Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1436: Die of conceit

The nineteen saints all fell in an instant!

Although these saints are almost all saints who have just broken through, they may have unstable martial arts cultivation, or have despised their opponents because of the skyrocketing strength, but anyway, they are saints after all!

And there are several saints who are three or four stars!

But in front of Chu Qianye, he couldn't stop it at all. Chu Qianye's attack was like the trial of the king, and the king was unstoppable. What a domineering sword skill, many people couldn't stop these few killing moves. In the blink of an eye The Kung Fu was destroyed like this.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Such a sword is really too powerful, and it looks very abrupt and weird. The blood column spit out from the inside out, this feeling is like suicide.

Everyone looked at this weird scene in front of them, with awe-inspiring expressions in their eyes.

Such a sword is completely devastating.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly at this time.

The most shocked at this moment was Wan Xing. He never expected that the nineteen saints he brought with him were so vulnerable.

No, it's not that the saint is vulnerable, but that Chu Qianye's strength is too strong!

He stared at Chu Qianye. At this time, there was a horror in his eyes. He knew very well that it was this guy who caused all this. If it weren't for Chu Qianye's strength, Chu Qianye's combat power, It's exactly like gods block and kill gods, Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha, like a sword breaking through all enemies.

"It's a terrible sword."

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, and their hearts were all shivering.

They did not expect why it was the nine saints who could not stop Chu Qianye's attack.

Now, only deep fear remained in the eyes of the one hundred venerables.

Can this be compared?

Than a fart!

The opponent double-killed, and raised his hand with a sword, the murderous roar contained in the sword aura constantly surging between the heaven and the earth, the powerful killing was extremely fearful.

Therefore, the wisest way now is to run quickly, go back to each house, and find each mother.

If anyone doesn't want to live, just shoot.

Everyone was secretly afraid of Chu Qianye, because Chu Qianye's combat power completely exceeded their imagination.

"Ten Thousand Stars, right?" Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "I will give you a chance now. Either you smash the soul jade and let your people from the Profound Sky Clan rush over, or I will kill you."

The words are very indifferent, but the eyes jump wildly.

At this time, Chu Qianye is more like a killing god. He has no emotion in his words. More importantly, there is only killing in his eyes. The killing is quite shocking. There is a powerful killing in his pupils. The power that burst out is even more shocking.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Wan Xing's face changed suddenly.

In three seconds, you are a scam, I just gave you three minutes to think about it.

Wanxing cursed inwardly.

But he has no choice. Either he can only crush the soul jade, or he can fight with Chu Qianye to kill the Quartet, but he is not sure now. After all, Chu Qianye still has a clone. If he really wants to fight, which one is stronger and weaker. , In fact, it can be basically judged, he is not a mentally retarded, just the sword, the burst of combat power is enough to explain everything.

However, he smashed the soul jade, and the sect did not know the situation, and sent more than a dozen saints. That was definitely a death. With Chu Qianye's current strength, he could only realize it after killing at least two groups of people at the Tianxuan Sect.

Therefore, it is impossible to crush the soul jade.

There is only one way.

Shenyin told!

Wan Xing began to perceive, trying to tell Elder Gu.

Unfortunately, Chu Qianye shook his head in disappointment.

"Don't say I haven't given you a few times, but you insist on doing this." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, two phantoms swept in front of Wanxing, and the two war swords in his palm burst out in vain. The light, and the sword aura containing powerful murderous aura whizzed out frantically.

Wan Xing's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had no time to continue to perceive, and quickly teleported, trying to escape Chu Qianye's ultimate move.

"Huh, can you escape?"

Thousands of thousands of stars swept out, too late to feel a little joy in his heart, but suddenly saw a big mountain from a high altitude, slammed down at him.

No one can reflect this sudden scene.

The horrified faces of those Yulin army.

Such a majestic mountain, I can hardly imagine, if it is completely smashed down, there are still people below who can live?

Obviously impossible!

And everyone looked at the place where the mountain fell, their expressions changed suddenly.

The place where the mountain fell was actually the main city of Heaven Splitting God Wilderness. If it hit, the destructive power it would cause would be extremely terrifying, and no one below could escape this smash.

This big mountain was quite terrifying, and it fell rapidly.

No one can reflect it.


Wan Xing was hit by this and he vomited blood abruptly. His entire face was pale. In the process of falling rapidly, Wan Xing exhausted his strength and ran away quickly.

"call out!"

His figure swiftly rushed towards the area directly in front, but he did not dare to stay, he did not even dare to look back, he vomited blood violently, he had already lost half his life, but his strong survival instinct made him urge all his power. , Even burned his own blood, constantly fleeing here.

He has only one thought now, and that is to run away from this big demon quickly. If he moves slowly or hesitates a little, he will die in his palm.

Able to kill nineteen saints with one sword.

Can move mountains and hit people...

Perhaps only a sage with seven stars or more could do this with such a method. He is a six-star sage, I can't imagine that Chu Qianye really only has the strength of a three-star sage?

He really doubted it!

Chu Qianye's methods completely surpassed ordinary people's expectations.

At this moment, Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at Wan Xing who was escaping quickly, revealing a faint smile.


Just let you run away?

Obviously it is impossible to drop!

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the rapidly falling mountain stopped abruptly when it was about to hit the temple below, then changed its direction and roared toward the location of Wanxing.

Feeling the sense of crisis coming from behind, Wan Xing was full of horror.

"Chu Qianye, if I don't die, I will pay you back a thousand times in the future!"

Wan Xing roared and roared, the blood in his body burned and boiled again, while his speed continued to teleport forward.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Originally, if Wan Xing hadn't said this sentence, there might be hope of escape. After all, Chu Qianye didn't want to spend so much time and energy on this, killing one person in ten steps, and staying a thousand miles...

It's a pity that Wanxing finally died in his own conceit.

Chu Qianye's figure teleported and disappeared into the distance. When he came back again, Wan Xing was dying and was held in his hand by Chu Qianye, and he walked back and threw it towards the area below.

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head and looked at the other hundred venerables who dare not move at all.

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