Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1368: Conceited

He didn't even know that at this time, the Sky Profound Gate had already dispatched masters to besiege him, and he didn't even know that there were familiar faces in the people who came.

"This kid has the blood of Nine Youques." One person said: "We have to keep the good news secret to prevent leaks. We also have to fight quickly. Brother Nunmu, you have intercepted him. The kid knows very well, I don’t know what the brother has.

When Wu Mu heard this, he couldn't help but groan secretly. When he went to intercept Chu Qianye before, don't mention how frustrated he was. It was clearly something that had been fixed, but he never thought that something unexpected happened. Man failed to intercept and kill, instead he lost his wife and broke down. Bai Yueji personally delivered it to the door. Not only did she lose her mind, but she also became a laughingstock. Although this matter was kept secret, only the elders knew about it. This matter, but now when he saw the elders, his face still felt a little hot.

Therefore, when someone asked this question, his face still felt hot, but seeing the pair of expectant eyes, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

Obviously, he seems to have no other choice on this question, so he must answer.

"This problem is not difficult. First find his weakness. I think everyone's weakness is nothing more than women or family members. So as long as these two problems are solved, other things will be much easier." Nunmu said: " This is just my personal humble opinion, maybe other seniors or elders have higher insights."

"Oh right, I remember Junior Brother Wan Ling and the others went early. At that time, Chu Qianye hadn't grown so fast. His martial arts cultivation at that time was only in the extreme realm. After I went there, are there any other clues and important gains?"

Wan Ling's eyes rolled, knowing that Nanmu was kicking the ball for himself.

This guy, obviously everyone asked him, but he actually brought the ball to him again. It was really good enough, this guy was really cunning.

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Countless thoughts flashed in Wan Ling's mind.

"Haha, Senior Brother Nanmu joked, and that visit was just like a white horse crossing a gap, but he knew that by virtue of his martial arts cultivation in the celestial realm, he just defeated the Venerable and subdued the Wu Clan. Is this a clue? "Wan Ling said.

Everyone was secretly surprised, the strong of the celestial realm, defeated the venerable?

how can that be? Isn’t it said that there are ants under the Lord? How can a powerful person in the celestial realm defeat the venerable? This kind of thing is incredible.

The elders were also secretly surprised. The martial arts cultivation of the celestial realm defeated the venerable. This kind of thing is really rare. At least in their experience of these careers, they have encountered at most two cases, but those are outstanding geniuses. , It is also extremely rich in combat experience, even thousands of times richer than the ordinary Venerable.

Could it be that Chu Qianye was already so strong at that time?

Although everyone didn't say anything, they thought so in their hearts.

"This is true. Don't look at me with such eyes. Lin Qing and Junior Sister Hao Juan followed, and Junior Sister Ziyue can also testify for me." Wan Ling said, suddenly a trace of her eyes flashed across her eyes. The color of ecstasy.

"By the way, I remember that Hao Juan and Chu Qianye seem to belong to the same sect in Chishui County. They are called Jianhou Mansion, if I remember correctly."

This sentence made everyone's eyes look at Hao Juan at once.

Hao Juan frowned, this **** Wan Ling, this matter seemed to be a handle, and every time Chu Qianye was mentioned, he would inevitably come out and say something.

In fact, she is most afraid of being exploited. She knows what Chu Qianye’s weakness is. Anyone who has a close relationship with him is easily influenced and used by others. Therefore, what she is most worried about is Chu Qianye’s safety. .

She had already told Zhang Tianqi about some of the martial art actions early on, hoping that Chu Qianye could practice low-key, but she did not expect that he would enter the Heaven Splitting God Wilderness this time. This meant that there would be a direct conflict with the Tianxuanmen. She didn't think that Chu Qianye didn't know the relationship between Long Yunzong and Tianxuanmen.

This matter is very anxious. If she goes to Xiyue Tower this time, she only hopes that Chu Qianye people will not be in Xiyue Tower. If people are in Xiyue Tower, they are very likely to let the people of Xiyue Tower follow the style of Tianxuanmen. Handing over Chu Qianye, Chu Qianye is only Ke Qing after all, even if he is the disciple or elder of Xiyue Tower, he is afraid that Xiyue Tower will not dare to resist the great pressure.

So the problem she worries the most has happened. Although she has been mentally prepared for a long time, she was a little caught off guard. She was thinking about how to pass the news to the people in Xiyuelou, so that Xiyuelou can let Chu. Qianye left.

However, the words Wan Ling said all of a sudden made her plans in her heart come to nothing.

"Oh? Is there anything like this?" Nun Mu looked at Hao Juan with a surprised expression, and said, "Since you are in the same Jianhou Mansion, you should know him well, right?"

A pair of gazes turned towards Hao Juan.

Hao Juan sighed secretly in her heart.

In fact, based on the relationship between Tianxuanmen and Wu Shi, it is estimated that the relationship between her and Chu Qianye has long been understood, so she can't hide it at all.

"When I was in Jianhou Mansion, I went out to practice twice with him." Hao Juan said: "As for what kind of person he is, I don't have much contact with him, so I don't know much."

An old man in a purple robe in the distance had a sharp look in his eyes.

Don't understand?

Haha, before leaving, Elder Bai had already told him that this female disciple had a very close relationship with Chu Qianye, and this time going to Xiyue Tower might be a good chess piece.

His eyes flickered, and there was a trace of awe-inspiring passing in his eyes.

"Well, you don't have to embarrass your fellow disciples. Those are the past and the past, and she doesn't know the future." He said lightly.

When everyone heard this sentence, their faces were afraid to say much.

The old man in front of him is the leader of this operation. He has followed Elder Gu for many years. What he said basically represents the position of Elder Gu, and Elder Gu can represent the opinion of the master, so his words are equivalent to what the master said The words are majestic and no one dares to veto.

But this sentence fell in Hao Juan's ear, but there was a sudden feeling in her heart.

She didn't think it was a relief, so she was alert in her heart.

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