Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1478: Promise Excalibur

"Ruolan, you should also be clear about the Lingxu space," Chu Qianye asked.

"My lord, I've been to the Lingxu space twice. Although I don't know it very well, I still know it in general. The space is very large and the power in it is very strange. Especially the people who have gone in, even though they are dead or perished. For a long time, but the souls of these dead people cultivated in it and cultivated into a powerful energy body." Zhou Ruolan said: "The existence of these guys makes it difficult to move freely in the Lingxu space."

Energy body?

Is it the same as those energy bodies encountered in Jianhou Mansion?

That's not right, those energy bodies don't have a high-name spiritual intelligence at all, and they are sensitive to some sense of crisis, but it is actually rare to be truly powerful.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Obviously, the energy body Zhou Ruolan said should be different from the energy bodies he thought, but after the death of these people, there are still souls remaining in the Lingxu space. Over time, the power of these guys will be reduced. Also gradually strengthened.

"The energy bodies you mentioned should have their own spiritual intelligence, and they should also have some of the strength and memory of their previous lives." Chu Qianye asked.

Zhou Ruolan nodded gently.

"This kind of energy body is really extraordinary." She said, "They didn't seem to forget the abilities and memories of the previous life. When we were really fighting with us, we even suspected that this was not an energy body."

"It's a normal phenomenon." Chu Qianye said: "Humans have three souls and seven souls. The souls are relatively low-level existences. Even if they are not scattered between the heavens and the earth, and can actively use the energy body to condense the formed body, they have no previous life. Memory cannot use exercises, martial arts, and other methods from previous lives. It can only absorb those energy desperately, which is an instinctive response."

"The Three Souls are not the same. The Three Souls are high-level existences that can remain in the world, and can actively use the exercises and martial skills of the previous life to continue to practice again, but because of the lack of seven souls, they can only be said to be them. It is a part of human nature, a part of animal nature, it is both instinct and consciousness.

Seeing the doubt and perplexity in the eyes of the two, Chu Qianye continued:

"This kind of energy body seems to be restored to the memory of seven years old, but at the same time it is mixed with some part of the memory of the previous life in the twenties or even hundreds of years. It is very strange to mention, because it lacks the three souls and seven souls. , So the incompleteness will lead to this kind of memory confusion."

The two finally understood this time.

"This kind of energy body is also very scary. Although the strength has been drastically reduced, because of the memory of the previous life, it can use exercises and martial skills, and even some magical powers from the previous life, so it belongs to a relatively powerful energy body. "Chu Qianye said, "So there is still something missing in the things you prepared."

"What is it?" Zhou Ruolan looked puzzled.

"Yuhun Pill." Chu Qianye said lightly: "This kind of medicinal pill is extremely rare, and only the real strong have this kind of collection. It just so happens that I also have this kind of pill, and I will refine it when I am on the road. Kind of pill came out."

"Now, we will leave for the Lingxu space."

Upon hearing the sound, Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling had bright eyes flickering, knowing that the place to go next was dangerous.

But they are more looking forward to it. After all, this Lingxu space is full of crises, but is it not an opportunity for them?

This is a sacred place for cultivation that even the realm of Vientiane can't match. I don't know how many people want to improve their strength through this place. The warriors who walk out from here can basically become the overlord of one party, with extremely powerful strength.

Not only is the cultivation resources here very rich, but the dangers here are more suitable for improving strength, not to mention fighting against martial artists, even if fighting against energy bodies, their strength can be maximized.

A group of three people got on the flying boat, and under the screams of the flying beasts, they fluttered and flew high, rushing towards the area directly in front.

It would take at least two days to rush to the Lingxu space from here, and if the flying boat was faster, it would also take a day.

Those people in Yuanfu probably have already set off.

Chu Qianye was afraid of revealing his position, so he did not use soul fluctuations to detect the opponent's movements again. After all, there is also an eight-star soul realm powerhouse in Yuanfu. As long as he is slightly close, he can be easily detected. It will only bring a lot of trouble to myself.

Even though he had guessed that the other party already knew his identity, there was a huge difference in the one he took the initiative to send to the door.


The flying beast screamed, and the flying boat swept forward quickly.

"You are on the flying boat, I'll go to refine those pills, and tell me if you have any problems," Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling nodded.

Chu Qianye entered the secret space and began to refine the required soul pill.

His current soul realm has improved, so refining this Royal Soul Pill will naturally take no effort, and soon he will refine that Royal Soul Pill, and the speed is very smooth, without any obstacle at all.

In less than an hour, Chu Qianye had already refined eight Yuhun Pills.

In order to make more preparations, Chu Qianye refined 32 more soul pill. He refined so many pill, he naturally has his own plan and strategy. After all, entering the Lingxu space, this soul pill will become For the things he desires, making a fortune or earning favors will be of great help to him.

He is also here for the first time now, and Kaitian and Zhentian Shenhuang, he doesn’t know which sect forces and strong ones are, just to refine more soul pill to win people’s hearts, or exchange for better Regardless of his cultivation resources, it is nothing harmful to him.

And this kind of thing is originally a very profitable thing, so naturally you have to toss and toss...

Soon Chu Qianye refined the necessary soul pill.

Putting it into each bottle, Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Everything is almost ready now, but since there are still a lot of moments, he really needs to refine the weapon. After all, his "Sword Tome of Absolute Heaven" has to break through the opponent's defense to exert its true power. Only then can use the sword of the Heavenly Sword Lotus.

Therefore, breaking through the defense has become the top priority. Thinking about being blocked by people like Bu Qianchen before, he felt that he had to solve this problem.

The opponent uses a strong defensive armor, so you need a strong weapon to break the armor.

The **** pattern is obviously indispensable, and it has to be used well, and it is best to give it to the sharp edge of the return.

Right now, the divine tool actually can't exert a good effect. On the contrary, it is not as good as Hongwu's Xuanbing. After all, there is no divine power, and the real power of the divine tool cannot be exerted.

If this is the case, you can only rebuild a weapon, or use a good weapon to engrave some high-level broken seals and use it, which is not a good solution.

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Qianye took out all his existing weapons. He glanced lightly, and didn't see the weapon he liked.

"Finally, build another weapon again."

Chu Qianye sighed softly.

This kind of mysterious weapon is of great use to him, so he must make good use of it, and it is best to break through the opponent's defense, only in this way can his "Unparalleled Sword Classic" be used, and The refining materials he found earlier were also time to come in handy.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then waved his palm, and countless layers of material were swept out.


A refining furnace hit the ground, making a muffled noise.

A variety of weapon forms appeared in Chu Qianye's mind.

Knife, halberd, hammer, ruler,...

Countless weapon shapes and appearances quickly appeared in his mind.

However, he was rather dissatisfied. After all, this weapon could no longer meet his needs for him. To have a unique weapon, he had to work hard.

Chu Qianye's thoughts are like electricity, and the memories of his previous life are deposited in his mind...

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

A little bit of time passed, but Chu Qianye still hadn't opened his eyes.


Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly opened, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He has probably thought of a weapon, the sword body, but there is something else in the sword body. The hidden weapon embedded in the flying knife can play a big role and effect. It is best to contaminate the flying knife with some fierce beasts. Venom can have a great effect. Although the method is not very smart, the effect is excellent.

The opponent would definitely be distracted, and even if he dodges his hidden weapon, he can't avoid his own sword aura, let alone his ultimate sword lotus.

Therefore, the shape of this weapon became clear in his mind.

Okay, it's you!

Chu Qianye waved his palm, and the refining materials entered the refining furnace along with the profound fire...

On the third day, a war sword appeared in front of him.

Long and sharp, dark as ink, with pendants, carved with patterns, transparent and straight, the blades are cold and sharp, and the cold is pressing.

"Just call you Promise Divine Sword, I hope you can accompany me to fight and shine!"

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.


As if he could feel Chu Qianye's call, the war sword suddenly hummed.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and then with a stroke of his palm, he called the eight extremely sharp short blades. The sword burst out with a ray of light, and eight dark grooves appeared, which were the holes for the eight short blades.

There is a very strong attack **** pattern on it. Once the spell is cast, its **** pattern can be activated and a hidden weapon attack...

This is a very unique weapon.

"The Promise Divine Sword, we should go out to see how powerful you are and whether it can satisfy me."

Chu Qianye said lightly.


The sword light was like frost, rushing toward Chu Qianye violently, and submerged in his body.

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