Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1532: Sweep the Skeleton King


The flame war sword slashed out violently, and the surrounding Lihuo skeletons were immediately slashed and flew out, also falling down.


Tianlong roared and flicked its tail horizontally again. Those figures were smashed out in mid-air. They were within a hundred meters of the fire skull, and there was no one to stand.

Feeling the martial arts aura from the riots in all directions, Emperor Jin Ling suddenly snorted.

"This is the strength you should have."

Everyone's expressions were startled, they didn't expect that Jin Lingdi could suddenly laugh out of this scene. Such an indifferent posture was really shocking.

"Also, if this is your strength, it can make me serious." Jin Lingdi vomited lightly.

Looking at the faces of Chu Qianye and others, a sorrowful smile suddenly appeared, and the indifferent voice resounded through the world.

At the moment when the words finished, the ten skeleton kings who had been standing beside him suddenly opened their eyes, and the golden light flashed in the hollow pupils.


With a roar, he immediately rushed towards Chu Qianye and others.

For a moment, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed, and this emptiness, the breath of killing, madly and mightily...


Everyone seemed to feel the extraordinary power of this breath, and they all appeared in the cave and evacuated quickly.

At this moment, Chu Qianye looked at the king of skulls and crossbones, frowning, and immediately retreated. Although he has enough strength to deal with the king of skeletons, at this time, it is not a fearless charge. Everyone has some reservations at all times, at least not with all their strength.

The sword in Chu Qianye's palm burst out with dazzling light, and a sword slashed forward.

"Boom! Boom!"

A muffled sound erupted.

At this moment, Zhulong stared at the Skeleton King who had rushed over, and immediately showed a sneer.

"The only eight-star Skeleton King also wants to be presumptuous in front of the main hall?"

He didn't have the slightest panic, a huge chain appeared in his palms, and immediately rushed forward fiercely. Everywhere he reached, the void was twisted.


In an instant, the Skeleton King's body trembled, and the huge force knocked him out fiercely. He took off a few times in the air, and he was smashed hundreds of meters away.

"Don't take the initiative, unless the skeleton approaches you actively, otherwise you will watch the show." Lin Xiong vomited lightly.

Those figures in the back were all startled, obviously they didn't expect to stand idly by at this choice, which was beyond their expectation.

"Okay!" Chen Daxi gave a weird laugh, and looked towards Chu Qianye's direction unkindly. The light in his eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Facing the desperation of the Skeleton King, everyone's pupils couldn't help but vigilantly looked at the figure rushing from a distance, constantly thinking, as if thinking about the countermeasures.

However, the silhouettes of each Skeleton King locked on are different, so they spread out in an instant, rushing towards their goals one after another, the powerful breath of power surged out frantically.

"Everyone, quickly sweep away these Skeleton Kings, otherwise we won't even be able to get close to the Jinling Emperor, and we will even try the profound fire." A strong man from the Wuyinmen shouted violently, and his palm twitched sharply after his words finished. A red halberd.


An astonishing power aura surging crazily between the world and the earth, and everyone's pupils were surprised to find that this war halberd had nine **** patterns all over the body, which burst out with dazzling light almost simultaneously, while the power aura skyrocketed.


The powerful aura skyrocketed rapidly, and under the shocking eyes of everyone, the flames continued to expand rapidly, madly and mightily.

He stepped out, and the halberd slammed forward.


A crisp sound came into everyone's ears.


In the next instant, the Skeleton King fell to the ground and was completely destroyed!

Seeing this, the others' hearts suddenly shuddered.

"I said you plan to continue to wait and see?" After a hit, he looked around and vomited lightly, "If you have plans in this regard, then I will stand aside and look at it coldly, waiting for you to be caught by Jinling. The emperor beheaded."

Although this is very crude, the truth is easy to understand.

Obviously, the road ahead of them is already obvious. Either all these skeleton kings can be cut off. Only in this way can they get close to the Golden Spirit Emperor. It is life or death, and the strength to speak, and only then can they have Chance to obtain that Jinling Emperor Yan.


A casual cultivator vomited lightly, with a touch of the sole of his foot, and also used his strongest blow, smashing the Skeleton King away with a fist, generating a huge suction force in his hand, pulling away the two flames in his eye sockets come out.

Seeing this, everyone is not keeping it, their bodies are shining into the sky, and they have burst out their strongest blows, and they are bound to put these Skeleton Kings down in the shortest time.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate either. Now that he started by himself, he could at least distract his attention. If he stood on the side and waited with his hands hanging down, others would definitely attract attention, and he might even become a public enemy.

Join hands with the clone to kill one of the Skeleton Kings.

The scene that happened in front of him was only a few breaths of time, and everyone quickly woke up, and the breath of power in the body surged out frantically.

Almost everyone had a tacit understanding and shot at the same time.

In an instant, the Skeleton King was swept away.

However, everyone showed their 70% to 80% strength.

Jin Lingdi's face couldn't help becoming a little ugly.

Obviously, in the face of the sudden exertion of people like Chu Qianye, he had never thought it would be so fast, so the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"court death!"

The Emperor Jin Ling was furious, and immediately sealed, and the flames below slammed the floor fiercely, and a huge crack suddenly formed.

The terrible magma rock suddenly erupted, and the powerless roar and rage were raging in all directions frantically.

The golden flame, as if possessing sage, suddenly surged and turned into a huge mouth, rushing towards everyone, biting everyone at random.

‘Fire Spirit? ’

Chu Qianye didn't dare to insist, because he felt that this flame possessed extremely fierce spirituality.

Chu Qianye was extremely jealous. He retreated quickly. He didn't dare to get the slightest flames and didn't try hard. Instead, he retreated. The puppet roared and rushed forward with a punch.

"Chiff chick."

Where the puppet was bitten, the hard metal melted quickly, forming a huge hole!

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a chill in their backs.

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