Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1642: Ready to come out

This punch was really violent, and the power of destruction was even more powerful, and Chu Qianye, after being knocked out by that huge mountain, did nothing.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but swallowed fiercely.

Chu Qianye is so devilish. Such a mountain was moved by him, and what was most shocking was that the force formed after the mountain hit him was so powerful that it hit the front The void collapsed and shattered, and everyone looked at this scene, and it took a long time for them to feel relieved.

In the distance, everyone swallowed fiercely.

At this time, the three Dao Sages led by Li Yan were still unable to capture Chu Qianye's clone. At this time, Chu Qianye had already solved the true demon.

The situation in this war zone suddenly became too clear.

Chu Qianye slowed down, and with a stroke of his palm, the mountain standing in the sky suddenly rushed towards one of the Dao Sages.

The Dao Sage looked at this mountain, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"Break it for me!"

He shouted violently, the profound soldier in his hand suddenly burst out with a bright light, and then attacked towards the mountain.


Under a loud noise, the mountain collapsed and broke apart.

This level of combat power is indeed quite tyrannical.

However, he had just used the profound soldiers to break the mountain, and what greeted him was a fragment of a high-speed blade, which directly pierced his chest. His eyes widened and his expression was incredulous.


Two loud bangs resounded between heaven and earth in a flash.

Chu Qianye didn't wait for those people to react at all.

"call out!"

His figure rushed away like lightning violently, and the war sword held tightly in his palm slashed out immediately, and cooperated with the clone to perform the "Sword of Absolute Heaven". Those Dao Sages seemed to know that Chu Qianye would kill. At the moment the defense was broken, he immediately defended desperately, trying to block Chu Qianye's attack.

However, Chu Qianye didn't care at all, he glanced at several people lightly, his eyes as light as moonlight.

One sword can’t do two swords, two swords can’t do three swords...

Chu Qianye's attack was very violent. The two Dao Sages could not stop Chu Qianye's violent storm attack, and Chu Qianye and his clone were almost close in strength. Under such a strong attack, where could anyone be able to Can you stop it?

As a result, those people couldn't stop them at all, and their faces showed shocked expressions, and their pupils could not help but shrink suddenly.

However, the grayish white made the world lose its color in their eyes, and eventually fell slowly.

After beheading the last two saints, Chu Qianye slowly raised his head and looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan's face changed drastically.

Chu Qianye’s attack this time was so swift that he didn’t even wake up. With such a violent Jedi attack, neither he nor the Dao Sage around him could react. When he woke up, the two around him The man has fallen.

Li Yan's face became very ugly.


At this moment, the entire space trembled suddenly.

In the area with a radius of thousands of miles, three formations were formed in a moment, and this piece of void was also covered.

Seeing the fluctuation and aura of this formation, Li Yan's expression was startled, he stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickering fiercely.

Where did he not know Chu Qianye's mind at this time?

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianye was so cruel, from beginning to end, he had no intention of letting the purgatory people escape.

This kid unexpectedly arranged three formations to completely cover the area of ​​Purgatory Race.

"Bastard!" Li Yan stared at Chu Qianye, and said with a gloomy expression: "Are you not afraid of the scourge?"

Chu Qianye shrugged.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid." Chu Qianye vomited softly: "But, what I cultivate is the way of killing, to kill all the people, let alone your purgatory? Blame, you can only blame yourself for not standing in the right position. ."

"Standing in the right position?" Li Yan sneered: "Do you really think you are standing in the team? You will soon find out how naive and naive your thinking is. With your strength, you are not the opponent of those people at all. ."

Those people again!

"They" again!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

These **** are simply lingering, from beginning to end.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. Who are these people, and why are these key figures forced to blew themselves at the most critical moment?

The Li Yan in front of him is probably the same. Using those people's methods, there are bound to be various ways to deal with Li Yan.

Since they can deal with Li Yan, there is no slight pressure on dealing with him either.

Who are these people? Is it stronger than the master? Better than the master?

As all doubts surfaced in Chu Qianye's mind, he became more and more curious about the identities of these people, but he was curious with deep hatred.

No matter his father, old man Jian, and even the later Longmen, they are closely related to these people.

What kind of role is that military leader playing?

Chu Qianye was very curious in her heart.

He has never seen this high-level Wushi, but he is really curious about this high-level Wushi now. He did not expect that this person has done so many things that the conservatives in Wushi can't stop it?

So it is conceivable that this should be because of the high-level Wushi, and those people behind him, which made the conservatives of Wushi unable to do so, so the silence is now.

Silence is silent, not erupting in silence, but perishing in silence.

Chu Qianye knew very well in her heart that if the other people in the martial arts market continued to choose to remain silent, then the future martial arts market would soon be replaced.

"What are the identities of those people?" Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

Li Yan stared at Chu Qianye with fierce light in his eyes.

"You bastard, take your life!"

With a violent drink, Li Yan suddenly rushed, and the long-handled big knife in his palm slashed towards Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye frowned, and immediately retreated backwards.

Li Yan leaned against him again, the long-handled broad knife in his palm chopped out again, and the knife gas surged.

With a move from Chu Qianye's palm, a cold light burst out from the sword in his palm.

"The purgatory has nothing to do with this matter, don't kill the innocent indiscriminately." Li Yan said coldly.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled. How did he feel that the expression in Li Yan's eyes seemed to have undergone some subtle changes, and although this sentence seemed to be correct nonsense, it seemed to have another hint of meaning?

For this, he is not sure.

The two continued to fight for hundreds of rounds.


At a certain moment, Li Yan was slammed into the air by Chu Qianye's sword, and the position of his chest suddenly cracked, and the blood fell on his robe.


Li Yan spit out blood.

He raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye.

"The Purgatory Clan has a wordless book, maybe there is the answer you want."

Li Yan sighed: "No matter how talented you are, it is only a **** in the game of the strong."

After that, he died completely.

But Chu Qianye seemed to realize something, his eyes flickered.

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