Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1496: Ancient battlefield


A terrible sense of crisis rushed straight from his head, the power bursting to the ground, and it was extremely chilling.

The martial artist of the Wuyinmen, his figure swiftly toward the front, gliding in the air, suddenly his whole body stiffened suddenly, he raised his head and looked in the direction where Chu Qianye was. In the past, my heart trembled violently...

He tried to dodge, trying to avoid the attack coming from behind.


The light in his hand was shining, the long knife was in his hand, and he slashed forward fiercely, but he was slashed out by the battle sword, and the whole breath was chaotic.

"Who are you and why attack me?!"

The man raised his head in horror, he stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickered, and he asked in surprise.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

"Hehe, because you have what I want on your body." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, his voice finished, and his figure stepped out again, the war sword in his palm burst out with dazzling light, when the person hadn't awakened yet. , The sword energy that had been slashed by Chu Qianye was severely hit, and the whole body of Shinobu trembled. He looked at Chu Qianye in surprise with a shock and horror on his face.

"Extraordinary Kendo, you are..."


What responded to him was Chu Qianye's eight sword shadows.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus!"

The war sword in Chu Qianye's palm suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and the power roared fiercely, and swept toward the front. The shock of the power was majestic and majestic.

The man couldn't react at all. When he waited for the next moment, he only felt his body tremble, and his entire face looked ugly. He raised his head in surprise, staring at Chu Qianye's direction with a panic face, and finally fell down suddenly.

"You are... Chu, Chu Qian, Ye."

At the moment when the last breath was cut off, he called out Chu Qianye's name.

Chu Qianye didn't respond. He lowered his body and put the Universe Ring and Na Ling Ring on his body into the Universe Ring. His eyes flickered, revealing a trace of indifference.

After accepting those Qiankun Rings and Na Ling Rings, Chu Qianye quickly searched carefully, and she saw the existence of the space jade talisman. With a heart move, the space jade talisman appeared in his hand.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Qianye's face.

This harvest is not bad.

His figure flickered, and he swept towards Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling's direction. He swept to that area in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling did not make a move at this moment.

"You attack him to divert his attention."

Chu Qianye said lightly.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling nodded lightly, and then the power of the stars in their bodies surged out.

Feeling the fluctuation of the power of the stars, that figure immediately raised his head in panic.

"Who is it, who is there?!"

However, what responded to him was Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling's attacks.


Two sharp collisions resounded.

At this moment, the figure raised his head and stared at Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling.

"Two girls, I have never met you, why should you deal with me?"

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling glanced at each other, but they didn't speak, their bodies flashed suddenly, and they shot again.

The man frowned, and he was no longer polite, and quickly urged the power of the stars in his body.


A huge voice resounded.

Chu Qianye's figure swept out, and the sword in his palm suddenly burst out with a dazzling sword glow.


The astonishing sound of swords surging in the sky and the earth in an instant, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly at this time, this power is so terrible, it makes people have a chilling breath of death.

The man raised his head and looked at the position of his chest in surprise.

At this moment, after the blood qi in his body boiled for a while, that blood qi suddenly condensed, forming a terrible blood sword, which burst out from his body, he had never seen such an incredible attack method.

He stared at him with eyes wide open.

Chu Qianye was not polite, and took his Qiankun Ring and Naling Ring all together, searched carefully, and sure enough, he also found a space jade talisman.

Sure enough, these two people have space jade charms in their hands. Whether it is to prevent accidents or call for help, the misty hidden gate is relatively well prepared. It is a pity that these two people were slaughtered by themselves in the periphery. Now, if the people in Wuyinmen knew that they had killed their people and captured two space jade symbols, they would not know what they were feeling.

It's a pity that this space jade talisman is not something he refines, so he can't summon the help of Longmen, but can only summon the people of Wuyinmen.

However, you can use these guys to deal with dangerous situations. If you can also use the space jade in the space inside, you can call the helper of the Wuyinmen at that time, and you will hide in the space secret book, and wait for them to solve the crisis. Just think about it.

Although this approach is a bit unkind, it can be regarded as a means to consume opponents.

"The things are in hand, let's go, we will enter that space now." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The two of them nodded one after another, and then followed Chu Qianye's figure to flicker, and swiftly moved forward, disappearing in a few blinks of an eye, and in the next moment they reappeared in the original space.

Looking at the wormhole in the space, Chu Qianye perceives it spreading open. After confirming that there is no crisis, the silver light flashes on the soles of his feet, and then it swept away towards the space. The profound fire in his body surged out of his body, and Wang Yiling And Zhou Ruolan covered it all.

A group of four people swept towards the wormhole in the distance, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and when Chu Qianye appeared again, they were already in a new space.

This is an area where the walls are broken and the ancient temples are connected together.

The three of them looked for a moment, and obviously didn't expect that the area they appeared in was actually a contiguous area of ​​the ancient temple.

"Is this a phantom array?" Wang Yiling frowned and asked puzzledly.

Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

"It's not a phantom array." His palm flickered, and a map appeared in his hand.

His face changed for a while. This map was a map of the Lingxu space, but where they were now, there was no indication on this map at all.

"How could it be like this..." Zhou Ruolan also looked startled, she said with a little surprise.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Obviously, this place is weird.

"This place, I'm afraid it's not that simple," Chu Qianye said, "These ancient temples are very likely to be ancient battlefields."

"Ancient battlefield?" Wang Yiling was taken aback.

"The ancient battlefield was a place where humans and wild beasts fought against each other. At that time, there were constant conflicts between humans and wild beasts. Therefore, the ancient temple in this place naturally became what it is now." Zhou Ruolan explained: "The energy here. The body is more fierce, and the strength is stronger. It is better to be careful."

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