Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1622: Regenerate offspring

Ordinary people are pregnant in October, but the martial artist is extraordinary, so in terms of giving birth, it takes eighteen months to conceive, which is eight months longer than ordinary people.

Martial artists need to inherit, especially for descendants. The inheritance of talents, bloodlines, and martial souls is very strict, so it is not so easy.

Chu Qianye also knew this, and also knew that Qiu Yu might have been worrying about this matter for a long time in the next period of time, because this bloodline, martial arts talent, and the inheritance of martial arts are not simple meanings. The inheritance from above is an invisible inheritance. As early as when Chu Qianye doubled cultivation, its essence had already entered Qiu Yu's body.

In its essence, there is blood, martial arts talent and martial soul, but in the future, because of the connection of martial soul, the blood, martial arts talent and martial soul will continue to affect the children in the body in the later stage.

Therefore, this is a very complicated process, not a simple conception, and then nothing is left.

In particular, the requirements for the father of the child are more stringent. If the father is beaten, disabled, or even killed during pregnancy, it will greatly affect the child. The lighter is the blood and the martial arts talent will be weakened. Because of the inability to form a close connection with the father, the offspring of the actor even missed the awakening of the martial soul during pregnancy.

Therefore, this is a very important link.

The child's martial soul is mainly due to the influence of the father's martial soul. If the father's martial soul is strong, then he can use his father's martial soul to awaken high-level martial souls, thereby enhancing his martial arts talent.

This is why the powerful bloodline awakens the martial soul as soon as the offspring is born, and it is still a powerful martial soul, and even the martial arts cultivation level has reached the extreme earth and celestial realms, and even the venerable and the saint!

In the realm of Gods, the descendants of those gods are in the realm of gods and humans as soon as they are born. Therefore, the stronger the stronger, the stronger the genes of the offspring, and even some people don’t need to practice as soon as they are born. The innate huge advantage cannot be matched by ordinary people.

For this kind of talent, ordinary people can only admire: Who makes people have good parents?

Although this sounded pessimistic, it was a real existence, so after Chu Qianye learned that Qiu Yu had his own flesh and blood, Chu Qianye took it very seriously.

Naturally, his own flesh and blood cannot be endowed with a too low martial arts spirit, and it is even more impossible to let him lose at the starting line. He must be given the strongest martial arts talent in the world, the strongest martial arts soul, the strongest bloodline power,...

He will give everything he can give, and in the future for the children’s tutoring, he will emphasize respect for the teacher, respect for the parents, and let him understand that talent and blood are just the basic conditions to be truly strong. It depends on perseverance and the unremitting pursuit of martial arts.

These, he can give.

However, before he was born, the most important thing was to improve his genes and conditions, and these had a great relationship with him.

Therefore, after Chu Qianye knew about this, he immediately set aside some important things. He had just returned to the Profound Qi Continent now, and he didn't need to rush to take action, otherwise the killing would break out too early and it would easily affect the children.

Before this, he had to think of a better way.

In terms of childbirth, Chu Qianye met many people, even his followers, those **** kings, almost all had children. They knew what was going on, but he didn’t. what.

He was strong back then, but he never achieved a breakthrough in love. The only relationship with the Baguio Empress was eventually blown away.

Two lives are human, but after all, he has never been a parent.

Therefore, in this regard, he really needs to find an experienced person for advice, especially those who have given birth to children.

Chu Qianye first thought of his father and uncle.

In this respect, they are experienced, know how to teach and how to guide, so it is better to ask them in this regard.

Jiang is still hot, this sentence is not groundless, nor is it an exaggeration, but based on experience.

Of course, experience may not be correct, but he can sum up more experience, and he can ask more people anyway.

For the sake of his children, there are certain things that should not be let go. This matter is very important to him and also very important to Qiu Yu. It is impossible to deal with it vaguely.

"Actually, I have already prepared. I will give you a blood pulse pill. After you bathe, it will temper your body, and the blood will improve your martial arts, but after you finish your blood, bone, and muscle training, When Mu Yujing is absorbed into the body, the bloodline will be raised by a rank." Chu Qianye said: "According to the information I checked, the first four months of pregnancy must be completed. After five months, it is not At the stage of moving your fetus without setting the stars, it will be too late if you want to temper your body."

The three women looked at Chu Qianye in surprise, they didn't expect Chu Qianye to make these preparations in advance.

"Hate!" Qiu Yu said with a blushing face, "So you have already prepared, did you rush back in a hurry to verify?"

"Haha, as your husband, I have to know in advance what I say about these things, otherwise I will still be a qualified husband? Although we get together less and more, I promise that we will spend more time together in the future." Chu Qian Ye said.

Qiu Yu looked at Chu Qianye with some mist in his eyes.

She was deeply moved.

Chu Qianye didn’t have an easy walk with her. From Chishui County, but against Wu Shi, and even now under such circumstances, she was able to never leave her, and she did not favor anyone. For her, I feel fair inside.

Originally thought that there would be a first-come-first-served relationship, Chu Qianye would only love Zhang Tianqi and Li Ling, but that was not the case. Chu Qianye was not only good to them, but treated her and Wang Yuyan equally, without the slightest bias.

Today, Chu Qianye has made so many preparations for the children of the two of them who are about to be born, which shows that he is very careful in this regard.

"Well, what you say, I will do it!" Qiu Yu said.

"Hey, don't you two think of us as light bulbs, okay? There are still people here." Zhang Tianqi said sourly, "People also want..."

Chu Qianye smiled.

"It's not easy to want? Anyway, we still have a lot of time now, and there is no shortage of this time, right? Go, you two try to get pregnant with me too!"

Then the figure flashed, turned into three phantoms, and swooped at the three women.

When the three women saw Chu Qianye's posture, their expressions faded.



"Little bastard, let me go, broad day!"


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