Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1673: Face it?

"Do it!"

In an instant, the people below were finally angry.

Being besieged by people, no one can be happy. Although the blessing of this domineering time is not much, but it affects the ranking, it may be a few blocks of the opponent because of the blessing of the domineering in these few minutes.

In addition to this time point, it is already over half unknowingly. If they don't take any measures, they may be the ones eliminated.

Seeing those people fighting back, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a faint smile.

So far, the strategy seems to have worked. These people obviously want to resist. As long as these people fight against each other, it will help them divert a wave of attention. There are still 15 minutes of work, which is enough to attack the martial arts ladder. Bit up.

"Go, it's time to hit the martial arts ladder. It's the same strategy, don't be dissipated." Chu Qianye said.

Hearing the sound, both Ziyuan and Lin Yun looked awkward.

The power of horror swept out frantically, and then the three of them moved in unison and swept towards the martial arts ladder above, which was the position of the fifth ladder.

The three of them moved in unison, and quickly rushed to the position of the four-fold eighty ladder.

On the viewing stage, everyone looked at the trio who acted quietly, with a surprised expression on their faces. Obviously, they were amazed at the strategy of the trio of Chu Qianye. This kind of thought really escaped a big shot. Chase down.

However, it seems that other people are not so stupid. They seem to see the thoughts of Chu Qianye and the three of them, especially Lin Wanxue and Yue Chen. They looked up and saw that the three of them wanted to escape from them. , Raised his brows almost at the same time.

"Huh, really good calculation!" Yue Chen snorted softly, his eyes flickering.

Under a cold snort, he immediately waved his hand.

"Let's withdraw first." Yue Chen vomited lightly.

The rest of the people looked startled, they all showed doubts.

Not containment?

How did the strategy change?

"Resolve the three people on the edge first. The number of people here is too concentrated." Yue Chen said quickly.

Hearing the sound, everyone suddenly woke up, and then raised their heads one after another, looking in the direction where Chu Qianye was, only to see the three of Chu Qianye, who had already begun to climb the ladder before seeing them.

In contrast, the three of Chu Qianye are relatively dangerous because they are on the fringe, and there are not many people. In this way, they can completely contain these people and guarantee that they will not be consumed too much. Some people can also be eliminated first.

This strategy is really good.

No one else has any opinions on this,

Then, Yue Chen and Lin Wanxue, people from both forces looked towards the position of Chu Qianye and the three.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but show a sneer when he felt the malicious gazes cast by these people.

These people seemed to be planning to contain them, but Chu Qianye was naturally unwilling to have such a thing happen. He didn't want to expose his strength prematurely because of these people.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, but exposing his strength early does not mean that he is a soft persimmon to be manipulated. He just has reservations and chose a strategic avoidance. If the opponent has to rush to his face, Then don't blame him for being polite.

"Don't panic, continue rushing to the ladder. When the sixth martial arts ladder is reached, you can defend the rear formation." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "In this round, we will keep the ranking. Not much, just stay in the top four."

Ziyuan: "..."

Lin Yun: "..."

Wipe, what does it mean to surround the first four?

With so many candidates, it is very difficult to stay in the top four, okay, you can say so easily, but it is not so easy to do it.

The two were speechless for a while, but they didn't bring it up either, because after these things, they knew that there were some things, and they really couldn't draw conclusions too early, so as not to be slapped by the facts later.

The two didn't say anything, they just used their martial arts cultivation skills, and they swept toward a higher martial arts ladder, with a unified pace. Although it was not very fast, it was more stable.

Soon it reached the fifth stage.

Right in front, there were eight figures. The people who led the battle were the beast king Wankun and Long Feili. The candidates for the master of Cangming and the master of Zhenwu also followed behind.

These figures have already rushed to the seventh ladder at this moment.

However, the huge martial arts oppression made them have to stop, use their martial arts cultivation skills, and use their supernatural powers to resist the oppression of the martial arts aura from these crazy roars.

Everyone Betta looked at what happened before them in surprise.

The powerful breath of power oppressed and swept out wildly. Everyone felt this violent breath of power, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Especially Chu Qianye and others, who had just rushed to the fifth martial arts ladder, finally felt a huge pressure, sweeping in madly, and Chu Qianye also felt that the power of his blood was madly Running, contending with those martial arts power, finally felt that kind of oppression, let his bloodline power run wildly, and he finally felt the existence of the limit.

It seems that the power of one's own blood can at most make one rush to the five-fold martial arts ladder.

Feeling this violent power, Chu Qianye's heart flashed through several thoughts.

He knew very well in his heart that next he had to use other powers to contend with the oppression of these martial arts, otherwise, these violent and tyrannical forces would sweep across the sky, and he would feel unable to compete with them.

However, the most worrying issue at the moment is finally about to happen.

The guys Lin Wanxue and Yue Chen were trailing behind them, seemingly intending to chase them.

"Young Master Chu, what should I do?" Ziyuan frowned and asked as he looked at Lin Wanxue and Yue Chen who were chasing them.

Now the time has passed by one minute and one second, and the time for them is getting less and less. At most eight or nine minutes, they have to rush up. If they want to stabilize the top four, they have only now entered the fifth ladder. The position is definitely unstable. Those in the rear will soon catch up. This gap must be widened as soon as possible.

But they all understand that they want to leave the distance, and the other party wants to catch up with them.

"You don't need to rush," Chu Qianye said, standing on the position of the five-tier thirty-tier ladder, vomiting lightly.

Face it?

After the words were over, a clone flashed out, holding the war sword in his hand, looking calmly at Yue Chen, Lin Wanxue and others who rushed up from behind.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun's expressions were startled, and then they woke up in their hearts.

Did not dare to neglect, one after another offered their own profound soldiers.

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