Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1621: Hi being a father?

Chu Qianye's figure flickered, and then he returned from the path he had once again, and returned to the Profound Qi Continent, and Chu Qianye had only spent more than 20 days in the Profound Qi Continent after more than half a year of experience in the Little Thousand World. Look like.

Chu Qianye felt a lower position in his heart, and then waved his palm, and a spatial wormhole formed. Chu Qianye immediately stepped into the spatial wormhole, and his figure appeared in the sky cracking goddess the next moment.

Let's get to know the situation first. In the 20-odd days since I disappeared, I don't know what happened. Some information may be delayed.

With his current martial arts cultivation base, the range of perception has become extremely strong, and Chu Qianye can roughly feel the position of everyone, so Chu Qianye didn't care about these details at all. His soles slammed slightly, and his figure appeared immediately. In front of Zhang Tianqi.

When Chu Qianye came, no one noticed it.

While Zhang Tianqi was dealing with some of the things at hand in the aftermath, he didn't even notice the existence of Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye hugged him from behind.

Zhang Tianqi's face changed slightly, and when she was about to resist, a familiar breath poured into her nose, as well as the sound that was too familiar.

"Think me not?"

Zhang Tianqi's body stiffened, and then she woke up, her face suddenly showed an ecstatic expression, and quickly turned around. After she saw that it was Chu Qianye, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Ah, bastard, it really is you, are you back?" Zhang Tianqi said with joy.

Chu Qianye smiled softly. It is really hard to imagine that this girl has been the acting sect master of the Longmen for so long, and she is still nervous enough to control her?

"Well, I miss you, so I came back early." Chu Qianye smiled.

"Little bastard, let me tell you something." Zhang Tianqi's expression suddenly became serious, and Chu Qianye couldn't help but chuckle.

Oops, could it be that during the period of time when I was away, something big happened and failed?

Indeed, during the time that Chu Qianye was away, a very important thing happened, but it was not a bad thing, but a happy event!

"Congratulations, you are going to be a father!" Zhang Tianqi said seriously.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and then he was overjoyed.


"No, it's not me, it's Qiu Yu, she is pregnant with your flesh and blood!" Zhang Tianqi laughed and said: "You are going to be a father, you can't be too hippy and smiley, be more mature and stable, pay attention to the occasion, no...ah!"

Before she could finish her words, she was swept away by a force, and when she reappeared, Qiu Yuzheng and Wang Yuyan were sitting in the halls of the building, making tea and chatting.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, and immediately before the two of them woke up, the figures of Chu Qianye and Zhang Tianqi immediately appeared in front of them, and the two of them couldn't help but look startled, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Husband." Wang Yuyan said.

Chu Qianye smiled deeply.

Unexpectedly, when he decided to go out to practice, Shuang Xiu left the essence in the body of the three women. As a result, Qiu Yu was the first to be pregnant with his seed.

"Husband." Qiu Yu said with a blushing face.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

"Let your husband see, you can't do heavy work now, you need to rest more, after all, you are not alone now." Chu Qianye smiled softly in his eyes.

He Qiu Yu, it has been three years since Chishui Junguo to the present. In these years, the three daughters followed her in the South and North wars, established the Longmen, and developed Tongbaoxing. It can be said that he is also a great hero of Longmen. Good lady.

Over the years, he has always been a hand-handling shopkeeper and rarely managed Longmen’s internal affairs. The three women have always helped him take care of it. Unexpectedly, he and Qiu Yu finally came to fruition, and they belonged to them. The crystallization of love.

This is a summary for him.

Of course, for this reason, he still hasn't announced the Sixteen Great Famines. One day, he will announce to the world in the form of a big wedding. It is also time to give an account to all the women, to be responsible for himself over the years, and to be a man upright.

Now, the burden on him is more than that.

So, he still has a long way to go, but if as a husband, he can't even accomplish this, then how can he become the master of the dragon gate?

How to lead will eventually kill back to the realm of God?

How to reunite their family?

How to fulfill the promise to Li Ling?

So, these are not the key points. The key point is whether you have a long life plan. Now that things have come to this point, it is time to stand up.

After this battle for hegemony in the wild, we must get married.

As for the Li family, I must go there too. Regardless of whether the Li family agrees or not, the loneliness and waiting that Li Ling has endured over the years is time to explain!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

"Three ladies, I solemnly promise you that after this great famine is over, I will announce the great famine, choose a big wedding day, and marry the three ladies!" Chu Qianye suddenly said.

When Chu Qianye said this, the three women couldn't help but startled.

Immediately in the bright eyes, there was some light faintly flashing, it was moving tears, although they tried to resist the flow, how could the tears deceive Chu Qianye?

They waited for this sentence, it should have been a long time.

Today, I finally have an explanation, which can be regarded as a comma in life. The road in the future will still depend on them to work together and walk the rest of their lives together...

Chu Qianye suddenly felt that she was a bit of a jerk. She had three beautiful and beautiful wives, and she was still busy running around and killing. In order to complete her plan, the three daughters did sacrifice too much.

Fortunately, you won't have to worry so much in the future. Once his clone breaks through, then his clone can accompany the three daughters more, and the deity can continue to kill the Quartet and sweep the obstacles ahead, which is the best of both worlds.

Immediately, Chu Qianye took out three wooden crystals from Qiankun Ring, and said: "I will adjust some pills for you to temper your body, and then you will refine your blood, qi, and tendons in the secret space during this time. After waiting for three months, if you swallow this wooden crystal, refining and absorbing, your strength will surely skyrocket and it will have a lot of blood boosting effect on your children in the future."

The three women took Mu Yujing from Chu Qianye's hand, placed it in her hand and looked at it carefully. After watching for a long time, they only knew that the energy was violent, but they didn't know everything else.

The martial arts world is pregnant. It takes 18 months to give birth to offspring. The birth of its life will be affected by the blood of the parents, martial arts talents, martial spirits, etc., and it takes a long time to prepare, so confirm it now I am pregnant, but at this time, I still need to wait 18 months.

Eighteen months is equivalent to one and a half years.

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