Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1573: Surfaced

Xiaoyao Sage seemed to have expected Chu Qianye's truth long ago, and he landed on Xiaoyao Island almost unimpeded.


The Xiaoyao Saint appeared, and there were several figures beside him. Chu Qianye had never seen it before, but the martial arts aura in these people was not weak.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Venerable Yuanjie on the side was surprised.

He used to help Chu Qianye before. At that time, he was in danger and was ordered to do so, but his Master Xiaoyao Sage and Chu Qianye were equal to each other. He was puzzled at the time, and now he finally understands why.

His master had long known that Chu Qianye’s future achievements would be extraordinary, but he didn’t expect it to be so extraordinary. The news of Chu Qianye pinching the Seven or Eight Star Saints has spread virally to the four great gods, as well as the people of the five domains. Very clear about this matter.

For a time, everyone in the Four Continents was in danger, especially those sects that had a feast with Chu Qianye back then. Everyone was extremely disturbed and afraid that Chu Qianye would trouble them.

However, Chu Qianye had already forgotten all those festivals that year.

Venerable Yuanjie has set off a terrible storm in his heart. He has never thought about why Chu Qianye’s martial arts cultivation has improved so fast. He still hasn’t been transformed into a saint, and his martial arts cultivation has only risen to the Seven-Star Venerable. The difference is tens of thousands of miles from that of the Huasheng Capital.

Sure enough, this kind of talent is indeed hard to come by.

The talent of martial arts is indeed quite important. When he entered the venerable, Chu Qianye was still only a strong man in the celestial extreme realm, but now, Chu Qianye is already a seven-star saint, and he is still only a venerable.

Chu Qianye is already a hot character now, leading the Allied army, holding the Soul Hunting Palace, and entering the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness, fighting against those truly strong, without any failure.

Whether it was Yuan Palace, or later entering the Lingxu space and the powerful sect forces, their strength was extremely tyrannical, but these powerful sect forces still had nothing to do with Chu Qianye.

Now Chu Qianye, he can only look up at his existence.

"I'm really sorry for what happened to Longmen," said the Xiaoyao Saint: "My lord won't let me wait for the shot, and I hope you don't take it to heart."

Chu Qianye's expression was indifferent.

He nodded lightly.

"This is my mentor Su Qi, her martial soul is shattered, and she wants to use your Xiaoyao Island to reawaken her martial soul." Chu Qianye said.

"Yes, little things." The Happy Saint nodded gently.

"Okay, thanks." Chu Qianye nodded gently.


When Chu Qianye was about to leave, the Xiaoyao Saint suddenly said, "After more than a month, I hope you will be more prepared. The opponent this time is not easy. In the six months since you disappeared, many people have broken through. The weakest is also the nine-star saint, and the strongest is already the three corpses and two insects."

This voice can only be heard by the strong of the Saint Realm, the Venerable cannot hear it at all.

Hearing these words, Chu Qianye paused, but he did not speak.

"Teacher, you are born here and feel that you will re-awaken your martial soul earlier. After your martial soul is awakened, someone will come to attract you." Chu Qianye said.

Su Qi nodded lightly.

Chu Qianye left Xiaoyao Island with his hands on his back.

Everyone looked slightly stunned, and everyone looked at the Happy Saint.

"Boss, this kid is too arrogant," said an eight-star saint looking at the happy saint.

The Happy Saint shook his head.

"It's not arrogance, but disdain." Xiaoyao Sage said: "Those who you think are strong, in fact, there is no threat to Chu Qianye at all. When he was a five-star sage, he alone fought against the four Taoist sages. Just ask, can you do it?"

Everyone was startled when they heard the sound.

But think carefully!

The five-star sage, has been able to fight alone with the four corpse saints?

For a moment, everyone was silent.

"You guys, I really underestimated him." The Xiaoyao Saint shook his head slightly and said, "Do you think, if I fight him, who is better?"

"Boss, now you have killed three corpses and two insects. Isn't it easy to defeat this kid?" One person said puzzled.

"Oh, you are too optimistic. I will fight him. It's hard to say which one is strong and which one is weak. If he breaks out completely, I may not be confident of defeating him." The Happy Saint smiled bitterly: "After more than a month, you will understand me. Why do you say that."

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Even the Happy Saints are not absolutely sure?

This strength is so terrible.

Chu Qianye left Xiaoyao Island and returned to Tongbaohang again.

Subsequently, Chu Qianye summoned the main members of Longmen.

After the war, almost all members of Longmen suffered varying degrees of damage, and everyone was quite embarrassed.

Yu Ting is dead.

Little Treasure and Ba Tian suffered heavy injuries and their vitality.

Bai Qiuye was forced to blew herself up and saved her soul.

Three brothers Zhao, Ruan Kui, Mo Rufeng, and Qin Hu were also seriously injured.

Wang Yuyan and Wen Ren Muyue were seriously injured.


The vast majority of people are almost like this, with blue noses and swollen faces, and even a little chapped martial arts spirit. Although the martial spirit is preserved, it has also caused the martial arts talent to regress. For a long time in the future, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to be able to. Recover it back.

One can imagine how fierce the opponent's shot was this time, almost putting the dragon gate to death.

Chu Qianye felt that his blood was burning with anger.

The rage flame in the chest seemed to burn for thousands of miles!

He hates it!

Unexpectedly, when I went to Shenwu Continent this time, in order to cultivate his own believers and integrate the Golden Spirit Emperor Yan, Longmen unexpectedly experienced such a big crisis. Fortunately, the entire army was not annihilated, otherwise he would not be able to forgive himself in his life.

Longmen suffered heavy damage and after this ordeal, it seems to have become more united. Everyone has the same hatred and the same goal...

Regarding this point, Chu Qianye also knew very well in his heart, knowing that the number of Dragon Gates would become more united and cohesive in the future.

People who are not afraid of pain are strong, and those who are not afraid of death are stronger!

Longmen counts the crowd, not afraid of pain, and now, not afraid of death!

Therefore, Longmen is even stronger!

Just as the Phoenix was reborn from the ashes, after being reborn, the strength will become stronger and more perfect!

The same is true of Longmen now.

There is no need to use words to communicate with each other anymore. One eye can see each other's thoughts and become more tacit.

However, the pain also exists, after all, Longmen's loss this time is extremely heavy.

A gleam of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

"Long Jin, do you have news?" Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Under everyone's gaze, Long Jin nodded lightly.

"What can be confirmed at the moment is the Fog Hidden Gate, the Hunting Soul Palace, and the Purgatory Clan." Long Jin said.

Hearing the sound, Chu Qianye's eyes couldn't help passing a touch of refined and powerful murderous intent.

It really was this group of people.

So, don’t blame me next!

"From now on, Wuyinmen, Soul Hunting Palace, and Purgatory Clan will be removed from the Profound Qi Continent!"

Chu Qianye's voice revealed a strong determination and a terrifying murderous intent!

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