Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1634: Squeeze the Saint

With a wave of Chu Qianye's palm, the fragments of the blade were suspended in the air at high speed, but he did not continue to reap the lives of the real Yuan Dao.

Chu Qianye walked forward lightly.

At this time, Chen Daxi and Lin Xiong, both of whom witnessed that Yuan Dao was not their opponent, could not help showing shocked expressions on their faces.

Is Chu Qianye's strength already so terrifying?

Even Dao Sheng is not his opponent?

Seeing Chu Qianye's explosive power, the mood of the two of them at the moment caused an uproar.

There was extreme fear in their hearts.

With Chu Qianye's fighting strength, killing them now is as easy as a piece of cake.

So the question is, why can Chu Qianye behead them at will, why not behead them, but let them live?

Why is that?

Moreover, it seemed that Chu Qianye was also able to kill the real Yuan Dao, so why was it just a serious injury?

Lin Xiong's mind was the most active. He looked at Chu Qianye's figure, his mind was moving at a high speed, an answer was ready to come out, and his expression changed drastically.

He seemed to remember something terrible.

At this moment, countless streams of light rushed violently in the direction where they were, and in the blink of an eye they rushed in front of Chu Qianye.

There are a total of eight human figures, and the aura that each one exudes is very terrifying, and belongs to the same level as Yuan Dao Zhenren.

Seeing this, Chen Daxi couldn't help showing ecstasy.

The patriarch of their purgatory clan finally came with the elders!

This means that their lives can also be given more protection and hope.

However, Lin Xiong didn't think so, because he had already guessed Chu Qianye's intentions, so if there is no accident, Chu Qianye is likely to implement that plan.

And they will become victims!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Xiong's heart couldn't help but collapse.

Just as Chu Qianye said, his blade fragments are fast, and there are thousands of miles of void, all of which are under his control.

Even if he was allowed to teleport and escape from nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine miles, he would always die in Chu Qianye's hands.

Therefore, Chu Qianye's determination and self-confidence made him very frightened, especially thinking that Chu Qianye had a plan that could be implemented, and he was relieved in an instant.

They are victims.

"Your Excellency is too much."

The head of the person looked very young, but Chu Qianye knew that the person in front of him was not young, and his cultivation years, to say nothing, were thousands of years old.

He didn't care, but went straight to the subject.

"You are Li Yan."

Facing Chu Qianye's directness, the person was obviously shocked.

He didn't expect that Chu Qianye actually knew his identity, and when he looked at Chu Qianye, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to know this seat." Li Yan did not refute.

"Then you should know who I am and why I am here today." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Li Yan nodded slightly.

"It's a pity, I still can't tell you." Li Yan said frankly.

Chu Qianye didn't expect the other party to be so direct and decisive.

He took a deep breath and looked at Li Yan, without the slightest fluctuation, with a move in his palm, a war sword appeared in his palm.

Seeing Chu Qianye sacrifice the profound soldiers, everyone showed solemn expressions.


Others also sacrificed their own profound soldiers.

The martial arts aura swept out suddenly.

Chu Qianye felt the martial arts cultivation of these people, and his expression was calm.

Two nine-star saints, six Taoist saints.

Such a lineup, placed on the Sixteenth Wilderness, is definitely a first-class existence, and placed on the Profound Qi Continent, it is also rare.

Looking at Chu Qianye, Li Yan vomited softly: "You should give up, you don't even know who you are fighting with."

give up?

Has he ever given up?


Today, no matter who comes, the purgatory will perish!

"This will not bother you, you should care about yourself." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, and then suddenly shook his palm, while the real person Yuan Dao was pinched by someone's neck in an instant, and then rubbed against him. On the ground, a huge force rushed out fiercely, shaking Master Yuan Dao's face pale and constantly vomiting blood.


Before everyone woke up, Master Yuan Dao's neck was chopped off.

Facing the ruthless killing of Chu Qianye, the figure in the distance couldn't help but change his face suddenly. Yuan Dao, the law enforcement elder of their purgatory clan, did not expect to die in front of them, and the method of death was very ugly. Everyone can't tolerate it.


"court death!"

The figures of the Purgatory Race in the distance couldn't help but yelled one after another, and all kinds of condemnation resounded from all directions.

But Chu Qianye didn't care at all.

He slowly raised his head and turned to Chen Daxi and Lin Xiong.

At this time, Lin Xiong's pupils suddenly contracted.

With a strong desire to survive, Lin Xiong decided to fight to the death.

The power of the stars in his body had already been quietly operating, and when Chu Qianye killed True Person Yuan Dao, he jumped up suddenly and delivered the strongest blow in his life.

However, his body was squeezed and exploded in midair.


For an instant, blood mist scattered in the air.

The Eight-Star Saint Realm was suddenly crushed by Chu Qianye!

Those figures in the distance, seeing this scene, couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

Asking themselves, they did have this ability, but that was when the opponent did not resist, and Chu Qianye was able to pinch it under Lin Xiong's resistance. This kind of combat power is really amazing!

As for Chen Daxi, seeing Master Yuan Dao being chopped off by Chu Qianye, and seeing Lin Xiong squeezed and exploded by Chu Qianye, he was instantly shocked.

He was already terrified of Chu Qianye. He had never seen this level of combat power. He did not expect that Chu Qianye could easily squeeze the Eight-Star Saint Realm to death. This level of strength is almost like a squeeze. The ants are that simple.

Can you escape?

Can't escape!

Therefore, his heart was filled with despair.

He knows his destiny.

In his pupils, there was the shadow of Chu Qianye, as well as his own deep fear.

If time can go back, then he will definitely not provoke this demon, let alone stay in the purgatory.

However, he didn't have this opportunity!

Chu Qianye looked at Lin Xiong who was pinched by herself, with a calm expression.

In fact, the reason why he was able to squeeze Lin Xiong was mainly because of his profound fire. He had guessed that Lin Xiong would definitely counterattack earlier, so he had already prepared his profound fire at the moment when the opponent resisted. , The squeezed mysterious fire ball was close to his body, and when he grasped his palm, the squeezed mysterious fire ball instantly exploded.

It seemed that he was squeezing Lin Xiong.

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