Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1633: Invisible Blade

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head and looked at the old man, finally showing a faint smile on his face, but this smile was a smile of wish fulfillment.

"Finally, a decent opponent has arrived." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "Two Corpse Dao Sages, the strength is barely enough."

Hearing Chu Qianye's words, the old man couldn't help but frown.

But Lin Xiong and the dying Chen Daxi also heard what Chu Qianye said at this time, and couldn't help but secretly said: This kid is really arrogant, and he doesn't even know his death when he meets Dao Yuan Dao.

The old man stared at Chu Qianye, as if he wanted to see through Chu Qianye.

Later, after he felt Chu Qianye's martial arts aura, his face couldn't help showing a surprised expression. He didn't expect that a nine-star saint would dare to be so arrogant, and even kill the purgatory, this is simply lawless.

In an instant, Yuan Dao's true popularity didn't hit anyone.

"The kid is so arrogant." Yuan Dao Zhenren said with a sneer: "You are a nine-star saint in your area, not even Dao saint, dare to kill my purgatory, and still be so arrogant in front of me?"

"I don't even know how to write it!"

Chu Qianye looked at each other blankly.

"Purgatory clan, if only you can get the table top, it would really disappoint me. I think your patriarch is not a deer-headed figure." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, his voice was clear. After the true essence, it spread as fast as lightning in the sky above the purgatory.

Zhenren Yuan Dao couldn't help but his face changed slightly. He is a law enforcement elder, who is responsible for the inspection team. Now if he lets others know that he is not doing well, where will he put his old face in the future? How will he raise his head in the future?

Therefore, when Zhenren Yuandao heard these words, his face sank on the spot.

"Bastard!" He exclaimed coldly, furious.

After he finished speaking, he saw the soles of Yuan Dao’s feet stepping out, and his palms suddenly squeezed towards the void where Chu Qianye was. A huge force swept out frantically, wherever he reached, the void was booming. It collapsed and shattered, and the surrounding void was also twisted for a while, and then cracks formed one after another, spreading in all directions.

When Chen Daxi and Lin Xiong saw this scene, there was a touch of joy in their eyes.

This kind of martial arts power can only be achieved by Dao Sages. The last time Chu Qianye fought against the three Dao Sages, he witnessed that time with his own eyes, so he knew everything about that time very well, and Chu Qian Ye Ye was forced to this point because of the fight against the three of the Blue Light Dao Sages, and finally was completely swallowed by the void of space.

This time, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see Zhenren Yuan Dao perform this trick.

Chu Qianye couldn't help narrowing his eyes as he looked at this martial force.

It seems that the other party intends to intercept him.

But can it happen?

Obviously it is impossible.

Chu Qianye glanced at the other party faintly.

"That's it?" Chu Qianye gently shook his head, and then waved his palm, a huge force surged out frantically, and the void collapsed and solidified, making it impossible to move forward at all...

Not only that, the fragments of the blade's edge suddenly erupted and shook together.


Those blade fragments swiftly revolved at a high speed, and the terrible twisting force caused the blade fragments to be distorted everywhere, and then the void shattered.


"call out!"

Those blade fragments frantically rushed towards Master Yuan Dao at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye they swept in front of Master Yuan Dao.

Master Yuan Dao felt a great sense of crisis, and had to stop. He raised his head in surprise, staring at Chu Qianye with his eyes.

At this moment, there was no trace of contempt in his eyes, his face changed drastically, as if thinking of a possibility.

"You are Chu Qianye!" Master Yuan Dao stared at Chu Qianye and said in surprise.

"That's right." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, "I grant you a death!"

After the words were over, the blade fragments in the void suddenly produced a violent vibration, and then, under the drastic change of Yuan Dao's face, the blade fragments went straight to the Yuan Dao.

At this time, Zhenren Yuan Dao still cares about being a master.

The light in his hand flickered, and then he sacrificed a long knife. At the same time, his figure retreated sharply. The power in his body, like a volcanic eruption, instantly formed a tyrannical force, like a blowout. Yes, madly swept towards Chu Qianye.

The power was extremely violent, and came out wildly.

However, Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

It's just a mantis blocking the car.


In an instant, two fragments of the blade sharply pierced the qi of the sword, fiercely rushing forward, and in an instant they swept in front of Master Yuan Dao, and hit the long knife in his palm fiercely. together.

Zhenren Yuan Dao was hit by this fierce impact and flew out fiercely. His face changed drastically, and he felt a huge impact on his hand, which made his palm numb.

He retreated quickly to the rear.

This kind of power is really too strong, and his two corpse Dao Sages were even knocked into flight.

"The great power of one hundred thousand tripods!"

After he was knocked into the air, his pupils couldn't help but change drastically, and finally felt the power of the fragment of the blade. For a moment, his face became very ugly.

Chu Qianye's combat power is really terrifying. This terrifying power is extremely tyrannical, and no one has ever thought that a small fragment of a blade can burst out such violent combat power.

Therefore, Master Yuan Dao never thought about the power of this blade fragment.

And, you must know that these are just two pieces!

Two pieces made him so embarrassed, so what about the remaining 26 pieces?

Thinking of this, Master Yuan Dao's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Hehe, can I take two pieces." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "So, ten pieces and twenty pieces?"

After the words were over, those blade fragments burst out with a dazzling light, and immediately rushed towards the real master Yuandao.

The speed is so fast, the void is shattered wherever it reaches, forming a distortion of the void.

How dare Yuan Dao dare to take these blade fragments forcibly, a single knife can have one hundred thousand ding power, these more than 20 blade shards, superimposed, there will be more than two million ding power!

Thinking about it, I feel terrified.

Therefore, Zhenren Yuan Dao admitted, he gritted his teeth, while using his first martial force to control these blade fragments, on the other hand, he retreated sharply towards the rear.

Chu Qianye looked at each other blankly.

The tangible can be controlled, but what about the intangible?

Presumably, from the center of Chu Qianye's eyebrows, there was a sudden burst of powerful soul power. These invisible and intangible soul power quickly condensed into blade fragments, and then went straight to the real Yuan Dao, before he was about to flash before him. It disappeared in an instant!

"Boom! Boom!"

The invisible attack knocked the real person Yuan Dao into the air in an instant. The terrifying power made the real person Yuan Dao pale, vomiting blood and retreating.

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