Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1417: Star stone

Jiang Xiaobai never expected that Chu Qianye could do two things with one mind, so his calculations were completely empty. When Chu Qianye took the star stone, it did not affect his attention at all, but he kept paying attention. Keeping yourself, and fighting back.

Chu Qianye looked at Jiang Xiaobai coldly.

Sure enough, you didn't have a good heart, and you were thinking about how to calculate Lao Tzu.

Chu Qianye looked at another star stone.

"In that case, don't even think about taking the other star stone." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

"Huh, the only two-star saint also teaches me?" Jiang Xiaobai grinned and said, "Although he failed his calculations, but killed you, this star stone is still mine."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was still not giving up, Chu Qianye sighed helplessly in his heart.

The other star stone, even if he delays to the arrival of other strong men, he will not let Jiang Xiaobai take it away.


Jiang Xiaobai's figure swept in front of Chu Qianye, and the halberd in his palm suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and the halberd burst towards him, shaking the sky, exuding a powerful aura of strength.

Chu Qianye's wind is light.

Now he has determined that Jiang Xiaobai's martial arts cultivation is only at the level of a five-star saint.

Canggu and Bai Wushuang both died in their palms, let alone you?

"Absolute Heaven Sword Destroyed!"

Chu Qianye gave a violent shout in his heart, and the divine sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and the sword energy went straight to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised secretly in his heart, because the sword that was slashed violently was quite terrifying, and he felt his soul shudder.


The profound soldiers collided fiercely together, in the limited deep pit, and the powerful force roared everywhere, the force hit the rock fiercely, and the terrible force shook the rock to crack and open. It was amazing. The power of the heart is chilling.

"Boom! Boom!"

The rock shattered and fell off, forming a huge gap.

But Chu Qianye and Jiang Xiaobai retreated violently.

However, Chu Qianye was very surprised that Jiang Xiaobai’s defense power was not broken. The clothes he wore had a layer of defense power that was not weak. If he guessed it correctly, it should be armor, and it was still inscribed with high-level defense. The armor of the **** pattern, so the sword he had just now, could not break his defense at all.

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The opponent's defense did not break open, and he categorically did not dare to easily use the Heavenly Sword Lotus. If he couldn't kill it, it would only attract the opponent's attention and caution, then there would be no chance that he would kill it.

"How can you, a small two-star saint, have such a terrifying power?!" Jiang Xiaobai stared at Chu Qianye with an incredible expression on his face.

Chu Qianye didn't say anything, he was thinking in his heart what method could be used to kill or wound Jiang Xiaobai. It doesn't matter if he can't be killed. At least he will be injured. Then his defense power will be weakened. He can take advantage of a set of sword skills to make a fierce attack, and he will lose a layer of skin without dying. Then he will naturally not be able to continue to compete with himself for this star stone.

Chu Qianye stared at Jiang Xiaobai, her eyes flickered, but she was thinking in her heart.

"Bastard, die for me!" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were cold, and the soles of his feet jerked, and his figure rushed toward Chu Qianye. The halberd in his hand burst out with dazzling light, and then he slammed toward Chu Qianye. Come, the power is extremely violent.

As far as the halberd was, the void was shattered and collapsed. That kind of horror felt abnormally. Chu Qianye could still feel the powerful force from such a distance, causing the void to be twisted and shattered. And open.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Shadow!"

Chu Qianye yelled in his heart, and the sword in his palm seemed to have never been shot, but Jiang Xiaobai's pupils suddenly shrank.

This is simply a shadowless sword!

He didn't see it, but he could feel that Chu Qianye did cut out a sword just now. He was secretly horrified in his heart. He didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying sword repairman.


The powerful attack hit fiercely, and the huge force suddenly went away, the star stone below slammed and cracked, and the rocks in the deep pit fell one after another.

Feeling countless rocks falling one after another, slamming downwards quickly, Chu Qianye moved in his heart, took out the heavy ruler, and carried it on his back. The wave-splitting ruler suddenly swept out and collided with those rocks. With a muffled sound, the rocks were all knocked out and sank into the rock wall fiercely.

And Jiang Xiaobai held the halberd in his hand and burst the stab sharply, forming a shadow of the halberd over his head.

Chu Qianye showed a smile.

Haha, I'm afraid you will not be distracted or distracted!

The Na Ling Ring between Chu Qianye's fingers burst out with dazzling light, a huge suction force was generated out of thin air, and the stars and gravel below suddenly swept towards Chu Qianye's fingers.

At this time Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized.

It's a horrible dual-purpose martial arts talent!

He stared at Chu Qianye, almost exploded with anger.

"Asshole, stop for me!" He furiously said, no longer caring about the rocks on top of his head. He rushed towards Chu Qianye, trying to stop Chu Qianye from making the next move. .

Chu Qianye smiled lightly.

Hehe, just like this, also competing with yourself?

Why don't you go to heaven.

The large piece of star stone below was collected by Chu Qianye into the Qiankun Ring.

Below, there are only a few pieces of broken stars, palms of hands, palms of the face, and the size of a washbasin. They are scattered on the ground, adding up to seventeen or eighteen yuan. Obviously, there are thousands of drops in the refined water.

This is a huge number, enough to establish a second-rate sect in the Four Continents.

Obviously, Chu Qianye did not intend to give up.


Two more broken star stones were put into the Qiankun Ring by Chu Qianye, and they were the two largest broken stones.

Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that he was so angry that this **** kid had taken so many star stones.

He also took others' food!

Has he ever been eaten by someone?

This is simply humiliating to him, and he was calculating Chu Qianye himself, but he didn't expect to be counter-calculated, which made him angry.

"Stop it!" Jiang Xiaobai's entire face turned pale, and he stared at Chu Qianye fiercely, wishing to swallow Chu Qianye, the halberd that he was holding tightly violently turned white. Suddenly purple...

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.


The war sword in his palm once again displayed the shadow of the heavenly sword.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes suddenly burst again. He felt that he had been miserable by Chu Qianye and could not stop this guy’s attack. After all, Chu Qianye’s sword skills were so fast that he couldn’t see the position of the sword. , Can only be felt by intuition.

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