Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1613: Royal Wooden Maiden

Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly shot out a sharp glow.

"The position is here!"

Chu Qianye was delighted.

He doesn't have to wait for the tide now.

However, it is obviously not sensible to enter the jihad sea area at this time. So many people are watching, they are all waiting for the arrival of the tide, and then use the method of tracking to find the Muyajing.

Then wait. Anyway, he has been waiting for so long. He does not lack this time. When the real tide comes, these people will definitely do it. He will wait for this time node. These people will definitely do it. Shot.

Waiting like this, Chu Qianye could still feel a lot of aura and figure coming by.

It seems that there are more and more people who know the news. When the time comes, there is a mixed bag. It is really not easy to deal with this situation. If you can't make it, you will also be disrupted.

He frowned, then stopped thinking about it.

Now it is impossible to prevent this from happening, so I can only wait for the tide to come.

The next day, the sun shone in the Grand Canyon.


Suddenly, a faint voice made Chu Qianye open his eyes.

The tide is finally here!

There are many figures who have this perception with him. Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the location of the sea area. In Chu Qianye’s perception, he clearly felt the rise and fall of the tide. At this moment It is the time node of low tide.


For an instant.

Several silhouettes rushed up from the mountain peak, and swept towards the location of the sea area.

Chu Qianye narrowed his eyes, and finally started!

At this moment, the people who punched the eye seemed to be aware of it, and they all opened their eyes.

In an instant, in every corner of the Grand Canyon, countless figures rushed out, and the figures flickered, and countless figures pierced the void like lightning, and then rushed towards the area directly in front. go with.

"We should set off too," punched his eyes and said.

When everyone heard the sound, their eyes flickered.

He immediately left the place and rushed towards the area of ​​the jihad sea area. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared before my eyes. By the next moment, everyone had appeared in the area near the sea.

At this moment, all the phantoms all swept out. Before the emptiness, on the ground, the black crowd, it seemed that there were dozens of people.

"Wipe, there are too many people." Looking at the scene before him, Guan Mouse couldn't help swallowing fiercely.

"Don't relax, you must pay attention. There will definitely be many king-level monsters in this tide, and their movements will largely indicate the whereabouts of the wooden yaking crystal." The eye opened and said.

The others were shocked when they heard it.

If this is the case, it can be seen how **** the competition is.

A faint light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

So many people are basically cannon fodder, but it is not that the more people the better, after all, the strong is respected, and in front of the real strong, no matter how many people are, it is only a punch and a palm.

The people rushed towards the void in the distance.

At this moment, Chu Qianye teleported and descended into the depths of the sea.

Around his body, a faint air mask suddenly appeared, separating the sea water, and he sensed a lower position, and then his body teleported. When he appeared again, he was already a hundred meters away.

"Uh, where's Master Chu?" His eyes were startled, but he never saw Chu Qianye again.

"Boss, don't worry about that kid, let's find Mu Yingjing quickly. With so many people competing, we won't be able to get it at a later time." Guan Shu and others said.

Hearing the sound, he couldn't help but struggled with his eyes.

"Okay, don't take it lightly, continue to observe and see where there are traces of the wooden maiden crystals. Everyone is divided into three ways." The eyes opened and said.

At this moment, there are not a few people who have the same idea as punching.

When everyone was frantically looking for the whereabouts of Muyajing, Chu Qianye's figure had appeared in the depths of the sea hundreds of meters away, his eyes flickering, and he looked at the area directly in front of him.

In the dark rock layer, an extremely stinky fishy smell and the smell of carrion swept away immediately, which made people feel nauseous. Although it was a long distance away, Chu Qianye could not help but want to vomit.

However, he didn't let it go, because he understood that Hetu Luoshu would not deceive him, and there must be a wooden maiden in this place!

He felt extremely keen, and he was unfolding, covering the position of the rock layer, and swept back and forth two or three times before he felt the strangeness in a moment.

In this rotten smell, there is a faint fragrance of rice!

Chu Qianye had previously obtained Mu Yujing, and he knew this question best.

"Wooden Maiden!"

There is almost no doubt.

Chu Qianye suddenly fetched something in the air with his palm, and patted the decomposed corpse right in front of him. Then he saw two crystal clear objects floating quietly in the crack of the rock.

This Mu Yujing would even pretend to be herself and almost fooled herself. Fortunately, he used the golden book to deduct it before, so he was so sure.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate, and with a move of his palm, he put the two wooden crystals into the Universe Ring.

"Two wooden crystals are here!"

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, but he did not stay.

Because, the Muyongjing that Hetuluoshu deduced has four locations, and now he has only found one, and there are three other places, so hurry up!

In addition to deduction, Hetu Luoshu also has Qimen gossip, and it is also extremely accurate in positioning.

"over there!"

Chu Qianye's eyes lit up.

call out!

Chu Qianye swept away like lightning, and entered a huge rock cave. In the sea, there were rotting corpses everywhere. Some of them also had beasts, and they seemed to have died here.

Seeing such a dense corpse, Chu Qianye did not rush to take action.

He knew very well in his heart that the neighborhood must be extremely dangerous.

However, the volatility of the wooden maiden crystal directly in front was very strong, and it was easy for everyone to notice this void.



A few figures swept from a distance.

Several strong men were excited and swept towards the huge underground cave.


In an instant, after those few ghosts, his body was severely severed in two, and his large intestine and small intestine slid out, but his upper body was still struggling. Then his head fell motionless.

The people around who survived by chance were shocked.

"this is……"


In an instant, before they were relieved, the two figures died again.

The scene before him made everyone's scalp numb.

What's happening here?

Everyone retreated quickly, staring straight ahead.

Immediately, in the void, two figures appeared.

"With this strength, you also want the Muyajing? Get out of here, or you will kill me!" One of them said hoarsely.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, why did the Mu Yajing be here, but they didn't make a move?

In this case, there is only one possibility!

A glimmer of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

Royal wooden maiden!

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