Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1643: Wordless Bible

With a wave of his palm, Chu Qianye collected all those Universe Rings and Naling Rings into the Universe Rings, covering them with profound fire, and completely erasing their soul imprints, the power of the dual souls disappeared into the Universe Rings and Naling Rings.

Where is the wordless book?

Chu Qianye frowned subconsciously.

Because in Li Yan's Qiankun Ring and Na Ling Ring, there is no wordless heavenly book.

Chu Qianye still didn't give up and searched carefully.

However, the result is exactly the same, there is no wordless book.

Chu Qianye frowned subconsciously.

It seems that this guy's Qiankun Ring and Naling Ring should not have this book.

He raised his head and glanced at the area directly in front of him.

Those figures couldn't help showing a sense of horror on their faces, but they couldn't escape this formation at all.

"Don't try to break out of this formation, otherwise once the killing formation is activated, with the strength of you people, I am afraid that you will become ashes." Chu Qianye spit lightly.

His voice passed through the true essence and swept straight ahead like lightning.

Wherever he went, the void was violent.

Everyone was stiff, with a panic on their faces.


Chu Qianye's figure teleported, and immediately appeared in front of one of the warriors.

"You should know the wordless heavenly book." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

That person looked jealous, Chu Qianye was able to kill Dao Sage's strength, he naturally knew his situation, in other words, as long as Chu Qianye was willing, it would be easier than trampling an ant to death.

Therefore, this person immediately recognized the counsel, and quickly explained the location of the wordless heavenly book.

Chu Qianye's figure flickered, and soon he appeared in a vast library.

At this time, there are still some formations, but most of the barriers have disappeared, mainly because those strong men of the Purgatory Clan have been killed by him. After death, these barriers naturally disappeared.

In an instant, Chu Qianye quickly appeared at the position of the wordless heavenly book. There was indeed a book without words. It was placed in a high position, surrounded by formations, but at this time there was no formation. Fa, as for the space barrier, there is no such thing. With a wave of Chu Qianye's palm, those space barriers collapsed and broke apart in an instant.

Looking at the wordless book in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a curious look.

Li Yan said that he could find the answer here, but he didn't know how to find it. After all, it was a wordless heavenly book, which was extremely difficult to understand.

Chu Qianye was holding the book in his palm, her eyes flickering.

He flipped through the book curiously.

This wordless book of heaven is said to be a powerful person of the purgatory tribe. After glancing through the secrets, he wants to pass on to future generations, and he is worried that he will be condemned by the heavens or used by evil people to mess up the world. Wonderful calligraphy and painting scroll that can be enlightened by later generations.

It's a pity that there is no word on it, it is really wordless!

Chu Qianye frowned. With a movement in his heart, the profound fire inside his body snorted out of his body, and at this moment, a golden light flickered.

Looking at the firelight, he showed an expression of ecstasy. The golden light radiating from this golden book is like a gleaming tadpole.

Chu Qianye stared at this wordless heavenly book, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise. He didn't expect that he was just a whim, and he actually lit up this wordless heavenly book.

Seeing the light blooming from the wordless heavenly book, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

His eyes quickly swept across, those golden tadpole characters, the golden glow exuding extremely dazzling, Chu Qianye squinted and felt a little unable to open his eyes.

Chu Qianye shed tears and finished reading the wordless book.

Jin Shuo's tadpole text was so dazzling that he couldn't adapt to the sting a little bit, and tears flowed out uncontrollably, not because of the content of the wordless scripture.

Chu Qianye finally read the contents of the wordless heavenly book, but he was speechless after reading it, because he could not understand the words on the wordless heavenly book, and it was even harder to find what Li Yan said. answer.

Almost subconsciously, Chu Qianye almost thought that Li Yan lied to herself.

He watched it carefully again.

This second time, he finally noticed some differences. Each of the golden tadpole's words had a kind of sparkle gold, and these words seemed to have been moved, although they were only superficial traces, they would really look good if they weren't seen carefully. It didn't come out, but Chu Qianye looked at it carefully this second time. The golden words that had been touched included "master" and "junction", as well as "wai" and "muse".

The four characters are: main, bureau, outside and intent.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, what does this mean?

He was a little confused. These four words can be understood no matter what, but these two words made Chu Qianye frowned.

They, in these four characters, which character do they belong to?

Chu Qianye frowned subconsciously, how did it feel that it was like not saying anything?

Chu Qianye carefully observed it over and over again, but unfortunately, the final result was still these four words, nothing else.

It shouldn't be, how could it be possible to have only these four words?

Looking at the wordless heavenly book in front of him, Chu Qianye frowned, knowing that he would no longer be able to find out other content, and had no choice but to include it in the Universe Ring.

"Don't try to escape from here. After a month, this formation will be automatically eliminated. If the formation is activated, this mass killing formation will wipe out all of you. If you want to survive, don't resist."

Chu Qianye's voice resounded above everyone's hearts as fast as lightning, and the faces of those figures in the distance suddenly showed horror.

Dao Sages were all beheaded by Chu Qianye, and these people resisted even more, so the entire purgatory clan was almost in panic.

After a long time, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they no longer felt Chu Qianye's breath.

They knew very well in their hearts that Chu Qianye had already left this area.

With Chu Qianye's strength, it was too simple to kill them, it was like slaughtering a dog.

Fortunately, Chu Qianye didn't move to kill in the end.

Although their purgatory race was trapped by the formation, they survived.

After a month, the formation here will automatically disperse.

The purgatory clan died of a few strong men, and I am afraid that their strength will be devastated, but there are also people who stand up to turn the tide, and the purgatory clan has stabilized his position.

However, everyone knows not to mention Chu Qianye.

The entire formation was under Chu Qianye’s observation, who would dare to resist the slightest bit of resistance, so he didn’t propose it.

But Chu Qianye's eyes flickered at this moment.

You have to find a place to think about these four words.

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