Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1437: Go to the Heavenly Profound Gate!

"There are only two roads before your eyes." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "Either I will subdue or be killed by me."

"Limited to you one minute to think about it. If you are willing to stand with me on the left hand side, you don't need to move the rest, because you can't escape!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

This is not Chu Qianye's arrogance, but that he possesses such strength.

Imagine that more than twenty sages like Wanxing died in his hands, let alone these sages, they could not be defeated at all. The strength difference between sages and sages was too big, it was not a tiny bit.

It’s no exaggeration to say that a sage who has justified the sage can fight alone against twenty sages of the peak, and a sage of four stars can fight against forty sages of the peak, and has never been defeated in the slightest. may!

Now that Chu Qianye has killed twenty saints casually, what strength is this?

A hundred Venerables are not opponents at the same time.

Therefore, when many people heard what Chu Qianye said, they felt entangled in their hearts, and there was a fierce struggle on their faces. Everyone was thinking about it.

The huge exit of the Vientiane Realm was silent.

The figure in the distance looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

One person actually made the twenty sages and one hundred sages of the Tianxuan Clan helpless. With this kind of combat power, I am afraid that one person can single out a second-rate sect force.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone immediately took a breath again.

This kind of strength is too terrifying, if it really broke out, it would be possible to challenge a first-class sect.

The first person retreated to the left.

With the first one, soon there will be a second, third, fourth...

With the passage of time, more and more people are moving to the left.

"Senior Zhao Fu, what shall we do?"

The few people who had taken the lead to laugh at Chu Qianye before, looked hesitant at this time.

If they choose to retreat to the left, they are choosing to betray the Sky Profound Gate.

But if they do not make a choice, there is only one dead end.

"Don't be afraid, we are not his opponents, but there is no problem to escape!"

Several people communicated in divine voice.


Several people roared, the power of the stars in their bodies suddenly poured out, and the figures of several people teleported towards the distance.

Seeing these people want to choose to escape, Chu Qianye gently shook his head.


Chu Qianye teleported, the war sword in his palm burst out with brilliant light, the avatar used a sword of "Extreme Heaven Sword Annihilation", and the main body had a sword of "Extreme Heaven Sword Lotus". After the defense was broken, blood was flowing on everyone's body, and there was a touch of shock in their eyes. None of them expected that Chu Qianye would have such combat power.

In the blink of an eye, the warriors who tried to escape were all gone!

The other warriors who had a fluke mentality, how dare they have any thoughts at this time, and they retreated to the left one after another. Of the 100 venerables, only seven did not want to follow Chu Qianye, but were killed by Chu Qianye. Ninety-three people, all standing on the left.

Whether it is willing, whether it is helpless, whether it is for a small life...

These people have made a choice!

"Very well, since that's the case, then you swear a poisonous oath, swear by your martial arts, and I will kill anyone who does not swear by martial arts." Chu Qianye vowed lightly.

"Follow me!"

The exit position of the Vientiane Land was staged a dramatic scene at this time.

Dozens of people at the Tianxuan Gate raised their right hands and swore to the sky.

"Today, my surname, who is my name, will withdraw from the Sky Profound Gate and follow my master Chu Qianye. No matter what is dispatched, there must be no heart of betrayal. If there is a desire to betray, I will be bombarded and killed by the heavens. , To show loyalty!" Chu Qianye said lightly.

"Don't you want to escape my perception. Whether to sign a contract with me, I know as soon as I perceive it. If I don't want to die, I will give in!"

There was despair in everyone's hearts.

Indeed, they couldn't deceive Chu Qianye, especially with the martial arts cultivation skills like Chu Qianye, they knew if there was a contract at the first glance.

A group of people raised their right hands to swear.

Such a spectacular scene made the warriors who had just walked out of the realm of Vientiane full of consternation. Obviously they hadn't awakened, and they didn't know what the people of Tianxuanmen were doing.


A ray of light shone, but it was everyone's martial soul, in various forms and colors.

Martial arts have some insights and lowered the constraints of strength.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he suddenly felt that everyone had signed a martial arts contract with him, and as long as these people betrayed themselves, there would be a disaster.


Therefore, the price of betraying Chu Qianye was very high, but it was death.

Therefore, most people will not make such a choice unless it is possible for those who are not afraid of death.

However, how could such a person with the seed stand on the left?

Those who fled before might really have such courage.

Chu Qianye chose this method because he understood the weakness of these people.

Although these venerables were forced to follow him, they are still dozens of venerables after all. Even if they are placed in the Four Continents and Five Regions, they are rare in existence, and although these people cannot let them join the Dragon Gate. , But at least it can lead the battle and act as a cannon fodder.

Well, this method is still good.

There was an extra scroll in Chu Qianye's hand, and that was the news about the Sky Profound Gate that he asked Long Jin to investigate.

All the news is in his palm, it is all the information about the Tianxuanmen that Longmen got.

Although this kind of information is only a rough outline, Long Blade used a special method to get the information out of these people's mouths. There is basically no problem.

And these people have already followed him, so you can check with these people.

"Go, go to Tianxuanmen!" Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

The faces of the people at the Tianxuan Gate were unnatural.

They were forced to betray the Tianxuanmen just a moment ago, and now they go to the Tianxuanmen again? And still following the enemy of the Sky Profound Gate?

This thing is so embarrassing.


Chu Qianye took a step on the sole of his foot, and his figure flickered towards the distant mountain range, and the kung fu disappeared before his eyes in an instant.

The sky is blue and there is no cloud, dozens of small black spots stay in the distant sky, looking down at the Tianxuan Gate built on the mountain below. At this height, it happens to be able to gather the stretch of mountains beside the Tianxuan Gate. From the bottom of my eyes, at a glance, the endless mountains look quite spectacular.

Chu Qianye looked down at the Tianxuan Gate below.


Tianxuanmen, the main hall of discussion, a dozen figures sitting at the large table in the hall, most of these people are white robes with special badges on their chests, which is enough to explain their identity and status in the Tianxuanmen.

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