Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1369: Descend to the gate

"What Elder Canggu taught."

"I will follow the wishes of Elder Cang."


The disciples of the Tianxuan Sect nodded in response.

However, most of them are bright in their hearts, knowing the implication of this sentence. This is not a relief in the true sense, but the words of Elder Canggu are very meaningful. After all, Elder Canggu is a face and heart. Sinister and cunning people who are kind and unkind, they don't believe this old man can say good things.

Then Elder Canggu gave Bai Wushuang a look.

Bai Wushuang's eyes flickered.

"Canggu, do you already have a plan?" Bai Wushuang Shenyin asked.

"Well, there is a plan. Elder Bai has already passed on the words of Elder Gu to me before he leaves. We can use this Hao Juan a little bit. Xiyue Tower will inevitably hand over Chu Qianye, even if we don’t hand over Chu Qianye. , They will definitely not stop us, let's use Hao Juan a little bit, Chu Qianye will definitely die." Elder Canggu said:

"This woman is already suspicious, so we should not pay too much attention to her on the road. Let her do what she wants. Just pretend that she hasn't seen anything. I will inform others of the specific details, but you You have to make preparations over there. It has already taken two days this time. It's hard to say whether that kid is still in Xiyue Tower. Have you sent someone to keep an eye on it?"

"Of course, I have sent someone to keep an eye on Xiyue Tower. If there is any action, I can know immediately." Bai Wushuang said: "This kid killed so many elders and head teachers in my sect. Everyone has to pay attention, and he must not be allowed to escape this time!"

"Well, Lao Bai, we have known each other for so many years after all. You should know who I am." Elder Canggu said in a divine voice: "Kill that kid this time. I won't fight with you about other things on him. As long as the mysterious fire in his body, the blood of the Nine You Sparrows belong to you, but some people at the Sky Profound Clan may also need some of the blood of the Nine You Sparrows to block their mouths."

"Haha, it should be." Bai Wushuang said in a divine voice, but he secretly sneered in his heart. They were all smiling tigers, and they all knew the ink in their hearts.

Each is pregnant with each other.

For a day, they spent each other on the flying boat, and Hao Juan had been trying to expand her perception to see if she could feel the breath of Chu Qianye. Fortunately, Shenyin informed him before reaching the Tianyu Dynasty.

It's a pity that when she was approaching the Tianyu Dynasty, she didn't feel the presence of Chu Qianye's breath at all, which made her a little surprised, not knowing why.

In the end what happened? Could it be that he has left the Tianyu Dynasty?

If he leaves the Tianyu dynasty, it’s okay. She’s afraid that Chu Qianye never left. He is still in the Tianyu dynasty. If that’s the case, it would be quite dangerous. When the time comes, the Tianxuan Gate will come down and take Xiyue Tower. Containment, there is almost no way to escape.

There was a faint worry in her heart, and she was the least likely to see such things.

"Finally here." Seeing the outline of Tianyu Dynasty revealed, everyone said.

At this time, the sun's rays shone on the earth, dispelling the cold air.

"Wushuang, your people are already in place to guard Xiyue Tower." Cang Gu asked.

"That's natural. My people have already guarded the Xiyue Tower. From that day to now, no one has reported that Chu Qianye has left, so this kid must still be in this Longyun Sect." Yun Wushuang said lightly.

Elder Canggu showed a faint smile.

"Several elders are in charge." Elder Canggu said, "Block this position first. Xiyue Tower must have been aware of it now. When I negotiate with them, let them hand over people, even if they don’t. Come out, at least let them not stop them."

"it is good!"

After Wan Ling, Nan Mu and others looked at each other, they all nodded.

At this time, Bai Yueji was very tangled in her heart. She looked at Long Yunzong, her eyes twinkling, she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this moment, Hao Juan felt anxious for Chu Qianye. She tried to perceive Chu Qianye's breath, but Chu Qianye was like a conquest of the world, there was no breath fluctuation at all, as if there was no him in Xiyue Tower. Any traces of, seem to cease to exist.

However, she didn’t think so. Long Yunzong’s people were able to stay for so long, so it made sense. At least Chu Qianye had been here. As for whether to leave now, she was also uncertain. She hoped that Chu Qianye had already left. Xiyue Tower, in this way, Tianxuanmen and Long Yunzong rushed to the air, Chu Qianye hid in other corners, low-key promotion of his strength and martial arts cultivation.

She hoped so, but in fact it was not the case. Chu Qianye was still in the Xiyue Building, but had entered a magic circle and suppressed her breath with the aid of the magic circle, so Hao Juan did not notice the existence of her figure.

Zhou Ruolan looked at the magic circle. Chu Qianye had been in the magic circle for two days now, but there was no movement at all. She knew that Chu Qianye was still enlightening, and she didn't know how long it would last. But she already knew in her heart that Chu Qianye's state might last for a few hours, maybe half a day, two days are possible, and when she would wake up from the state of enlightenment, she was completely uncertain. It may be fast, or it may be slow, but he doesn't think it is so fast.

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In the past two days, she already knew about Long Yunzong's enclosure of Xiyue Tower. These days, she was thinking about how to conceal it. Although she knew that this matter would be revealed sooner or later, she hoped to buy more time for Chu Qianye. .

Chu Qianye's current state definitely does not want to be noticed by others, and should not be disturbed by others, otherwise the enlightenment will be abandoned. It may be that the best opportunity for enlightenment is missed at a critical moment, and the loss will be even greater.

"Hey, Senior Bei Xuan, I hope you can enlighten you as soon as possible. I don't know how long I can delay it for you, but I will definitely try my best. Even if only one breath is still there, I will be able to make it to the last step!" Zhou Ruolan's eyes flickered. , She shook her palm and said seriously.

At this time, Long Yunzong and the people of Tianxuanmen had descended to Xiyue Tower.

Faced with the arrival of so many powerful men, many of the young people in Xiyue Tower were secretly frightened. They didn't know what was going to happen, so they didn't dare to leave rashly.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of Xiyue Tower. The patrolling law enforcement team reported upward. The law enforcement elder of Xiyue Tower frowned. Now the host is still practicing in retreat. If this incident shocked him, it seems a bit unreasonable, so We still need to understand the situation first.

"Several pavilion masters, I believe you should know what kind of situation our Xiyue Tower is facing now." The law enforcement elder said: "The landlord retreats and can't easily disturb him, so this matter falls on me. We have to Handle this matter properly and make sacrifices when necessary."

The patrons of Xuan Yue, Zhenlong, Tiangang, and Wanxu Four Pavilions all opened their eyes.

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