Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1572: Go to Xiaoyao Island

However, he still needs more information to be able to confirm.

"These star stones should be enough for the reconstruction of the Lingxiao Palace." Chu Qianye said, taking out a star stone from the Qiankun ring and handing it to the old palace master, "Longmen will withdraw from the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty in the future, and Scarlet Cloud Sect will not With the re-existence, Lingxiao Palace can also become the largest sect."

After speaking, Chu Qianye walked forward, that was the direction of Su Qi's breath.

The eyes of the old man and the others flickered.

People like them naturally have ambitions. What they expect most is to become the biggest school, and if Chu Qianye withdraws from the Chiyun Dynasty, is this an opportunity for them?

Since Chu Qianye said so, it was hoped that they would do it.

Several people looked at each other, tacitly telling each other.

Su Qi sat in the room alone, her whole person in a daze, her eyes blank, she hadn't noticed Chu Qianye's arrival. Maybe it was because Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation level was too high, but more because of her martial arts. The soul is shattered, and the cultivation base is exhausted, without the slightest awareness.

"The martial soul is broken, and you can awaken again." Chu Qianye said lightly, "I believe you can do it, as long as you persevere."

Su Qi heard the sound and was overjoyed. She turned around and looked at the familiar face in front of her, she couldn't help but feel slightly lost.

"Don't worry, I have a way to re-awaken the Martial Spirit." Chu Qianye faintly vomited: "You wait for me here for a while. After I have settled in my family, I will find you again."

Su Qi nodded lightly.

She now can't see through Chu Qianye even more.

Among all the students, Chu Qianye had the highest achievement. This was something she was proud of in her life.

Chu Qianye flickered and left the High Heaven Palace.

He carefully perceives the location of the breath, and immediately a little on the sole of his foot. When he reappears, he is already in another space, and there is an extremely strong thunder power roar in the distance.

This is exactly a place in Chu Qianye's An Duan Chu Mansion. It is covered by the power of thunder, and it is not so easy to detect.


Along with the trembling of the void, the figures of Chu Qianye and Chu Qianri fell down. There was a mansion in the distance. It was near the thunder pond. Although it was not big, it was not easy to detect because of the illusion. Existence, so ordinary people cannot detect its existence with the naked eye.

Feeling the closeness of Chu Qianye and Chu Qianri, there was a sudden fluctuation in the mansion.

Immediately, several figures appeared as if they were facing enemies, all of them were familiar faces.

"Father, uncle!"

Chu Qianye said.

After recognizing that it was the two Chu Qianye brothers, several people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sect Master!" Several figures hurriedly stepped forward and said salute towards Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"The martial arts cultivation base is now respected," Chu Qianye asked.

Several people nodded one after another.

"Not bad." Chu Qianye sighed softly, then flicked his fingers, and several universe rings swept forward, "This is the universe ring of the Saint Realm. There should be a lot of heaven and earth treasures in it. Take it. Good students practice and improve their martial arts cultivation."

These people are directly responsible for the safety of Chu Mansion. They belong to his confidants. He was trained at a very early time, and they have all become Venerable now, and one of them is still the Seven-Star Venerable. Already very close.

"Thank you, the master!" Several people saluted one after another, their faces overjoyed.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then said, "Go down."

Several people nodded one after another, and quickly swept towards the thunder pond, a few flashes, had disappeared in front of them, and entered the thunder pond.

Seeing that Chu Mansion was all in peace, Chu Qianye couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, otherwise he will have trouble sleeping and eating in his life.

Later, Chu Qianye learned that when the Longmen Guards sensed something was wrong, they smashed the soul jade in time and informed the people of the Chu Mansion, so that the Chu Mansion could be transferred in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

However, the Longmen Guards were completely wiped out as a result, and the entire Longmen was severely damaged. Except for those members of Longblade who had escape skills and survived, all the others died in the hands of these people.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but his face became more ugly. In order to prevent accidents, it would be better for Chu Mansion to continue to hide here. Before this matter was settled, there would be danger everywhere.

So he can't take this risk.

Later, Chu Qianye made more layouts and arranged some high defense formations.

After doing this, Chu Qianye gave a special advice.

"Ye'er, is there any news about your mother?" Father Chu asked while looking at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

A trace of sadness passed in Father Chu's eyes.

"Father, don't worry, I will find her, and then our family will definitely be able to reunite!" Chu Qianye said earnestly, "This is my promise, it hasn't changed!"

Father Chu nodded in relief.

Chu Qianye took out the origin of Jin Lingdi's soul and handed it to Father Chu.

"This is the origin of the soul, you can refine and absorb it, and you can restore your martial arts cultivation to its peak state." Chu Qianye said.

Father Chu gently shook his head.

"Ye'er, you need it more than I do. For the father, you have no desires and desires now. As long as you can see your mother, you can stay with your mother in the second half of your life and die without regrets. "

Seeing that Chu's father did not accept, Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile.

In fact, he had long known that Chu's father would make such a choice.

He had no choice but to take out a soul-restoring pill and hand it to the other party.

"This soul pill can restore 30% of your strength." Chu Qianye said.

This time Chu's father did not refuse, but gladly accepted.

"Father, my son still has a lot to deal with," Chu Qianye said.

"Go." Father Chu nodded and said, "You don't want to worry about things at home."

Seeing that the matter had been arranged, Chu Qianye stopped saying more.

After explaining some things to the uncle, Chu Qianye and Chu Qianri set out on their way home again.

Followed by Su Qi.

Longmen all withdrew from the Chiyun Dynasty.

Looking back at this familiar place, Chu Qianye couldn't help but shook his head gently.

This time I left, I don't know when I will come back again.

Chu Qianye sighed in her heart.

Time flies, and I did not expect that so many things have happened in these short years.

Chu Qianye no longer sighed. With a wave of his palm, the flying boat flickered, but he had already circled the giant flying boat.

Over the years, he has killed so many Saint Realm powerhouses, their collection belongs to him, and the flying boat is naturally indispensable, and it also has a serial number.

The flying boat whizzed past as fast as lightning, and soon returned to the Great Wilderness of Xizhou.

Chu Qianye didn't immediately return to Tongbaohang, but went to Xiaoyao Saint.

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