Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1623: Go to the old department of Yaozu

For an instant, the three female Huarong paled.

However, after all, he still didn't escape Chu Qianye's claws.

Immediately, the four began to create crystallization again.

Enter the secret space, flash into the Naling Ring created by Chu Qianye, on the golden luang of a luxurious palace.


Jin Luan was shaken for a while.

"Ah, let me go, little bastard, you, I can't do it anymore, go and harm them both." Zhang Tianqi was out of breath.

"Hey, who wants offspring to come? Why, don't you want it now? If you say you want it, you don't want it, then I'm so shameless. Family law is often not easy to change, let alone chaos. Yes. Just obediently!" How could Chu Qianye give up like this.


Fighting in the secret space for three days, ruining the sky secretly!

On the fourth day, Chu Qianye began to adjust Qiu Yu’s bloodline pill and temper it, and this time period was not long, only two days of work, and Qiu Yu’s martial body's blood energy also increased. a lot of.

Especially the most important thing is that Chu Qianye gave the magic power of moving mountains and filling the sea to the three daughters to prevent them from being used in the future. However, Chu Qianye told the three daughters that they should not be shown as a last resort, so as not to cause them. The covetous heart of others.

In this regard, the three women naturally nodded and insisted.

And Chu Qianye also told them his method, and asked the three daughters to try to use this supernatural power to refine blood, bones and tendons.

Although this method is quite good, there is a question, where should I go?

This area?

Obviously it is not very good, many places are not suitable for the three women, especially the Shenwu Continent and the Little Thousand World that he has been to.

It seems that only the Profound Qi Continent is suitable for them, but the situation seems a bit complicated in the Sixteen Great Desolations. He doesn't want other people to know the news of his return. At such a critical moment, of course he can't let them easily. Know his whereabouts.

Therefore, the confidentiality work must be done, and it must be done even better. It must be the best if others have no knowledge of their whereabouts and whereabouts.

However, these are not important now. He only needs to be able to find a place where the three women can complete blood, bone and muscle training. Wang Yuyan and Zhang Tianqi need to improve their martial arts skills. On the one hand, Qiu Yu needs to improve martial arts. For, on the one hand, because of being pregnant, we have to pave the way for future children.

Without thinking, it seems that I can only ask for help.

Immediately, Chu Qianye summoned all the core figures of Longmen. When everyone knew that Qiu Yu had Chu Qianye's flesh and blood, it was natural and joyous, and they congratulated Chu Qianye one after another.

However, Chu Qianye immediately put forward his own thoughts, and when everyone heard Chu Qianye's thoughts, almost all of them frowned subconsciously.

According to what Chu Qianye said, it is really difficult to find a suitable place in the Sixteen Wildernesses.

Even Long Jin, who has always had accurate information and specializes in intelligence, frowned at this moment, obviously embarrassing him.

When everyone was silent, Ba Tian spoke.

"Master, I know a place, and it is definitely a good place for you to temporarily seal your news to prevent leakage, and that place is also of great benefit to younger brothers and sisters." Ba Tian said. .

Everyone looked at Ba Tian one after another, obviously expressing their curiosity about the place he was talking about, Chu Qianye was also very curious.

He almost knew about the Sixteenth Wilderness, except for those places that he hadn't been to now, he could know where he was almost with his eyes closed now.

"Old Demon Clan." Ba Tian said.

For a moment, there was no sound.

Obviously, the old monster clan, this place seems not to be safe and secure, but Ba Tian proposed it at this time, and everyone didn't understand what happened.

Everyone looked at Ba Tian one after another, trying to see other information from his eyes.

However, Batian was as stable as Mount Tai, and did not panic.

"The old demon clan, there are actually many secrets that are not known to outsiders. Others may not be able to enter the old demon clan if they want to enter the old demon clan, but you are different from the sect master. You have the blood of two demon saints in your body. , You are an existence recognized by the old demon clan, so when you enter the old demon clan, no one will say the word'no'!" Tyrant said confidently.

When everyone heard this sentence, they seemed to feel reasonable, but it still didn’t answer everyone’s doubts. This old demonic clan seems to have no direct connection with blood, bone and muscle refining, so why choose this place? ?

Everyone couldn't guess it all at once.

Ba Tian seems to know what everyone here thinks.

He smiled faintly.

"You don't know anything. Because of the special location of the old demon clan, no matter how big it is, it will basically not be felt." Ba Tian said, "and the old demon clan has what the master wants. Things must have a very high increasing effect on the improvement of bloodline and martial arts talent."

Upon hearing the sound, Chu Qianye was immediately curious about what Ba Tian said.

Monster Race, he did come into contact a lot, and even absorbed and refined the blood of the Two Saints, but he didn't know what else the Monster Race had more important than the blood of the two Saints.

"Okay, then go to the old demon clan department and set off today!" Chu Qianye said.

"Ruolan and Mo Xuan, you two follow along, the others stay where they are, and continue to dormant. Long Jin, all the information, I hope to be in my hands when I leave the old demon clan."

Long Jin nodded solemnly.

Immediately, Chu Qianye, Ba Tian, ​​Zhou Ruolan, and Mo Xuan, as well as the three daughters of Zhang Tianqi, a group of seven set out for the old demon clan.

Tyrant must be going, after all, he is familiar with the old demon clan, and no one knows where the old demon clan is, only he can know its whereabouts.

The flying boat galloped past various counties, dynasties, and the great wilderness.

During this period of time, everyone was sitting cross-legged and entering the state of cultivation, but Chu Qianye did not. He was still thinking about being in the old demon clan. He definitely couldn't stay for three months, so after he got that thing , I have to withdraw, but the three daughters will definitely stay here to continue refining blood, bones and tendons.

However, in order to prevent the loneliness of the three daughters after he left, Chu Qianye also summoned his clone. After he left, his clone was still in the old demon clan, so he would feel more at ease, and the cultivation of the clone would not affect him. .

When everyone saw Chu Qianye's clone, there was a kind of helpless admiration in their hearts.

Now, Chu Qianye's clone has already attained his martial arts cultivation base. Such a speed of cultivation has to be staggering. Although there are factors of martial arts inheritance, it is less than a month after all!

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