Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1416: Calculation and back calculation

A powerful aura of strength erupted from Zhou Ruolan's body, erupting fiercely like a volcano.

Through the battle sword, the power rushed out wildly, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment. With such a violent sword, the Rock-Swallowing Giant roared and couldn't separate the figure.


Chu Qianye in the deep pit was cut down with a sword, and the star stone shattered into two pieces. The sword energy was cut, the gap was extremely smooth, and the iron was cut like mud!

The Divine Shadow Sword in his hand is, after all, a divine tool. Even if it has no divine power, it can still explode its power only by the power of the stars.


Chu Qianye looked at the two star stones below, without hesitation immediately, with a wave of his robe, he wanted to put the star stones into the Naling Ring.

"Hehe, I'm really lucky, I encountered such a big star stone." A strange voice suddenly resounded, followed by a terrifying murderous intent, and went straight to the back of Chu Qianye's head, if Chu Qianye insisted on keeping this star stone in the Naling Ring, then the blow behind him might kill him.

The silver light on the soles of Chu Qianye's feet flickered, using Ling Tian's steps, and his figure swept forward, while he stabilized his figure in the air, only then did he clearly see the appearance of the figure hiding behind him.

The one standing behind him was actually Jiang Xiaobai who had been fighting for the blood of Nine Youqueen before.

Yuanfu Jiang Xiaobai!

At this time, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frown. This Jiang Xiaobai has been here for a long time, but he didn't realize it. This guy's martial arts cultivation level, I'm afraid he has reached a five-star saint, it is even very likely to be Six-star saint!

Moreover, this person was sinister and cunning, he had seen this person's character when he was fighting for the blood of Nine Youque.

Yuan Mansion is the Heaven-Splitting Goddess Academy created by the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons. It has the highest status, even the Profound Sky Clan can’t match it, and the strength of these guys is extremely tyrannical. In addition, there are Ten Thousand Demon Lords. No one wants to conflict with these people at all, and the people in the Fallen Temple and the Soul Hunting Hall dare to confront them.

Jiang Xiaobai, like Bu Qianchen, is a candidate for hegemony in the Great Wilderness dominated by Ten Thousand Demons. If he moves this person by himself, it may be troublesome in the future. Especially on the day of the Great Wilderness Competition, the other party will definitely be thinking of himself, and so is Bu Qianchen. Candidates, if the two of them attacked him, it would be terrible. Although they will inevitably encounter them in the future, at least they are not enemies.

Chu Qianye frowned.

This guy is very scheming, He Zhiqian has mentioned it to him earlier.

"Hey, it's interesting, I actually avoided my attack." Watching Chu Qianye flee from his attack, he suddenly said softly, with a faint smile on his face.

"My friend, I don’t have any bad intentions, but since this star stone has been divided into two by you, let’s divide it into two pieces. You take one and I take one. Of course, unless you want to fight with me, My intuition infers that there should be a lot of strong people on the way, which means that the delay will not be long, at most ten minutes, here is the strong coming, and then not only I can’t get it, but you can’t even get it. , Even if you get this star stone, you will definitely have to pay a heavy price." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly:

"You and I live together in peace, divide this star stone from each other, and then leave here separately, what do you think?"

%...See the original chapter ‘Section n on ¤. G

Chu Qianye frowned.

In fact, this is the case. If he does not quickly escape from here, Zhou Ruolan will not be able to withstand the attack of the Rock-Swallowing Giant Beast, and a new round of strong men will come here, and a fierce battle will be inevitable.

Therefore, this Jiang Xiaobai's proposal is good, at least there is not so much pressure, and the star stone can be easily taken down, although a piece of cake must be separated.

However, this is a safer way to maintain stability without sacrificing too much.

"Well, if you don't have any problems, we'll divide it like this." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, with a trace of cunning passing in his eyes.

"Yes." Chu Qianye finally nodded slightly.

Although the star stone that separated the plates was very painful, the other star stone he took was also good. After all, if the merit water was extracted, it would be enough for him to improve his martial arts cultivation three or four times. The most conservative estimate is also three times.

In other words, if he uses this star stone, his martial arts cultivation should be able to reach the level of a five-star saint.

This is already pretty good.

"But I want the biggest piece." Chu Qianye said firmly.

"Okay, it's okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly and smiled slyly: "After all, you discovered things first, so naturally I don't have any opinion on the big head."

Chu Qianye frowned. This is a bit different from what He Zhiqian said. Isn't this guy very scheming? Why does he feel so friendly?

Hehe, it seems you want to calculate me.

If you really want to calculate me, don't blame me for being rude!

Chu Qianye sneered secretly in her heart.

"You take it first." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Chu Qianye confirmed in her heart that Jiang Xiaobai was still calculating him.

Chu Qianye pretended to be unaware.

He looked at the big piece of star stone, Na Ling ring flashed light, and produced a strong suction force. When he was about to take the star stone in, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly showed a sneer.

At this time, most people's minds would be distracted, and there was no time to defend. He caught this, so he was so straightforward to let Chu Qianye take the star stone first.


Jiang Xiaobai swept in front of Chu Qianye, the halberd in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and powerful murderous intent burst out, followed by a more powerful force attack, the power above the halberd was thundering, Wherever it went, the void was trembling and twisting.

This burst stab is extremely fast. In addition, when people use the Naling Ring, their mind and attention will be distracted. Even the strong cannot react in such a short instant, and Jiang Xiaobai uses instantaneous The blasting thorns were added, and ordinary people could not react at all. He just couldn't react to Chu Qianye, so he wanted to calculate Chu Qianye like this.

It's a pity that he made a mistake. After all, Chu Qianye is a dual-purpose existence, so Chu Qianye quickly noticed his explosive sting.


The light in Chu Qianye's hand shone, and the sword slashed out.


The halberd and the sword collided fiercely, sparks burst out, and powerful forces surged out frantically.

Jiang Xiaobai was knocked out, and Chu Qianye's figure quickly retreated.

After all, it is not an active attack, but a passive counterattack, so it is inevitable that this will happen, otherwise, with his strength, how could he retreat so much?

The collision of powerful forces swept away fiercely in an instant.

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to react.

"One mind and two purposes!" He stared at Chu Qianye, his expression somewhat ugly.

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