Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1612: Deduction position

"Let's go, let's continue on the road. The beast ahead is stronger. We'd better go around. Although it's a bit late in time, it can reduce casualties. As long as we follow our previous route, there should be no problem." He looked around and said, "Master Chu, I hope you will follow our pace."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Immediately following the punch and the others, they swept towards the area directly in front.

From the perspective of the terrain of the Grand Canyon, he knew everything about the fierce beasts in many small places and the range of the fierce beasts. Although they went around a little bit, it reduced unnecessary beasts to stop them.

In fact, Chu Qianye didn't care about this time. He believed that the people who punched the eyes must also have ideas, so they must be more anxious than themselves in the control of time, so he didn't need to rush.

With the passage of time, several people quickly walked through the depths of the Grand Canyon.

"Everyone must be more careful. Although we avoided the beasts, the real sinister and cunning are humans. Although the news did not spread so quickly this time, it was also known by several major sects and martial sects. For example, Fuyun Villa, like Lingyun School and Wuyue Pavilion, these people are extremely powerful. Let's find a place to observe and then go to the Sea of ​​Holy War." He looked around and said, immediately.

Several people nodded one after another.

Only two of them disagree, but they are not easy to say anything, especially when everyone agrees, obviously they are not willing to challenge the authority of the eye.

Chu Qianye's soul perceives it as fast as lightning spreads, and soon he senses the vast ocean, the surging power that is constantly in the surrounding area.

He can clearly feel that there are still many figures around, rushing towards the sea of ​​jihad, but they also seem to be jealous, not directly entering the sea of ​​jihad, but standing separately on the big mountain peaks near the sea.

Many people are hiding their figures, breaths and traces, and they seem to be reluctant to let people know their movements, as if they are waiting for something.

"Mr. Chu, did you perceive something?" asked a lively and cheerful woman among the colleagues.

Hearing these words, everyone looked at Chu Qianye one after another, including the quiet woman who spoke little, she also showed curious eyes.

She naturally knew Chu Qianye's strength with the hand that Chu Qianye exposed earlier, and she didn't believe Chu Qianye's words that only soul attack methods were used.

Whether Chu Qianye’s body style is good, or his style of life, or even judging from his style of doing things, he is a person who pays great attention to confidentiality, so she concluded that Chu Qianye would definitely not only be able to attack the soul. .

But she also knew what to say and what not to say.

"Hehe, what can I feel." Chu Qianye said, "There are fierce beasts nearby, and occasionally some people pass by, but they are gone."

When everyone heard the sound, they couldn't help but stunned. Obviously they knew that Chu Qianye was reluctant to say more, and everyone had disappointed expressions on their faces.

"You're wrong. Just share with us if you have information. It may help us get a wooden yoke, and you will be given one at that time to ensure that your strength will skyrocket." Guan Mouse said with a flickering light in his eyes.

Chu Qianye's expression was indifferent.

In fact, Chu Qianye didn't like Guanmo's character.

This kind of people who measure others by their interests will betray each other sooner or later. After all, interests can be measured. It is absolutely impossible for those who are profit-centered to think for others.

Therefore, Chu Qianye just listened to Guan Mouse's words and didn't take it to heart.

Seeing that Chu Qianye was unwilling to say more, other people stopped asking themselves to be boring. They dispersed to other places, and all began to hurry up to cultivate and recover.

"Master Chu, don't take it to your heart." He punched his eyes and said.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.

"In fact, everyone is waiting for the tide. There will be a lot of movement when the sea rises and falls, and once the tide appears, there will be energy fluctuations in things like wood yaks, and the energy fluctuations will inevitably attract the attention of many beasts. Basically, you can judge the location of the wooden yaking crystal." Punch said.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but his expression moved, no wonder those guys were waiting.

"Our area is actually not very good, but the good positions are all occupied by those gates. If we want to occupy this position, we will definitely attract attention, and we will be worried about when the time comes. It's not good for the wooden maiden." Drilling explained.

"Then, the news of this wooden girl should be absolutely true, right?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Of course, I saw someone get the wooden sacred crystal with my own eyes, but it's a pity that that person escaped in time." Nodding lightly.

Mu Yujing, does it really exist? There is basically no difference between the attributes mentioned by Zhan Tian.

"Zhan Tian. How deep is this wooden maiden crystal in the sea?"

"Ten thousand meters deep, it's not shallow anyway, but it also depends on the situation. If the energy is concentrated, the wood bud crystals will be dense. The intelligent wood bud crystals may be smarter, they tend to hide extremely deep, but Obtaining the wooden yong crystal of unshakable wisdom, the effect is several times better than the ordinary wooden yong crystal, it can be said that it is the emperor of the wooden yong crystal." Zhan Tian explained.

Hearing the sound, Chu Qianye couldn't help but startled. He didn't expect this wooden maiden crystal to be so cunning, but if there is such an emperor's wooden maiden crystal, once it is obtained, wouldn't it be a big deal?

Others will definitely be very keen to compete for these wooden yoke.

However, it is not yet clear how many wooden yolk crystals are, and it is even harder to tell whether there is an emperor's wooden yolk crystal, so now we can only say step by step.

"But my lord, you can use the Hetu Luoshu to deduce the position of the Muyajing. When you get a more accurate position, you don’t have to be so blind. The monks of this little thousand world actually have their own tracking. Fa, surely you can also find the location of Muyajing." Zhan Tian said:

"However, their method is obviously not as powerful as the Hetu Luoshu. You can clearly know the location of the wooden crystals and the number of wooden crystals, and you can take the lead and win the wooden crystals."

When Chu Qianye heard Zhantian say this, he couldn't help feeling hot.

This method is indeed feasible.

Let your clone stop first, and then use Hetu Luoshu to deduct it.

Presumably, not only did Chu Qianye let his clone start the deduction, but he closed his eyes and immersed his soul when he came, so as to resonate with the Jin Shu and improve the efficiency of the deduction.

Roads of golden light leaked out of Chu Qianye's body as fast as lightning.

Everyone couldn't help but was secretly surprised, and looked at Chu Qianye one after another.

Fortunately, this golden light came quickly and disappeared quickly.

About half an hour later, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly opened. He has successfully predicted the position of Mu Yujing in the secret space!

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