Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1497: Confucianism

Wang Yiling couldn't help nodding.

"You can put on this armor." Chu Qianye moved in his heart, took out the armor, and handed it to Wang Yiling.

Looking at the armor in front of him, Wang Yiling couldn't help but look stunned. She was obviously shocked by Chu Qianye's decision. She didn't expect that the other party would be so willing, and she was stunned to hand the armor with such a high defense power into her hands.

"No need to say anything. Among the three of us, the weakest person is you. You need it more than us, and you only want you to wear it temporarily, not to let you wear it all the time." Chu Qianye said: " After the battle for Jinling Emperor Yan is over, I will look at this armor again to see if it can be refined in batches. If it can be refined in batches, it will greatly improve the overall strength of my Dragon Gate."

Since Chu Qianye has spoken to this point, Wang Yiling is not an indecisive person, so he immediately took the armor from Chu Qianye's hand and put it on her body immediately, with a touch of surprise on her face. color.

"Have you worn this armor?" she asked suddenly.

The two shook their heads.

"You'd better wear this armor." Wang Yiling took off the armor and handed it to Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye suspiciously took the armor from the opponent's hand and put it on.

A feeling of coldness spread throughout his body, and the most important thing is that the blood is boiling. The burning sensation is terrible, and it seems to have formed power, boiling from his body, madly and mightily...

The most important thing is that under the boiling energy of Chu Qianye, he felt the aura of strength boiling. That feeling was like blood transforming into power, and he was as light as a swallow wearing this armor. The meaningless swelling and heaviness, which surprised him.

This kind of armor is very light.

Chu Qianye was quite surprised. This armor was very likely to be close to the golden cicada armor. Only the golden cicada armor had this light weight, but it did not have the strong defense of this armor.

Therefore, the possibility of golden cicadas can basically be ruled out.

Chu Qianye took off the armor and handed it to Zhou Ruolan.

When Zhou Ruolan passed it up, the whole person was also surprised.

"My lord, this armor seems a bit mysterious. In my opinion, it should be inscribed with some inscriptions." Zhou Ruolan said.

There is a difference between an inscription and a **** pattern. An inscription is a kind of text with power, usually written by Confucian scholars, because they have the power of meditation, so after these words are inscribed, the text has power.

When Chu Qianye was in the God Realm, he had seen this kind of people. They were different kinds of existence. They were not cultivating martial arts, but through meditation, they absorbed the energy of the heavens and the earth and the power of the stars, and passed these energies through him. The soul is engraved with words, and these words have their power.

This is the Confucian Sovereign and Confucian Sage. This group of people is very rare. It can be said to be rare in a century. There is only a 10% possibility among tens of thousands of people.

These scholars, reading can also be regarded as the saint, their cultivation method is different from others.

Some people specialize in copying scriptures and start practicing. Because of their concentration, they have formed the power of meditation. Through the words, they have their own beliefs and the words have gained power.

The power of these words is immortal, undefeated, even immortal!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

It's weird. Could these people also fail on the Profound Qi Continent?

Chu Qianye frowned and shook his head lightly.

Don't think about it for the time being. The existence of this group of people is really weird. Zhou Ruolan knows the existence of the inscription. Maybe her father should have mentioned this group of people and existence with her.

"What is an inscription?" Wang Yiling asked, frowning.

She knows the inscription, but for the first time she heard that the inscription has power. Isn't it the words inscribed on stones and metal objects? How can there be power? She heard it for the first time, so she was very at a loss.

"Inscription..." Zhou Ruolan wanted to explain, but shook her head and said: "This may be my Lord's explanation is more accurate than mine."

She wanted to explain this, because she was a little bit arrogant in front of Chu Qianye, so she was very witty and didn't answer this question.

Chu Qianye shook his head slightly. If this matter were really explained completely, it would subvert Wang Yiling’s cognition, but since Wang Yiling is so curious, the area they are now in is not dangerous anyway, so they can give Wang Yiling is literate.

"The inscription is actually a kind of text with power in plain terms. It is related to and different from the **** pattern. The **** pattern mainly uses the lines of the mountains and the earth to condense the energy between the heavens and the earth to form defenses, attacks, or strengths, etc. The increase of, makes its effect more and more significant. However, the inscription is that the monk uses his belief in the words to use meditation to condense all the power in his body into the words, so that he has power, moved, or sad. These are the intangible power of words, but if the meditation power is strong, the power that bursts out will be visible, and it is not weaker than our current martial arts explosive power." Chu Qianye said:

"This group of people often have a spirit pen around them, and the reprimanding Fang Qiu is talking about these guys. With a big wave, they condense into words with the power of meditation or the energy between heaven and earth, and then produce Great attack and destruction power."

Chu Qianye said: "The martial arts that this group of people are pursuing, they call it the holy way, and their strength division is different from our martial arts. For example, in the world of Xiaoqian, they are called literary status, such as Tianci, Tongsheng, Xiucai , Juren, Jinshi, Hanlin, Bachelor, Great Confucian and Semi-Holy, relative to our four realms."

"The two realms of Godsend and Tongsheng can achieve bright eyes and night vision. Scholars can achieve the ability to not touch the skin, resonate with words, and talk about soldiers on paper, while the people are not close to the mosquitoes, the exits are chapters, the tongue is spring thunder, and the sky is falling. As for the Jinshi, you can do To the lip, gun, tongue and sword, the tongue and the sword are huge. The scholars are steady, the mouth is full of heavenly words, the mouth is fragrant, the tongue and the sword are huge. The lingering sound of the big Confucianism is around the beam, the words and the ink are bones, the slight words are big, the tongue and the sword are huge. Juhua."

Sure enough, after Chu Qianye said these things, Wang Yiling was dumbfounded. She had never heard of these existences.

Zhou Ruolan was okay. Her father had mentioned a lot to him, so in terms of insight and acceptance, she was obviously higher than Wang Yiling, but when Chu Qianye said these things again, she still sighed deeply in her heart.

The world's great wonders.

Existence is reason, that is Tao, which can be accommodated by heaven.

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