Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1362: Let's go together

"This kid, even you can't help him?" the elder too ugly asked.

The super elder who fought with Chu Qianye seemed a bit ugly. This is what he worries most. Sect Master and other elders have come, and he can’t handle Chu Qianye. This is very embarrassing. , He feels he can't hold on his face consciously.

Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master had very ugly expressions. Chu Qianye killed their many elders and head teachers this time, and this account has to be calculated.

"Elder Xue." Long Yunzong's Sect Master Yun Wushuang vomited lightly: "Kill!"

"Lead!" The Supreme Elder said in a deep voice.

After the words were over, the figure had teleported to Chu Qianye's front, slammed out with a punch towards Chu Qianye, and the martial arts aura leaked out at this moment.

Chu Qianye felt the opponent's martial arts breath, and couldn't help but breathe.

Five-star saint!

Such a terrifying strength made him difficult to breathe. Although the martial arts cultivation base was only one star higher than the previous supreme elder, he felt a breath of death, as if the person in front of him had already had strength. Quite against the sky, this feeling is very scary.

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It's as if the person in front of him didn't use any power at all, but he felt the power was extremely violent. It was a kind of pressure that emanated from within, very strong, and it shocked him to breathe.

Chu Qianye didn't have the slightest politeness or hesitation. The war sword in his palm immediately burst out with a dazzling light, and a powerful profound energy roared fiercely, and instantly flowed into the war sword in his palm.


A terrifying force erupted from the war sword.

The sword is like thunder, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the vastness is in the world...

Everyone looked at this scene, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

They had already deeply understood Chu Qianye's previous combat power. Now that they saw this sword light, they knew in their hearts that the young man in front of him was no opponent at all.

"Extraordinary sword spirit!"

Sect Master, Deputy Sect Master, and other elders, when they looked at Chu Qianye at this time, couldn't help taking a deep breath, everyone understood why the sword energy in front of them was so powerful.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be extraordinary sword aura, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Extraordinary sword aura, after all, it takes super talents to understand and acquire it. There are only five people who have learned extraordinary swordsmanship in the 16th Great Wilderness. The young man in front of him does not seem to be the one who was already early. Four swordsmen.

There is only one possibility.

At this time, Elder Xue's eyes flickered, and with his palm, the void in front of him immediately formed an ice shield.


A force collided fiercely, and the sword energy instantly shattered the ice shield, while Elder Xue's figure retreated a hundred meters. He raised his head in surprise, and looked towards Chu Qianye, with a trace of imperfection in his eyes. A look of confidence.

"You actually know how to do extraordinary swordsmanship!" Elder Xue said with an ugly expression.

He seemed to understand.

At present, there are only five swordsmen in the 16th Great Wilderness. The other four have already become famous and cruel and cruel. The man in front of him is so young that he seems to have thought of a possibility.

"You are Chu Qianye, that newly promoted Sword Master!" Elder Xue stared at Chu Qianye and said.

Chu Qianye was not surprised that the other party was able to guess his identity so quickly. After all, if the other party did not know his identity, there were only two possibilities, or he would close the deadlock and live with the world. Isolation, or the other party pretending not to know.

Obviously, the Supreme Elder in front of him does not seem to be isolated from the world. After all, the martial arts has not reached a bottleneck, nor is it a sign of a breakthrough.

Everyone was secretly surprised.

They are naturally aware of Chu Qianye’s identity. After all, Chu Qianye is working against Wu Shi. This is not a novel thing. The high-level Wu Shi has announced Chu Qianye’s information several times before. The Six Great Wildernesses immediately caused a big wave, and Chu Qianye was a smash hit at that time, although it was only a short time.

"Hehe, it seems that I still have some reputation." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Elder Xue's face sank slightly.

Chu Qianye's cynical attitude displeased him. After all, at his level, people like Chu Qianye rarely pay attention to monks like Chu Qianye, but after all, this son is the Sword Sovereign, although it is only a new sword. Respect, but the strength is not weak.

"Huh, you are also called fame?" Elder Xue said coldly, "I don't care about your sword or swordsman, since you broke into our Long Yun Sect and killed my head teacher and elder of Long Yun Sect. , This matter must have an explanation, you can tell, how do you want to die?"

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"It's not how I want to die, but how you want to die."

Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand and said lightly.

"Come on, let me see how strong your Long Yunzong really is. Then, you don't have to hide it, let's go together."

This sentence made many people's faces extremely gloomy.

These words of Chu Qianye are no different from stepping on his head.

So, for this kind of thing, they are obviously angry, and their eyes are full of anger.

"To deal with you, I'll be enough!" Elder Xue's face sank, and he gave a violent shout, his hand flickered, and a glove appeared between his palms, glowing golden yellow, bursting out a breath of horrible power .

When Chu Qianye saw the opponent's Xuanbing, his expression was startled.

He has seen a lot of profound soldiers over the years, swords, spears, halberds, and spear chains... at least no less than a dozen kinds, and each of them has a different identity and level, and its combat power is also different.

However, he had never seen anyone using gloves, and the gloves used by this person seemed to have a sense of pressure that made him feel blood clotting.

It seems that the gloves in this guy's hand are also quite extraordinary.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

"How about extraordinary swordsmanship?" Elder Xue stared at Chu Qianye with a grinning smile: "In front of me, nothing is fart!"

After he finished speaking, he saw a dazzling light burst out of his hand. The light shook the sky, the power was amazing, and the rapid hurricane went up. Everywhere he reached, everyone's pupils solidified at this moment.


The astonishing power, like a beast, burst out from his body suddenly, swept out of the glove, wherever he reached, the name of the void was cracked.

He teleported to the front of Chu Qianye, and his right fist slammed out. It was simple and rude, but the power made people feel difficult to breathe. It was an oppression by a great martial art force.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. The old dog in front of him was more difficult to deal with than the previous one. After all, this guy was wearing a glove in his hand and fought him close to him. He was still holding a war sword, which was quite difficult.

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