Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1355: Set up a murder

Chu Qianye could not remember how many people died under his sword.

And the gas in his chest became more and more dense, but he just couldn't understand, what kind of gas it was, could it be because of the mutation that occurred after I opened up the veins?

This seems to be possible, just like his mutated martial arts spirit, as long as he gains a trace of other people's vitality, he can temporarily copy the skills and supernatural powers of others.

Perhaps the gas in his chest may be similar. If it is so similar, it may really be of great help. It is even more self-evident to help him improve his strength later.

"How many people is this person?" Chu Qianye asked.

"The thirty-fourth person." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised in her heart. He didn't expect that he would have rejected the thirty-four important figures of Long Yunzong. Because they were moving faster, most of the opponents that Chu Qianye could not kill were shot by Zhou Ruolan.

This time let him understand the flaws of the strength gap.

In the end, they were basically all venerables with seven or more stars, and their strength could not be said to be strong, and this kind of power gap Chu Qianye was struggling to kill the opponent swiftly. In order to be faster, Zhou Ruolan had to take action.

"Okay, next one," Chu Qianye said, and then his figure flickered, looking for the thirty-fifth head teacher again.

However, when they appeared at the marking point, no one was there, it seemed that they had already left.

There are also many cases of this. There are no less than forty places to search, and thirty-four people were killed, indicating that there are a dozen people who are not in their original positions and may leave or go to other places.

"It seems that you can only use other means." Chu Qianye said lightly.

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"You help me protect the law, I'll set up a killing formation here first."

Zhou Ruolan nodded lightly, and Chu Qianye immediately took out a few spirit stones. These were the foundation of the Tiantu Zhu Immortal Sword Formation.

Chu Qianye's figure flickered. Everywhere he went, he slammed his foot on the ground. A small deep hole appeared. Chu Qianye put the formation foundation into the small deep hole.

Soon the Tiantuzhu Immortal Sword Array was arranged and completed by Chu Qianye.

He took a deep breath.

Tianxuan Gate, kill my master, today I will kill the chicken and the monkey!

"Ruolan, you can hide it first. If it's not for me in danger, you don't have to act." Chu Qianye said.

Seeing Chu Qianye's solemn and serious expression, she seemed to have an enlightenment in her heart. She understood why Chu Qianye did this. She had seen this look. It was her father's expression when talking about the Baguio Empress, that kind of burning. The anger flames were so terrifying that they almost swallowed the sky.

"Okay." Zhou Ruolan nodded lightly, and then her figure flickered, and she swept towards a palace not far away, her breath disappeared completely.

After confirming that it was correct, Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the sky. He took out a wooden sculpture on which was the statue of Old Man Jian. It was a bit elegant and bald, and he couldn't help but let him see things and people.

"Old man Jian, today the Sky Profound Sect will pay a heavy price, and the apprentice will definitely give you revenge!" Chu Qianye flicked his finger, and the wood carving turned into a ray of light into the Zhuxian sword formation.

"Old man Jian, the apprentice said that he will definitely carry forward your "Thunder Movement Nine Tribulations Sword Art", as you see it, see you as you show."

Chu Qianye said lightly, looking at the wood carving that disappeared in the formation, Chu Qianye opened his mouth and screamed, and his voice was like a billowing thunder, constantly roaring in Long Yunzong.

"Little bunnies of Long Yunzong, roll over and lead them to death!"

Chu Qianye used profound energy in these words, so his voice was very clear into the ears of everyone in Long Yunzong, that kind of terrifying power was like thunder, like thunder!

"call out!"


Several streams of light rushed toward him, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed to them, and the body burst out with dazzling light. The power was extremely violent, and it was crazy and vast in the world.

"Who is here?!" The head was an old man with gray hair. He seemed to belong to a high-ranking person, and the other people who followed him looked forward to him.

"Haha, me, I am the one who killed you." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

This sentence is not arrogant, so when people hear this sentence, their faces are full of disdain. This is Long Yunzong, and the masters here are like clouds. Anyone who comes out is enough to kill Chu Qianye.

Therefore, they obviously didn't care about what Chu Qianye said.

At this time, Chu Qianye hid his martial arts aura, and outsiders could only see that it was at the level of the eighth level of the celestial realm.

This is a strategy. Anyway, if you don't use this kind of magical powers, that's a fool, and there is nothing bad about hiding your strength. A certain degree of weakness can help you gain more advantages.

"Huh, boy, which disciple of the master are you, dare not to wear the clothes of this sect, and presumptuous!" The old man stared at Chu Qianye and said coldly.

He felt that it was very likely that Chu Qianye was the disciple of this sect. After all, this kind of thing had happened. With Long Yunzong's patrol, it was impossible for anyone to enter the land of Longyunzong, and the invasion was so deep. Possibly, so he thinks it is very likely to be a disciple of the teacher.

"I'm your disciple, aren't you? You don't even recognize an old thing." Chu Qianye regretfully said, "You are indeed old."

The crowd onlookers were shocked. They didn't expect that someone would dare to scold the Supreme Elder. This is the Supreme Elder. Long Yunzong is the most distinguished person. Chu Qianye is so courageous, it’s really surprising. .

"Presumptuous!" The old man blew his nose and stared.

"Elder Tai, let me teach this kid, and then punish him to think over the cliff and close it for three to five years." At this time, a middle-aged man in a black robe stood up and said.

"Okay, then Elder Xing will do this." The old man nodded gently and said.

The black-robed old man stepped towards Chu Qianye.

"Boy, no matter what your purpose is, you dare to be so provocative and have no respect. You will be punished by thinking about it, and you have to destroy your veins." He stared at Chu Qianye and said coldly.

"Haha, is it? It depends on whether you have this ability." Chu Qianye shrugged and said, "Some people are just hard-mouthed, but their real strength is not as good as others."

Hearing these words, the black robe middle-aged man's face was gloomy like the bottom of a pot.

"Boy, looking for death!"

He furiously said, the soles of his feet stepped out suddenly, and the whole person instantly killed in front of Chu Qianye, and a dazzling light burst out of his body. The light seemed to swallow the brilliance of heaven and earth.

"Elder Xing, be careful, you are an Eight-Star Venerable after all, and your martial arts aura may shake that kid to death."

"Haha, isn't that very useless."


Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

Budo breath town kills me?

I killed you Long Yunzong so many elders, do you know?

The power of the stars in Chu Qianye's body suddenly whizzed out from the good fortune gate, bursting out completely!

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