Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1674: Start desperately

Seeing the violently plundered figure, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a sneer.

It seems that sometimes it is necessary to kill the chicken and the monkey.

He chose to avoid the battle, mainly because he didn't want to expose his strength prematurely. If the opponent fights like this and rushes to his face, then I'm sorry, how about exposing his strength?

Killing chickens and monkeys, although revealing their strength, can also have a deterrent effect, which will reduce a lot of trouble.

Of course, he didn't want to get there yet.

Therefore, he urged the power of the stars in his body to display his magical powers to hide his martial arts cultivation.

Now, you only need to do it yourself, as a warning, if the other party wants to rush to death, then I am sorry, you all have to die!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

At this time, the clone was holding a war sword tightly and looking at the figure rushing up, it was not at all polite.

The power of the stars in his body swept wildly from his body in an instant, the powerful breath of power raged wildly between the heaven and the earth, that kind of tyrannical power swept away wildly.

One man, one sword, never open it!

Chu Qianye's clone stood lightly in that area, blocking the front, condescendingly looking at the figure who was about to rush up.


You are not welcome at all!

The power in the body rushed out frantically, and swept out fiercely from the battle sword.

A sword, went straight to one of the figures.

The face of that person changed drastically. The combat power of Chu Qianye's sword was quite terrifying. He didn't have absolute confidence so he didn't dare to take Chu Qianye's sword.

His body dodged in other directions as fast as lightning, and suddenly the formation began to be washed away, Yue Chen's face couldn't help but sink.

Chu Qianye's sword was so powerful that the candidate didn't dare to take it at all, so he had to dodge, and because of the dodge, the formation was also dispersed.

Chu Qianye didn't care at all, the war sword he was holding tightly in his palm burst out with a bright light, and then the sword burst out with amazing killing power again, and it slashed towards one of them again.

The man sacrificed Xuan Bing, a machete of Jing Zhongyue. He raised his head and looked at the sword that Chu Qianye was cutting, finally showing a solemn look on his face.

Immediately, he roared, and the scimitar in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and suddenly slashed.


The swords collided fiercely, and the powerful force raged wildly between the heavens and the earth, and that figure, dealing with the impact of martial arts oppression, had to block the sword of Chu Qianye.

So, one can imagine how bad this situation is for him. In an instant, he was rushed out fiercely by this force. His figure fell down, and he stepped back two steps to the sky. Void stabilized his figure, desperately fighting the pressure of the martial art that swept out.

However, under the impact of this powerful force, one can imagine how dangerous his situation is, and his figure is trying to stabilize in mid-air.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

A sword slashed out again.

The sword qi whistling, swept out frantically.

Under the impact of martial arts, coupled with the power of sword aura, the superposition of the two powers quickly swept towards that figure.

The man raised his head with a surprised expression on his face. Obviously he did not expect Chu Qianye to let him go. The two swords before and after, one sword is more powerful than the other, and the sweeping and impact of this force is fundamental Few people have the confidence to stop it.

His expression changed slightly.

The scimitar in his palm didn't slow down much, and he slashed it out when he raised his hand.


The sword aura and the sword aura collided fiercely. A violent force raged wildly between the heavens and the earth. That amazing force knocked the man out and landed on the ladder behind. .

As soon as the sole of his foot landed, a huge force knocked him out and returned to the original place. On the stone pillar, a light flashed and a name appeared.

Judging from its position, it is surprisingly the fifth and fifty-sixth floor.

On the stone pillars, there are a total of nine layers, which symbolize different ladders. If you look closely, you can see that there are detailed ladders in each ladder.

That person's expression became quite ugly, he was eliminated by Chu Qianye!

Looking at where he was, his expression was extremely ugly. He didn't expect him to be defeated by Chu Qianye first. This shame for him was no different from hitting him in the face in public.

His face changed for a while, and his heart was very helpless.

It seems that he can't change the fact that he is eliminated now, only expecting someone to be lower than his ladder.

On the ladder of martial arts, those people also showed surprised expressions, especially Ziyuan and Lin Yun, they didn't expect that Chu Qianye would defeat a candidate of Yue Sheng with his clone.

But Yue Chen and Lin Wanxue's faces were very ugly.

As for the master of Yue Sheng, what he had in his eyes at this time was only anger and gloom, that kind of look made him want to swallow Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye's clone, holding the war sword tightly, looked at the figures indifferently, and vomited: "Dare to come, just let you lie down!"

Upon hearing the sound, the faces of Yue Chen and others became quite ugly.

"Asshole!" Yue Chen's expression was ugly, and he stared at Chu Qianye coldly.

There are still a few minutes left. If Chu Qianye fights hard, it is very likely that their ranking will be lowered, so he quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

Although the time limit for the blessing of the tyrant body is not long, it obviously can affect many rankings.

However, if he let him leave like this, he was really unwilling, and others would think he was afraid of Chu Qianye.

Thinking of this, Yue Chen couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"There is not much time limit for this round of Overlord Body, and you don't want to go up. Kill!" Yue Chen furiously said, and then a little on the sole of his foot, his figure rushed towards Chu Qianye, and a hand of silver was sacrificed in his palm. Mans covered spear.


As the body flickered, the spear burst out in vain with a dazzling light, and the powerful force swept out fiercely. Wherever the spear light touched, the void was shattered.

When the others saw this, they all sacrificed their own profound soldiers, with a touch of the sole of their feet, they rushed to Chu Qianye and the others.


The powerful martial arts force swept out frantically.

None of the warriors here are those who are waiting to be idle, and the battle is quickly kicked off by working hard this time.

The candidates in the distance looked past with understanding.

Seeing the desperate struggle of these two forces, he suddenly looked slightly startled, obviously he didn't expect to be desperate so soon.

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