he seemed to have guessed the identity of Chu Qianye.

He didn’t even swallow a breath: I’m just an elder of Long Yun Sect. Although Long Yun Sect is under a subordinate relationship with the Tianxuan Sect, you have the ability to kill those strong in the Sky Profound Sect. Why do you look for it? We sell shrimps?

"The opponent is getting stronger and stronger, Senior Bei Xuan, you may have stronger combat power. If you can't solve it, I will take action. First, to reduce the possibility of being detected by them, second, you can leave quickly." Zhou Ruolan He lowered his figure and said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, but there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He killed so many people. This time it seemed a little different. This feeling was very strange. There seemed to be a cloud of inexplicable gas on his chest. It was very similar to profound energy, and it was like stars. In short, it was profound and profound. I can't tell what kind of gas it is, but it just feels very different.

Since it can't be explained clearly, just let it be. You don't feel any hostility, it should not have any adverse effect on yourself.

Chu Qianye flashed away in one direction.

It's the ninth person, this time I don't know how this person's hands are.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, her eyes flickering.


The two stepped into a formation.


At this moment, a figure flew out.

However, the strength is only one-star Venerable, and it looks like it should be among the disciples.

Chu Qianye didn't speak up at all, the battle sword in his palm burst out with a cold light like snow, and slashed towards the person. This terrible killing was cut in person, and that person was also shocked by the scene. Hastily retreated toward the rear.

However, he couldn't hide Chu Qianye's sword aura at all.


The man's chest was cracked, blood was like pillars.

Chu Qianye raised his head, and there was a figure in between practicing.

It seems that this person is for this elder to protect the law.

Killing you while you sleep!

Chu Qianye swept away, and the sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and the man seemed to feel the sense of crisis, his eyes suddenly opened, the light in his palm flickered, and the mysterious soldier appeared.


With a sharp sound, the man was shot off by the sword, his arm was broken, and the sword qi sank into his chest.

"You, you... who are you?"

The person looked at Chu Qianye and said with a disturbed breath.

Chu Qianye didn't reply, but stepped out with another sword.


The ninth person died.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. There were more than forty people, this ninth person was not challenging, and basically they all met in seconds.

Continuing to kill, and the gas in his chest circled his chest, constantly whizzing away, that felt very strange, he had a vague understanding, but when he felt it carefully, he felt nothing.

Chu Qianye shook his head. He always felt that it had something to do with the number of murders. The more he killed, the denser the gas was, and his frequency of enlightenment became more and more.

Not enough people have been killed, continue!

The tenth, the eleventh, the twelfth,...

First e-issue "o

Chu Qianye constantly slayed the head teacher and elder of Long Yunzong.

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