Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1418: Bloodline Crystal Ore

The light on Chu Qianye's hand flickered, and Na Lingjie burst out with a bright light.

The star stone below rushed toward Chu Qianye again.


Seeing Chu Qianye fighting against himself while collecting the star stone, Jiang Xiaobai turned pale with anger. Chu Qianye's behavior seemed shameless and extremely shameless to him. He had never seen anything like him. Such a warrior.


The halberd and the sword collided fiercely, and a huge force immediately swept out of the sky. After the huge destruction force in the deep pit, the rocks suddenly fell down.

At this time, Chu Qianye had already taken the star stone back into the Naling Ring, and there were two small pieces left. Chu Qianye did not take it away. It was not worth his risk, so he planned to give it up and leave here. At that, after all, other strong people are also on the way over, if they don't withdraw in time, it won't be so easy to leave when other strong people arrive.

However, at the moment he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw a blood crystal at the location of the star stone, which was not too big, just the size of a fist, emitting a faint glow of blood.

Chu Qianye’s ghostly guesses, this bloodstone seems very difficult, and it always feels like a faint light of spirit, this kind of feeling is really very different, he subconsciously thinks that something that can be with the star stone, It must not be anything ordinary.


Chu Qianye's soles rushed toward the blood crystal.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have seen the blood crystals, and there was a trace of heat in his eyes.

He holds the same view as Chu Qianye. The bloodstone that can be under the star stone is naturally not a mortal thing. The star stone has already been obtained by Chu Qianye. It is absolutely impossible for this last blood stone to fall into Chu Qianye's hands. Yes, even if you fight for your life, you will get this bloodstone in your hand.

"Insatiable, be careful to die!" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly.

However, Chu Qianye didn't care. The heavy ruler in his hand formed a wave-removing ruler, blocking the rocks outside, while the rock was violently knocked out by Chu Qianye's wave-removing ruler, either forming powder or moving towards The rock wall whizzed away, and in the blink of an eye it was deeply embedded in the blue rock.

Jiang Xiaobai also came behind Chu Qianye at this time.

Chu Qianye didn't care, and the Zhilang Ruler continued to be used to the extreme, forming a violent power aura, while on his other palm, the Naling Ring burst out with brilliant light, and wanted to put the bloodstone into the Naling Ring. .

The Naling Ring in Jiang Xiaobai's hand flashed with the same light at this time, and a huge suction force also appeared. Two suction forces formed and pulled each other, but no one could compete against each other. The blood stone emitted a faint blood glow.

At this time, they thoroughly saw the bloodstone.

"Bloodline crystal mine!"

At this time, Chu Qianye recognized this bloodstone at a glance. This is a crystal ore that helps activate and enhance the blood vein. A whole vein can form a blood vein crystal ore after thousands of years. It is very rare, and it is usually the essence. It can be condensed to form a very rare stone, which will show a bleeding red light.

Both activating and enhancing blood veins have a very strong effect. Ten thousand veins may not be able to form a blood vein crystal mine, which is quite rare.

Therefore, the importance of this blood vein crystal ore can be imagined.

And Jiang Xiaobai also recognized what this blood-red crystal was.

The star stone, all together, is not as important as this bloodline crystal mine. After all, this bloodline crystal block improves the rank and power of the bloodline, and the improvement of the bloodline is the most obvious for the improvement of martial arts talent and strength, just like Chu Qianye His one-hearted dual-purpose martial arts talent, this is the bloodline talent, which ordinary people simply cannot have.

If you obtain this bloodline crystal mine, the improved martial arts cultivation level and strength will be extremely huge, and it is possible to gain benefits in the follow-up practice, just like Chu Qianye can do two things with one heart. This is not a one-off. Absorbing refining and upgrading martial arts is over, but it will be used endlessly for a lifetime. For anyone, its temptation is huge.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai was also jealous. He stared at that bloodline crystal mine, his face showed a solemn color.


The figures of the two persons continued to teleport towards the bloodline crystal mine almost simultaneously.

Almost at the same time shot to kill.

The purpose of each of them is very simple, to kill the opponent, this bloodline crystal mine belongs to him.


The halberd and the sword collided fiercely, and there was a sudden tremor under the deep pit, and then a deep crack was formed in the rock wall, and the crack extended towards a far place.


The cracks in the rock wall are getting bigger and bigger, and it has vaguely reached the edge of collapse.

Chu Qianye frowned.

"Supernatural power!"

First pF issued_O

Chu Qianye's heart moved, one hand fought Jiang Xiaobai, and the other hand formed an energy hand, grasping the blood vein crystal mine in the energy palm.


A huge force formed, and Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly became very ugly. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to still have a hand.


The bloodline crystal mine fell into his palm.

Chu Qianye felt at ease at this moment.

Ignoring Jiang Xiaobai, Chu Qianye grabbed the bloodline crystal mine and threw it into the Universe Ring, moving out towards the deep pit.


As soon as his figure left Shen Kang, the Rock-Swallowing Giant Beast roared and stared at Chu Qianye, apparently already knowing that the star stone it had guarded for so long had been taken by the human being in front of it.

A group of flames spewed out from his mouth, rushing straight toward Chu Qianye, the temperature was extremely terrifying, and the void was trembling everywhere.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and profound fire surged out of his body, and went straight to the beast fire that swept out. The two flames collided fiercely and eroded each other.

Zhou Ruolan was a little embarrassed at this time, but there was no major problem and no injuries were sustained.

Seeing Chu Qianye escape from the deep pit, Zhou Ruolan knew that Chu Qianye should have already got the star stone at this time. Now that the star stone was already in hand, it was time to evacuate here.

"Huh! Huh!"

A few streamers in the distance swept quickly, and finally landed.

At this time Jiang Xiaobai escaped from the pit.


The rock walls behind him collapsed toward the deep pit below.

"Asshole, kid, don't you want to run!" Jiang Xiaobai flew out, hovering in the air, looking away at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye frowned.

It's really troublesome. I originally wanted to evacuate here before these powerhouses arrived, but it seems that I can't do so now.

"Brother Qianchen!"

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have seen those figures descend, and a smile of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hurry up and grab this kid, he has a star stone and a bloodline crystal mine!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

The few figures that had just landed suddenly looked at Chu Qianye one after another, and there was a flash of heat in their eyes.

The star stone is nothing, mainly the bloodline crystal mine!

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