Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1531: All true

Such a scene is really frightening.

What a terrible breath of power.

Such a fight is really tyrannical, and that violent power surging fiercely between heaven and earth.

"The flames of the dead palm!"

Jin Lingdi looked at the repulsed figure in the void, and suddenly revealed an icy smile. His body was suspended in mid-air, and a bright and dazzling light burst out suddenly, and he slammed at the figure below.


Under the underground palace, magma spurted out suddenly, a terrifying flame aura surging between the heavens and the earth, and the energy of the explosion instantly condensed into a palm of hundreds of thousands of feet, carrying fiery flames towards The figure on the void slapped away fiercely.

If this palm is hit, it is very likely to fall.

Wu Yinmen, Yuan Mansion, Fallen Temple, Soul Hunting Hall, Purgatory Race,...

The face of the strong from all parties changed drastically at this time.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Countless figures were slapped away fiercely by this palm, and the figures flew out fiercely in the air, and then burst into muffled noises and swept toward the void.

"Haha, even with such strength, you also want Profound Fire?" Jin Lingdi said disdainfully.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he did not have the Golden Spirit Emperor in front of him, his strength was astonishingly so powerful, and the look of astonishment on his face became more intense.

These are the best in the Three Heavens Gods Wilderness, let alone the strength, even the combat experience is extremely rich, I didn't expect that they could not stop the attack of the Golden Spirit Emperor?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help showing a frightened expression.

The fierceness of such an attack far exceeded his expectations.


Those Hono-Kings roared instantly, a powerful aura of power burst out of their bodies, and they rushed towards them frantically. Those in mid-air could not help but turn pale and pale. They were all three gods. The strong, has ever suffered such suppression?

There is no chance of a backhand.

It was too fierce, but the pupils of several people became extremely ugly at this moment, and a trace of fierce flashed across everyone's eyes.

"You don't have to keep it, it's meaningless." Zhulong shouted coldly. If this continues, it will definitely not work. At least they will be suppressed as grandchildren, and there is no chance of backhand!

Obviously, for this kind of situation, everyone is unwilling to happen, so the words of the candle dragon suddenly wake everyone up.

At the same time, there was magma below, like a big volcano, erupting like a volcano. The power was very powerful and mighty, and some of the poor honos were blown out in an instant.

When everyone heard Zhulong's words, looking at the situation in front of them, everyone understood very well in their hearts. If this continues, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to make a move, so they will no longer hide themselves.

It seems that it can only erupt completely, otherwise the Jin Lingdi cannot be defeated.

Everyone's complexion finally connected slowly and solemnly.

And the profound fire in their bodies rushed out of their bodies madly.

"Boom!" A dull sound spread quickly.

All kinds of colorful colors burst out in an instant, and the majestic power aura surging out fiercely, the mighty and square energy, turning into a terrifying power aura, swept out overwhelmingly.


A roar sounded immediately.

In the direction of Bu Qianchen, at this moment, around his body, a huge form of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared, and a golden phantom, like a shining world, was constantly flashing.

This is a long dragon!

Everyone looked at the dragon shadow in front of them, and their expressions were startled.

"This is a third-rank Tianlong?"

Chu Qianye looked at the dragon shadow in front of him. I don’t know why, the blood in his martial arts heart palace felt like a constant boiling. It was a very strange thought, as if there was some power in his body waiting to be awakened. …

The golden dragon in front of me is a third-rank Tianlong, with a length of one hundred feet, going into the sky, burning the sky and boiling the sea, a giant of heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, the guys in the Yuan Palace actually possessed such a collection. Except for the Ancestral Dragon and Long Aotian, the current golden dragon was the longest one he had ever seen at that time, and it had extraordinary strength.

This Heavenly Dragon seemed to have just broken through, but even so, the pressure from its dragon blood erupting still made people feel very depressed.

Everyone looked at Jinlong, and there was a burst of wonder in their eyes.

After Bu Qianchen made the seal, the dragon suddenly roared that day, and ran towards the honobos in the distance. With a flick of its tail, the huge dragon's tail was hundreds of meters long, and the honoluos was flew out in an instant. The tyrannical dragon body froze. It was crushing those honobos that they couldn't move. After they flew out, their shattered bodies couldn't stand up again.

This attack from the Heavenly Dragon suddenly reduced everyone's oppression.

"I didn't expect that these guys in Yuan Mansion should have such a collection..." Looking at the scene before him, Chen Daxi suddenly exclaimed in his heart: "Brother Xiong, we'd better be careful. I think the hidden gate and the fallen temple. That group of people must also have some methods that haven't used all of them, we better retain our strength."

Hearing Chen Daxi’s divine voice, Lin Xiong looked at the people around him calmly, and his eyes gradually became more solemn. So far, many people’s strengths and methods are just the tip of the iceberg, and many are accompanied by it. Human output, once Jin Lingdi suffers a heavy injury, it will inevitably cause a fight for the strength of all parties and a powerful blow!

At this point in time, things have become a little more complicated.

Although they are willing to shoot, but they both defend each other.

Chu Qianye looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help showing a faint smile, obviously he could see it too.

The powerhouses of various sect forces, after seeing the Yuan Palace's collection, also decided not to hide privately, their eyes flickered, and immediately, the fierce star energy filled their bodies madly.

The domineering woman supported by Elder Fang and Ye Lao, she looked around with light.

Her bright eyes flickered. When she moved to Chu Qianye's body, she frowned and bit her silver teeth. When she thought of Chu Qianye's earlier frivolity, her eyes shot cold.

Chu Qianye raised his head seemingly enlightened. When he saw the woman's gaze, he couldn't help but frown. He always felt that the woman in front of him seemed to be doing something.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.


At this moment, the fog hidden door began to move true, and the palm of the hand slammed downwards. The countless profound fires immediately swept towards the two strong men, and immediately condensed to form a flame war sword. It is a hundred meters long, and it emits ice crystals of abrupt energy.

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