Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1363: Angrily shattered the sky!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

The superior elder is stronger, he is not in the Saint Realm after all, the difference in this kind of strength is too great, even though he has a divine body, an extraordinary swordsmanship, coupled with the improvement of martial arts cultivation, and many muscles opened up, But this kind of advantage is not huge in the face of the Saint Realm. If he is allowed to deal with the 9-star Venerable, perhaps he thinks there is no problem, but watching the strong person who deals with the Saint Realm will not show the advantage.

Fortunately, he possesses time-lapse magical powers, and the opponent's movements seem to be fast, but they are not fast in his eyes. He can only find flaws and weaknesses and make use of them.


The violent power surged out in an instant. Everyone could still feel this violent aura from a distance, like a violent storm, descending quickly, and every punch made them feel a great tremor. The extreme tearing feeling is very strong.

Chu Qianye's eyes shrank suddenly.

Although he possesses time-lapse magical powers, this tremendous power is extremely terrifying.

When he stared at him, he was surprised to find that the speed of this fist was terrifying. Although the time-lapse magical power had been used, the speed was still terrifying. It is conceivable to face the Five-Star Saint Realm and higher The powerhouse, how tasteless his time-lapse supernatural powers are!

The higher the opponent’s martial arts cultivation level, the smaller the advantage of his own supernatural powers. Fortunately, he can still have enough time to react. Otherwise, he will have no time to dodge the punch, let alone analyze his weakness and There is a flaw.

"Thunder and sword spirit!"

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate any more, the war sword in his palm burst out in vain with a dazzling light, the light shook the sky, the sword aura was like thunder, and it roared frantically, that amazing power kept roaring and vast.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank almost at this moment. This is a huge sense of oppression. Although they are separated from a long distance, they still feel the violent and roar of this power.


"If I have this level of combat power, I will find a place to learn about cultivation and improve my martial arts cultivation."


Everyone looked at Chu Qianye's figure, with a look of surprise on his face.

Regardless of Chu Qianye's courage and strength, he was already super invincible among his peers, so many people were lamenting for this.

Most people of the same age are only in the celestial realm, and Chu Qianye has already stepped into the Seven-Star Venerable at this time, and is only one step away from the Saint of Transformation. If she is extremely talented, she can realize the Saint of Transformation. impossible!

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The two forces collided fiercely, shaking the mountain for a while, and Chu Qianye's figure took advantage of the momentum to retreat to the rear, leaving the distance from the opponent.

"Want to run?" The Supreme Elder grinned and said, "It's not that easy!"


When the voice fell, the whole person turned into a divine rainbow, and his figure rushed toward Chu Qianye again, and a terrifying force burst out of his body. The shocking momentum, wherever he touched, the void trembles suddenly, all Human pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

At the collision, the space of a hundred meters collapsed in an instant, and the energy of nothing surging in the sky and the earth, swallowing everything frantically, making people shudder.

What kind of overbearing strength this is. In other words, they may not necessarily have such strength, so this punch, or this sword, is extremely terrifying.

The elder who fought with Chu Qianye looked at Chu Qianye's retreating figure, and his face also showed a hint of surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect Chu Qianye to be able to explode such violent combat power. He was extremely surprised. This kind of combat power is really terrifying, and there is a fierceness that swallows the sky and the earth.

"It's quite capable." The Supreme Elder stared at Chu Qianye and sneered: "I think you should have a magical power that can see my martial arts."

Chu Qianye was surprised secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that the time-saving magical power he had mastered could be detected by the other party, showing how fierce his eyes were.

Chu Qianye had no words.

Seeing that Chu Qianye didn't speak, the super elder gently shook his head.

"I, Xue, have seen many geniuses like you, but they all fell in the end." The elder too sneered: "Also young like you, so courageous and courageous. It's a pity, in the end too. Younger."

Chu Qianye didn't reply, he was still thinking about whether to use the Tiantu Zhuxian formation. If he used this killing formation, it would be easy to kill the elder in front of him, but at the same time, the other party would also find himself in this way. There are killing arrays in the area, so naturally it will not be so easily fooled.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to delay. The longer he delays, the more anxious the other party will become. When the time comes, he will join hands to deal with him, and when everyone else is in the battle, he is activating the killing formation and killing these guys.

"Ruolan, don't make a move." Chu Qianye was afraid that Zhou Ruolan couldn't control the move, so he couldn't help but said in a divine voice: "Remember, you can't make a move until I have no life crisis!"

"Good." Zhou Ruolan Shenyin responded.


At this time, Elder Xue stared at Chu Qianye, and the soles of his feet slammed out again, and the whole person rushed towards Chu Qianye, and immediately slammed again towards Chu Qianye with a punch.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and the war sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and a phantom appeared behind him, killing intently.


The huge impact of force once again caused the two of them to retreat violently. Chu Qianye retreated further, but he did not stop at all. The next moment he teleported again and appeared in front of Elder Xue.

"Sword Demon?"

Seeing the phantom behind Chu Qianye, Elder Xue was secretly surprised.

But he immediately snorted coldly, "A sword demon, dare to be arrogant and domineering in front of this seat? Get out!"

Chu Qianye showed a sneer.

He seals and swallows seals.

This action is extremely fast.


Chu Qianye's body swelled and turned into a hundred-foot-tall phantom. At this moment, when other people saw this scene, they seemed to think of something.

They had suffered a lot from Chu Qianye's martial arts before, and their expressions suddenly changed slightly when they saw Chu Qianye's martial arts again.

"Huang Quan Tian is angry!"

Elder Xue's face changed slightly, and he obviously saw what martial skill Chu Qianye was going to use.

He wanted to teleport away.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Would you like to leave now?

"Hehe, since it's here, leave something."

When the words were over, Chu Qianye's mouth suddenly opened, and the ancient syllables glowed, and he spit out lightly!

The blood qi chuckles out, and the blood qi is diffused in the Baizhang void centered on him, forming a huge palm print!

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