"Let's check the situation first." The true dragon pavilion's pavilion vomited lightly: "Even if the Sect Master of Long Yunzong can't be unreasonable, there must be something."

"Well, I agree." The pavilion owner of Tiangang Pavilion nodded.

Xuanyue Pavilion and Wanxu Pavilion both nodded.

A few figures immediately soared into the sky and came outside the gate of Xiyue Tower. At this time, more than a dozen saints and more than 30 venerables were outside the gate. Seeing these lights rushing by, they knew Xiyue Tower. Can't sit still.

"Hehe, I knew they would definitely be unable to sit still." Elder Canggu spat lightly.

Soon after, a few figures rushed to the front of the mountain. The elders headed by were Mu Yan, the law enforcement elder of Xiyue Tower, and Mae Cui. These people were all the elders Xiao Long introduced to Chu Qianye earlier. Chu Qianye had never seen the lineup of the four pavilion masters, so he couldn't recognize these four even if he was there.

However, these four people seemed to have status, even Mu Yan didn't dare to set himself up in a high position, but rather looked a little polite.

After Mu Yan and others skimmed out of the mountain gate, they glanced around, and when they saw Yun Wushuang, the Sect Master of Long Yunzong, and Canggu, the elder of the Tianxuan Gate on the side, they frowned.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come!

These people came fiercely this time, and they were about to rush to their Xiyue Tower.

Although he was surprised in his heart, his face was pretending to be calm and uncomprehensible, and he looked at Yun Wushuang and Canggu.

"I don't know how many people come to my Xiyue Tower for advice?" Mu Yan asked.

"I can't talk about advice." Yun Wushuang said: "But you have a guest named Chu Qianye, who killed my Yunlongzong elder and head teacher. You also don't pretend to be foolish by pretending to be garlic. This time I'm here. The purpose is very simple. You handed over Chu Qianye."

Mu Yan and the others were startled. The incident took only two days, and they were all in retreat. Naturally, they didn't know about the killing of the elder Long Yunzong and the head teacher. Therefore, upon hearing Yun Wushuang's words like this, several people showed expressions of surprise.

What's more, this Ke Qing who killed the elder and head of the Yunlong Sect is still Chu Qianye?

√l Update the fastest ◎Pm

Chu Qianye and the others knew the best, and there were miraculous things that happened in the hall at the beginning. The Emperor Beixuan wandered into his body, and they still remember the set of "Sword of Frightening Dragon" that they displayed.

"Today you have to pay, or if you don't!" Cang Gu said coldly.

Mu Yan and the others frowned and turned their heads to look at Canggu.

Although they didn't know Canggu, the strong lineup of the opponent and the domineering tone immediately aroused vigilance and attention, and they looked at Canggu carefully.

When they saw the mark on each other's robe, they suddenly showed a surprised expression.


This is the most unique mark, so they can see each other's identity at a glance.

It's over, this time things are making trouble. When did Chu Qianye make trouble at the Profound Sky Gate? When did you kill so many people?

what is happening?

Seeing the expressions of Mu Yan and others, Bai Wushuang frowned. It seemed that these guys really didn't know, it seemed a little bit inconsistent with Xiyuelou's style.

"A few wait a moment," Mu Yan said, then closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Wushuang knew that Mu Yan was communicating with people in Shenyin, mostly asking about the situation.

Mu Yan opened his eyes for a moment, his eyes were not quite right.

"Lao Yan, what's the situation?" several people asked.

"Hey, I have been practicing in retreat for the past two days, and the people below did not pass the news to me." Mu Yan said, "Two days ago, Chu Qianye entered the Yunlong Sect."

The words are not finished, but everyone already knows what is going on.

They couldn't help but frowned, and they didn't expect Chu Qianye would actually do such things.

Ke Qing's binding force is very low. After all, they have a high degree of freedom and can leave the sect at any time. Fortunately, they are also Ke Qing. Otherwise, if they are disciples or elders, they will not be able to separate from this matter.

Ke Qing is equivalent to a lodging person. In fact, it has nothing to do with the sect forces. Therefore, several people looked at each other, and they all could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Wait a moment, I have sent someone to check his whereabouts. If it is in my Xiyue Building, I will definitely offer my hands." Mu Yan said.

"Hmph, you better be like this, otherwise we will step on your Xiyue Tower today!" Canggu said coldly, "You don't want to be clear, this matter is more or less related to your Xiyue Tower, if not Cooperate, then I can’t blame my Tianxuan Sect for insulting!"

Several people glanced at each other and sighed in their hearts. They didn't expect such things to happen, and they were a little shocked, especially Cui immediately. On the day before Ke Qing's examination, Xiao Long also banqueted him to make him accommodating. At that time, he saw that Chu Qianye was thin and weak, and he was so weak that he could not connect him with the Great Killer God.

Enter Yunlongzong, kill its elders and destroy its head teacher?

Tsk tsk, this matter gave him a hundred courage, he dare not do it, after all, such a huge enmity, it feels terrible to think about it.

Wait, Chu Qianye?

Mu Yan and the others seemed to have thought of this name. They only knew that Xiao Long called Chu Qianye the son of Chu, and didn't know his real name. Now they heard Canggu mentioning this name, and they felt a sudden feeling in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the Keqing they recruited had a great background. He had a great feast with Wushi and Tianxuanmen. If they had known before, they would not dare to recruit in because of Xiao Long's favor. Only then allowed Chu Qianye to participate in the Keqing assessment. If this matter is used to make things difficult by the Tianxuan Sect, the problem will be a big deal, and they will have to go around if they can't eat it!

Mu Yan also ignited in a hurry. After a long time, the law enforcement team quickly got a message that no one could be found in Chu Qianye's courtyard.

"Hmph, don't say that Chu Qianye is not in your Xiyue Tower." Bai Wushuang said coldly, "My people stay here and have not seen him, and I can still feel his breath in your Xiyue Tower. Inside!"

Bai Wushuang insisted, making Mu Yan feel a little embarrassed.

The patron of the other four pavilions was lost in thought.

"In this way, Sect Master Bai, you will let us in, and the others will stay outside the mountain gate. If you can find him, we will cooperate with you to capture or kill him together. Do you think this will work?" Said: "He is the guest of my pavilion, and I have this right to deal with him."

"Okay, just do what you said!" Bai Wushuang nodded and said.

Then Bai Wushuang, Mu Yan and others entered the Xiyue Tower, while Canggu and others stayed outside the gate.

"Elder Cang, we..."

"Looking at the changes, Sect Master Bai will notify us whenever there is any change," Cang Gu said.

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