Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1479: Throwing Knife Power

With a stroke of Chu Qianye's palm, the Promise Divine Sword rushed towards him, and within the blink of an eye it swept into his body, flashing extremely dazzling light.

Chu Qianye returned to the flying boat, and at this time, he was already approaching the Lingxu space.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling could not help but open their eyes when they felt Chu Qianye's breath.

"I'm almost reaching the Lingxu space, let's stop here, and then we will walk away from the sky." Chu Qianye held the map in his hand and looked at the markers on the map, and said lightly.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling naturally have no opinion.

The group of three people quickly landed on the lower figure, and the figure flickered in the jungle, rushing out to the front, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Right in front, a huge beast appeared in front of the three of them.

Just when Zhou Ruolan was about to take a shot, Chu Qianye shook his head.

"Let me come." He said, after finishing his words, with a stroke of his palm, the Promise Divine Sword appeared in his palm, shining with unparalleled cold light.

When Zhou Ruolan looked at the Promise Divine Sword in Chu Qianye's palm, she suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, knowing that Chu Qianye was going to try the sword, and quickly stopped.


The fierce beast roared in anger, these three human beings were so provocative, and those who let themselves go, immediately furious and roared towards Chu Qianye.

"Five-star saint's fierce beast!" Wang Yiling's face changed slightly, astonished.

Zhou Ruolan didn't respond, she stared at the war sword that Chu Qianye was holding.

To be honest, she always felt that the things Chu Qianye took out were very extraordinary. She carefully observed the Promise Divine Sword, and wanted to see the difference, but she carefully looked at it for a long time, but she never saw it. What is the difference between Excalibur.

This sword, apart from being long and sharp, with a black astonishing pendant, transparent and straight, and chilling, it seemed to have no other characteristics.

Did she overlook any details?

She frowned.


Along with the trembling of the void, Chu Qianye's figure flew out and teleported to the area directly in front. The Promise Divine Sword in his palm suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

At the moment when the Eight Divine Runes are activated, the dark groove is like a sluice blocking the roaring flood. At the moment when they are opened, the power of the Eight Terrors whizzes forward.

Eight phantoms!



Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling were secretly surprised, because this speed was so fast that they were almost overwhelmed. They only felt that the cold light flashes before them disappear.

"Puff!" Eight voices appeared in unison.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus!"

Chu Qianye hardly hesitated. When the eight sharp flying knives pierced the void and rushed forward, his sword moves were almost simultaneously used.

However, Chu Qianye was more accurate in terms of time. It was at the moment that the fierce beast's defense was broken, his Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus followed closely. The brutal beast had not yet awakened, and at the moment the defense was broken, the blood in the body suddenly boiled and condensed into The sharp blood sword burst out from inside the body!



A few powers broke out fiercely, and that amazing power roared frantically in the world, forming a breath of power that was extremely fearful, and that feeling was very violent.


The brutal beast roared unwillingly, and then its huge body crashed to the ground.

The vitality disappeared a little bit...

Wang Yiling and Zhou Ruolan looked at this scene in surprise.

They witnessed Chu Qianye's display of hands, so they were very surprised. The most shocked was Wang Yiling. After all, she had never seen Chu Qianye's "Unparalleled Sword Classic", so she didn't know Chu Qianye's past life. The sword moves.

She didn't expect that a martial artist could quietly kill a fierce beast that had always been higher than her own martial arts cultivation base. This was incredible, and she couldn't imagine what power it was.

Zhou Ruolan knew Chu Qianye’s ultimate move, and she understood the "Unbelievable Sword Classic". Not only was she clear, but because she herself was Chu Qianye’s sword servant, she also learned this sword skill, but she did not expect Chu Qianye This match of the ultimate move is so amazing.

Of course, she was even more surprised by this war sword.

She didn't see the difference before, but now she understands.

Chu Qianye’s war sword is not just a war sword, but a very complicated combination of swords. The sharp flying knife is just hidden in the sword body. If it weren’t for Chu Qianye’s use, she would never can not tell.

What she said was also the cultivation base of the five-star saint. Since she couldn't see it, it would be difficult for others to see it, and the speed was terrifying. The cold light and shadow of the talents just made her remember it, and she can think about it now. It's terrible.

Break through the defenses of others, and the power of the Absolute Heaven Sword Tome will be fully displayed.

Thinking about these sword skills, Chu Qianye couldn't help being a little surprised. Such a sword move was indeed very powerful, and this kind of big killer move completely blocked the way of many people.

Zhou Ruolan's figure flickered, and the figure appeared beside the corpse of the fierce beast.

She lowered her body and carefully checked the flying knife on the beast.

The mouth was cut extremely flat, almost without the slightest blunt weapon characteristics. One can imagine how terrible the eight-handed throwing knives are, completely destroying the opponent’s defenses. This kind of big killer, if you are fighting against people. The effect can be imagined when used among them, and coupled with the powerful sword skills such as "Sword of Heaven", the opponent will be sanctioned almost instantly.

"My lord, you flying knife." Zhou Ruolan said in surprise: "It should be that a lot of **** patterns have been inscribed. There are also **** patterns on the battle sword, and the two layers of **** patterns are superimposed."

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then made a move with his palm, eight cold glows flickered, breaking out of the fierce beast's body, and even faintly supporting the cracking of bones.

Eight-handled flying knives were suspended, and Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling leaned forward, carefully examining the flying knives in front of them, with a look of surprise on their faces.

On these eight flying knives, all are engraved with high-level speed-increasing **** patterns. The nine lotus shapes are enough to show that this is the nine **** patterns!

On the battle sword, the location of its dark groove also has nine lines, but it is other more mysterious lines, which seem to be lightning lines.

In other words, Zhou Ruolan's previous guess was not wrong, and it was basically the same as Chu Qianye's weapon principle.

This speed increase is so terrible, they just saw some ghosts, and when they carefully distinguished them, the ghosts had already disappeared in front of them.

"If you smear venom on these eight flying knives..." Wang Yiling said, her face suddenly changed, and it was obvious that she also thought of terrible.

Not to mention breaking through the defenses, even if it only breaks a little, the venom-smeared flying knife is quite terrifying, maybe it will fall down without Chu Qianye taking another shot.

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